Categories > Original > Fantasy > When I See You Smile, Tears Fall Down My Face


by fobXmcrXpatdX 0 reviews

I didn't know it, but I'd known Brandon a lot longer than I'd thought. I loved him, but loving him had its hazards. (Based off the song Your Guardian Angel by Red Jumpsuit Apparatus)

Category: Fantasy - Rating: PG - Genres:  - Published: 2008-12-15 - Updated: 2008-12-16 - 363 words


Before I begin, let me tell you, this story is not about me. In any way, it has almost nothing to do with me. It has to do with a boy who means the world to me. It has to do with a boy who has been a part of my life, longer than I know. It’s about Brandon.
Brandon knew me before I knew him. But I knew him before we met. It was a cold February day and my mind was racing as I imagined a group of teenagers on the adventure of a lifetime. One was named Alicia, after myself, another was named Brandon. There were others in the group I thought of, but none of them were as important as Brandon. I had come up with the name Brandon the week before, thinking of other stories for my mind to create. I had been toying around with a name for a boy. I had once been considering the name Eric, but that was the name of one of my friend’s boyfriend at the time, and the boyfriend of a character from a TV show I had liked (note, I used past tense). But Brandon hit my in the chest with a jolt. It was perfect.
So I began imagining all sorts of things in that story about Brandon, the other teens, and me. Eventually in the story, Brandon became the fictional Alicia’s boyfriend. For some reason, Brandon didn’t feel unreal to me. Sometimes while out of the house, I hoped to run into a boy named Brandon. I believed that maybe I’d find the real Brandon someday.
School came around and I kept on believing. My hope dwindled like a candle as time wore on, though, and soon I gave up. But this didn’t stop me from imagining. It wasn’t like having an imaginary friend, no, that was for lonely little kids. This was someone to think about.
Anyway, little did I know, I was about to discover that my imagination was right.

Some of the names are the same, but different than my other story. I'll post more soon.
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