Categories > Original > Humor > The secret diaries of Goldfish boy

The joys of very short shorts

by hakomakura 0 reviews

Goldfish boy makes a fashion decition that is deady

Category: Humor - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor - Published: 2006-03-16 - Updated: 2006-03-17 - 102 words

Februrary, 19, 2006
Today I slamed a small girl into the bleachers in an atemp to keep her of first base. There was no bloodshed but i enjoyed the bonecracking sound effects.

Feburary, 25, 2006
The small boys were meager today but i found a way to pin a one down and cop a feel.

March, 5, 2006
Today i decided that i needed some air, so i pulled my shorts up almost past some of the girls in my gym class. I think i may have fritened the girls behind me and phycologically damaged some of the boys. I guess my generation has a problem with "mangina."
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