Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy

Dont You Know I Am Who I Think I Am?

by reinventryden 0 reviews

Abby and Patrick have always loved eachother. Patrick leaves to go on tour but not without giving Abby a life changing experience. She makes the decision that will send her life into a drama filled...

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: R - Genres: Drama - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2008-12-07 - Updated: 2008-12-07 - 120 words

Title: Dont You Know I Am Who I Think I Am?
Author(s): Kendra(reinventryden) and Barbara(patricksgirl84)
Fandom: Fall Out Boy
Genre: Drama/Romance
Characters/Pairing(s): Patrick Stump. Pete and the guys play minor roles. Pete joins the drama later. There's also two more surprise apperances later
Disclaimer/Warning: I wont say who but there is slash in here. It's also got rape,sex, and drugs. You were warned. DONT OWN THE BANDS
Status:In Progress
Rated: R
Summary: Abby and Patrick have always loved eachother. Patrick leaves to go on tour but not without giving Abby a life changing experience. She makes the decision that will send her life into a drama filled experience possibly forever....
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