Categories > Celebrities > Simple Plan > How Could This Happen To Me?

Moving On

by basketball_is_life 0 reviews

PG-13 for language.

Category: Simple Plan - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Characters: Chuck Comeau,David Desrosiers,Jeff Stinco,Pierre Bouvier,Sebastien Lefebvre - Published: 2008-12-14 - Updated: 2008-12-15 - 1000 words

Chapter 6

“Oh hey…hang on…WHAT THE FUCK MAN?!?!” David yelled, clenching the door. I had never seen David so angry, or shocked, or serious. Pierre and I immediately broke apart once he had walked in, like a pair of 14 year olds making out with their parents walking in. Only difference was that we weren’t making out. And we weren’t in love. And it wasn’t our parents that walked in on us.

“Man, let me explain”- Pierre said, in almost as much shock as I was.

“WHY? To tell me that you were getting it on with the only girl that I’ve ever loved?!?!” He said, fuming. Then, realizing that I was still in the room, he shut up and started turning red for another reason.

“Dude you have got to shut up and let me talk sometimes you know that?” Pierre said, mood lightening.

“Erm…Yeah….I think I know that now…..” David blushed, scratching his head. “So…Want to tell me why I thought you were about to fuck each other?” David said, looking frustrated and confused.

“David…” I said, looking at his pain-struck eyes.

“There are two guys in this room right now, and I want to fuck only one of them. And let me give you a hint. It’s not Pierre. I didn’t come to your house because I needed somebody that was only a friend. Somebody that I loved, but not like you. My parents are getting divorced, and it’s just really…stupid. I came here to talk to Pierre, NOT to fuck him. I’m not an idiot.” I said, calmly and slowly. Then I realized what I just said.

David stared at me with wide eyes for what seemed like eternity. My blood froze in my body, and I didn’t know how he was going to react. After what seemed like a day, but was really only 60 seconds of pure silence, Pierre whistled, shoved his hands in his pockets, and said,

“I’m leaving this hole; you guys go do whatever you want to do here…just…clean the sheets.” He said, and walked out on us. David sat down on the bed beside me, and held his head in his hands.

I rested my head on his shoulders, and I felt him stiffen.

“So…” I began,

“You really like me?” David said, talking to the floor.

“Yeah, and you?”

“Reni, I love you.”

“Whoa…slow down there boy. I’ve only known you for two months! Don’t go all Titanic on me.” I said, surprised by what he said.

“Sorry…It’s just that I’ve always convinced myself that everybody other than the guys hate me. Including you.” He said softly.

“But I don’t hate you! I like you! A lot!” I said, wanting to win him over.

“Yeah, I heard. It’s just that, my parents got divorced too.” My mind tripped over those words, and we just stared at the floor for awhile. It was so quiet that I could hear a paperclip drop. Then David started talking again.

“You get over it someday, but it’s never the same. It’s like…this is cheesy, but it’s like a scar on your heart. It’s going to heal, but it will never be the same, will never be perfect. You’re going to be happy again, but when you’re not happy…It’s hell.”

Every one of his words stabbed my heart harder and harder. For somebody who appeared so clueless, so worry-free, I knew that those words were coming from the heart. The heart of a shattered, re-stitched, love-struck, heart.

“Yeah, I think I’ve know that. 30 minutes into a parent’s divorce, pretty hell-like already.” I sighed, and rested my head on David’s shoulders.

“30 minutes down, a lifetime of hell to go.” David said, smiling.

“It won’t be hell with you in it.” I said, moving my face closer and closer to his. He looked at me, the hesitated and turned away.

“Fuck, with me in it, it’s going to turn into a bigger hell than it already is.” David said, resting his hands in his head.

“No it isn’t!”

“Yeah it is!”


“Yes Reni. Yes. Believe me. I’ve made my parent’s life a living hell, I’ve made my sister’s life hell, I’ve my MY life hell, and if you let me, I’m about to make your life a hell.” He said, straightening his back and looking at me.

“If I let you?” I said, raising a mischievous eyebrow.

“You heard me. Haha, look at how selfish I am, making you go through all this shit for a moron like myself. Oh well, your loss, my gain.” He said, grinning.

“Haha! Well, let’s say that I let you make my life hell…” I said, smiling for the first time in quite awhile.

“Then I’d do this.” He said, and pressed his lips softly to mine.

I pulled back, in complete, utter, shock, and looked at him. He looked worried, like he had done something wrong, but then I laughed and kissed him again. I kissed him for as long as I could, as perfectly as I could, as innocently as I could.

Pierre walked in on our make-out session, and groaned, so David and I broke apart unwillingly, and smiled at him.

“Oh. Yeah. Great David. I hug her, and you think I’m about to fuck her, while you guys are making out, and you expect me to thing nothing of it? Mhmm. Glad to see how the world works out here.” He said, grabbing a CD and leaving.

We turned to each other, in total ecstasy, and started where we had left off.

[BTW; Just to let you know, when I said 'started where we had left off', no, they just kept on making out, no dirty stuff.]
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