Categories > Anime/Manga > Gundam Wing > Chronicles of a Carnival

005: From Wufei with Love:

by Hincaru 0 reviews

Category: Gundam Wing - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor - Characters: Duo,Heero,Quatre,Trowa,Wufei,Zechs - Published: 2008-12-15 - Updated: 2008-12-16 - 2311 words

005: From Wufei with Love:

"What did I do to deserve this?!" Wufei gripped the bars of his prison cage and shook them, obviously not doing much damage.
His cell mate was sitting behind him starring at him amused.

"What did you do to get in here?" his voice was deep and frightening. It sent a very helpless chill up Wufei's spine and he turned slowly.

What am I going to say? I can't fight this guy with martial arts, he will break me in half...

"I shot people in the carnival." He lied, that wasn't even what he was arrested for.

"I love the carnival!" the man replied. Wufei couldn't help but to stare in confusion. Such a large frightening man speaking of such childish things, and after he had said that he had shot people nonetheless.

But then Wufei got an idea, if the man is that much like a child...He whispered in the big guys ear.

"I know how to get you to that carnival..."

When a guard passed their cell he heard a rucass. When he looked over the man and Wufei were fighting.

"Hey! Cut that out!" why there was an Irish cop in a Japanese prison one will never know, but they didn't stop. Officer O'doil beat on the bars of the cage, and they still didn't stop.

"Did you hear me cons?!"


"IS THAT RIGHT?!" and with that the cop opened the cell and held his night stick up high, ready to beat the prisoners, but before he could do anything Wufei quickly spun around, kicking him in his stomach. He slammed the side of his hand down on a pressure point on the cop's neck, and O'doil fell to the ground. Wufei kicked him while he was on the ground.

"THAT is justice."

He ran to the desk, rummaged through and found his wallet and gun, he and the large convict ran out of the prison, running towards the carnival. The cops wouldn't look for escapee's in a place full of cops, it's simple logic.

Upon arrival Wufei slowed down, calming his heart from the run here. He looked around at the carnival, all lit up in the night. It was about 10:00 p.m. and sense everyone heard that the felon was caught the place was full of people. Everyone with their smiling faces and laughing children, it seemed to excite Gigantor. He pranced off to the cotton candy stand and looked at the it all, as happy has a child.

"Can I have some little Chinese guy, can I please?!"


Gigantor blinked at him, "What difference does it make? Can I have some or not." The lack of enthusiasm in his voice forced Wufei to pull his wallet from his pocket and buy it for him. He wanted to pull out his gun and just run home, but it wouldn't be a good idea to pull a gun out in this crowd.

Wufei pulled money out of his wallet and looked up at the carnie. He was hideous! Oh God, like a horror movie monster! "Whoa!...uhh..How mush is it?"

"Ten dollars." he replied and Wufei paid him. Gigantor took the large bag of cotton candy and pranced away, Wufei followed angrily behind him.

"Gigantor would you stop?! I didn't escape from prison so I could eat cotton candy with a felon!" Wufei needs to learn how to control his temper because this outburst made Gigantor turn and glare at him. And there was that helpless chill again. Wufei kept his mouth shut and silently cursed Duo for putting him where he was.

Happy again Gigantor lead Wufei through the crowd, people splitting like the red sea when such a large guy walked up to them.

"SPINNING TEA CUPS!" he said suddenly. He grabbed Wufei's arm and ran them both to the front of the line. Wufei paid the money and soon they were both sitting in a bright pink tea cup. Wufei was humiliated.

Gigantor waited, impatient like the children in the green cup next to theirs. He tore open the bag of cotton candy and began to shovel it in his mouth. After a moment he silently offered some to Wufei, who curled his nose.

"I don't think you should be eating like that before they put you on a ride like this, Gigantor." But he ignored Wufei's advice and the ride started turning.

"WHOOOOOOOOOO!!" Gigantor yelled as he grabbed the wheel in the middle of the tea cup and began spinning it with all of his might.

Wufei hadn't even eaten anything and he felt like he was going to be sick. The world spun around him so fast he couldn't tell what it was, lights and people, the sounds were even spinning. Wufei could feel himself sway and his face flush. He just prayed it would be over soon.

And after the ride was over Gigantor shoved another whole pound of cotton candy in his mouth.

"See Wutai I didn't get sick!"

Wufei on the other hand was leaning over a trash can throwing up everything he had in him.

" isn't Wutai." he was miserable.

"Ok Waka lets go!!" Gigantor grabbed Wufei and began dragging him around the carnival again.

Wufei just wanted to go home, he just wanted to sleep, and shoot Duo in his face, but that time wouldn't come for a while. Gigantor spotted his next stop. A huge roller coaster. Wufei thought about how sick the tea cups made him and thought he wouldn't be able to handle this one, but he didn't have much of a choice. Gigantor dragged him to the carnie and had him pay the money, and not long after that they were sitting in their seat getting ready to go. Gigantor strapped himself in and he tied the top of the bag of cotton candy and strapped it in too. The only problem, there was only two seat belts.

"What's the big idea, Gigantor?" Wufei asked, trying to keep his temper down.

Gigantor laughed, thinking he was making a joke, 'what's the big idea Gigantor', get it? Before Wufei could correct himself the roller coaster took off. 0 to 60 in 3.5 seconds. He held on tight to the bar in front of him, but he knew that wouldn't be enough when they got to the loops and turns. He held on tight and closed his eyes.

I fought in wars with Gundams, risked my life in space. So many honorable ways to die, and I am going to die an escaped convict on a roller coaster with a crazy felon...what did I do so wrong God?

