Categories > Anime/Manga > Dragon Ball Z > A DbZ YaOi [For lack of a better name]

ChApTeR 1

by Cpt_Frozen_Hotdog 0 reviews

The kidnapping of Goten occurs.

Category: Dragon Ball Z - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst, Romance - Characters: Goten, Other - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2006-03-16 - Updated: 2006-03-16 - 676 words

A dBz YaOi

I do not in any way, shape, or form, own Dragon Ball Z or any of the characters. Except for the Cell-progeny thing o.0

ChApTeR 1--

Blue light erupted from the center of two palms. The eldest of Son Goku's children side-stepped and countered with his own Kamhameha. Goten took full force of the blast, though it was weakened for training purposes. The youth flew backwards and landed on his back. He dusted a thin layer off dirt off his skin, and flew back into the fray. "Too slow, Goten!" Gohan shouted as he dodged a haymaker.
"We'll see," The other retorted with a kick.
Their sparring match continued until they sensed a large power level flare north-east of them. It was their father, calling them for dinner. The boys' mouths watered at the thought of Chi Chi's delicious meals. His stomack fluttering in anticipation, Gohan hovered above the ground. He jerked his head towards home, as if ordering his brother to hurrty. Goten shook his head. "I have to pick something up in West City. Tell Mom I'll be back for breakfast."
His sibling raised an eyebrow. "Something? Not that hussy you've been talking about-"
"No..." He averted his eyes. "It's not like that..."
Gohan turned his back and ascended a few meters. "Whatever. You're gonna get grounded, not me."
Shrugging slightly, he boosted towards the house. Goten watched the fading figure with a crafty smile. He was going to see Palace. His mind raced through the explicit images of their last meeting. Just as he prepared to take off, a hand clamped onto his face. His ebony eyes widened in fear. He trembled as another hand grasped his wrist. Forearm was probably more appropriate for the size of the hands. He was unable to call up a ki blast because of the hand covering his face, and the hold of the stranger denied him the leverage needed to fight back.
A cry of pain was muffled as the stranger broke his arm. Liquid trickled down his skin; the bone had pierced through. In an act of desperation, Goten whipped his body furiously at his attacker, but met air. Darkness seeped into his vision. The lack of oxygen was devastating. He slumped forward, but was caught by the stranger. His mind was only on Palace. How was he going to meet her...?
( * )

The Legendary Saiyan landed gracefully for one his size. His cold glare met with the blank gaze of the one who had stolen his prey. "Give me the boy and your death will be swift." He stated gruffly.
It spat at his feet and made a rude gesture with its over-large, free hand. Broly's leer narrowed. He had no time for suck trivialities. The odd humanoid hissed. Its long red curls bounced on top of its blue-green head. Its pinkish-red eyes were blank, and seemed to absorb, rather than reflect light. Black spots dotted its entire body and lime-green armor seemed to meld with its skin. This also was covered in spots. He would have guessed that it was female, but its chest held no answers. "Take one more step and I will absorb the child!"
"Who are you to command me?" He sneered. Unbeknowst to the creature, he was preparing an Atomic Blast.
"I am the progeny of Cell by--" Broly tuned out the words of nonsense with a flurry of Kakarot's name.
With a massive sigh, he shoved his hand into the odd creature's mouth and fired a blast of green ki. He took particular satisfaction at the blood and bone that sprayed on the rocky cliff as a result. He lifted Goten's body over a broad shoulder. Deftly using a piece of the creature's skull, he wrote a message to Kakarot in blood. The boulder he used as a medium shimmered in the setting sunlight. The message demanded that Kakarot ransome his body for his son's. He smiled wickedly at the boulder, then took to the skies. He would enjoy torturing the boy until Kakarot's reply.

--EnD cHaPtEr 1
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