And there was the first turn. Wufei's small frame was slammed against the side of the car, and then against the cotton candy and Gigantor, he almost flipped over the bars, and then his back was slammed against the back of the car. He opened his eyes, thinking that the ride couldn't be much longer, it was just a carnival ride, but he was sadly mistaken. They slowly crept up the largest hill he had ever seen, and on the way up he was a billboard.

"This year's Carnival has the BONE CRUSHER, the largest, longest, fastest roller coaster aloud in a Carnival."

Wufei all but cried at this thought.

I'm going to die...there is no escaping it. Duo planned this from the beginning just to kill me off. Five main characters were to much, he just wanted the publicity.

He ignored the sound of the crumbling fourth wall, and stared over at Gigantor, who looked very pleased.

I bet he paid this guy off...damnit ass hole...

They were at the top of the hill now. Wufei looked down at what lied ahead of him. A two story drop, four loops, one cork screw, a tight turn, one more loop, and then it was over.

"I'm dead."

The cars took off, everyone screaming in their frightened enjoyment, everyone except for Wufei. He just screamed because he was frightened. He had to use all of his strength to push himself against the back of the car so he wouldn't fly out. His bottom was lifted off of the seat and he held on tight to the bar, but then he was slammed back down when they hit the bottom of the hill and it took off into a short straight away and then into a huge loop. Luckily they were going fast enough to keep him in his seat, until that fourth loop. The tallest loop. He could see the whole city from there, but as they got to the very top of the loop and they were turned upside down, it slowed. Everyone else was protected by their over the shoulder protections, but Wufei only had the bar. He flipped over and was hanging from the car, his feet kicking, some people were frightened for him, most didn't pay attention, and Gigantor laughed at him. Wufei held on for dear life, and as loud as he could he yelled.


(At this same moment)

"Ow!" Duo put his hand over his right ear and looked around, "Someone is talking bad about me.."

Trowa was sitting by the window, and he pointed out it. "Look, another crazy person is trying to kill themselves."

Everyone gathered around the window and stared at the man hanging from the roller coaster.

"Why are there so many people becoming suicidal in this city?" Heero questioned.

Duo looked around, with shifty eyes. He still hadn't told them the truth about what he had done earlier that day while they were gone.

Quatre shook his head, worried about the silhouette. "I hope he is OK.."

(back to Wufei)


As the ride clicked and started to move faster, slowly Wufei's fingers lost their grip on the bar, and he began to fall. He closed his eyes again, waiting to feel the ground below him, but he hit mush sooner then he thought, and it knocked the breath out of him. Slowly he opened his eyes and he realized that he was sill moving, he had fallen in the lap of Gigantor in the car, which had circled on the loop. Wufei sent his silent thanks to God, and then his head was slammed on the side on the side of the car as the ride went into the cork screw at sixty miles per hour. He closed his eyes and held on tight to Gigantor and went to a happy place until the ride was over.

When the ride stopped Gigantor stood and picked up his cotton candy. Wufei was clinging to Gigantor so hard that he was still hanging from him when he stood. Gigantor ignored him and opened his candy again, shoveling the fluff into his mouth, and then peeling Wufei from his side and placed him on the ground.

"Come on, get up Wasabi!!"

"That isn't my name."

Gigantor dragged Wufei to the same water gun game Duo had been at earlier, it was completely full.

"I wanna play!" Gigantor complained like a little kid. "I wanna play right now!!"

"It's full Gigantor, you'll have to wait."

Gigantor pouted for a moment, but they he saw the handle of Wufei's gun and pulled it from his pocket.

"Hey, you have one!" He aimed at a target.

"NO! Gigantor don't!!" but he was to late, he shot and knocked the target off of it's stand, Gigantor was shocked and dropped the gun. Everyone scattered, everyone was screaming, and this was Wufei's one chance to get away. He grabbed his gun and joined the crowd in running away.

He ran through the large entrance and didn't stop until he got to the house. He wiggled the door handle, it was opened. His back hurt terribly...his arms were bruised from Gigantor grabbing him, his eyes were blackened from landing in the car on the roller coaster, he was still sick to his stomach from the tea cups, and his ankle was twisted from running away from the carnival. He limped his way into the house and shut the door quietly behind him. Everyone was asleep now. He limped slowly into Duo's room. He was gnawing on his Death Scythe doll...just looking at him made Wufei mad. Slowly he lifted his gun and pointed it at Duo's forehead.

He took a deep breath and pulled the trigger.

Water sprayed out. It was a water gun...He had taken a friggin' water gun from the carnival.

Wufei's arm dropped to his side, and he let go of the gun, completely defeated. His legs hurt, his back hurt, his head hurt, his hands hurt, his stomach hurt, he couldn't think of a part of him that didn't hurt. He wouldn't make it to his room, but he was so tired. Slowly He sat on Duo's bed. Debating if he was really going to humiliate himself this much.

And then he laid down next to Duo, whom he hated right now. He yanked the pillow out from under his hand, covered in his 'Gundam Seed' blanket and turned his back on him. He closed his eyes and went back to his happy place.

His last thought was 'I'm going to kill...who ever wrote this story...' and he fell asleep to the sound of the fourth wall falling.

Am I the only one person who isn't frightend by Wufei's empty threats? XD
Moral of THIS story:

NEVER leave Duo alone! (can't stress that enough)

Do not go to carnivals with run away convicts

Always grab the right gun.

And the only reason you should ever see a tea cup is if you are drinking tea

(and always blame your chinese friend XD)
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