Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance

Bah Humbug

by michelle_ellee12 2 reviews

just a little fluffy frerard christmas story(: hehe.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2008-12-20 - Updated: 2008-12-21 - 1994 words - Complete

Kay, so... heyy everybody!
so i'm about to die of boredom over here, i've been wrapping christmas presents all day with my cousin and grandma. and we're still not done. But we're taking a break from wrapping right now, and my two cousins are getting drunk on the couch behind me(: plus, this idea just now came to me. So, yeah... read, reveiw, and HAPPY HOLIDAYS!

I sat in my chair, twitching with anxiety. I wanted to call Frank, but I didn't want to seem clingy. I mean, 15 calls is more than enough, right?
Mikey looked up from the book he was reading and stared at me. "Dude, just call him if you want to that bad."
I tapped my fingers on my kneepcaps. Mikey just sat there and watched, waiting for me to crack. Finally, he got up ad pulled out the box from the closet. He heaved it over to the christmas tree, propping it down next to it. "At least help me put up the ornaments, we're not finished." He opened the box and took out and hung up an ornament on our tree. I finally groaned and picked up the phone, dialing Frank's number. It rang three times before I just hung up. I think he was just about to answer, too.
"Dude, you're fucking losing it." Mikey said, pushing his glasses against his nose. "Help me put up these ornaments."
"The tree is already filled up with them, Mikes." I said. 'Cause it was. It wasn't even a tree anymore. It was more like an Ornament Shoppe. I knew that he was just trying to get me motivated to do something other than be pressed over Frank. But, seriously, what's Christmas if you don't have your boyfriend with you to celebrate? I just sat and stared out the window. Still no snow. I mean, it's freaking cold enough, why doesn't it just come already? Call me geeky, but I want to make a snowman this year, Frank or no Frank.
Gahh, come home already!! I thought. As if he read my mind, Mikey replied, "He said he'd be home for Christmas, Gee."
"Yeah, Christmas Eve is tomorrow." I said matter-of-factly. "And he's all the way in West Virgnia, where it's snowing like crazy. He's probably not gonna be able to drive, or something. It probably wont happen." Mikey sighed at my pessimism. Why did his grandma have to live so fucking far away?! Geez. Spending the holiday's with family is so overrated.
I'd finally had enough. For the sixteenth time, I picked up the phone and furiously dialed his number. Fuck clingy.
He picked up on the third ring. "Gee?" he sighed.
"Hey, Frankie. Whaddya doing?"
"What i've been doing for the past hour and a half, Gee," he replied, chuckling. "Unwrapping presents. Dude, my grandma got me that Misfit's cassette I wanted, isn't that fucking awesome?!"
"Yeah," I said smugly. "And it'll be even more awesome when you come home, so I can give you my present."
Frank sighed. "Gee, i'll be home. Tomorrow night, I promise."
"Frankie..." I pleaded. "Can't you ditch and drive home now?"
Frank chuckled again. I love his chuckle. It made me want to see him all the more.
Fuck, i think I am getting a little bit clingy...
"Gee, you know I can't do that. Mom's got the car keys on lockdown. It's like, she figured I'd try, or something." I laughed. "I miss you," he said.
"Well, I don't miss you." I said sarcastically.
"Okay, well then why have you been calling me for the past 45 minutes?"
DAMNIT! I need to unplug this house phone.
"I want you home for Christmas," I admitted.
"And I will be. And I'll have a surprise for you..." Frank said reassuringly. I heard someone in the background call his name. "Gotta go," He said. "Love you. I'll see you soon."
Then he hung up.
Well, if I can't have him now, I might as well sleep 'till I can.
"G'night, Mikes." I said, heading downstairs to my bedroom, hoping that Frank would soon be joining me.

Christmas Eve Day...
I woke up at two-thirty in the afternoon. Frank wasn't home yet. I staggered up the stairs to the kitchen and made myself some coffee. Hell, it's never too early or too late for coffee. Mikey was already wide awake. "Hey, dude, you gotta get ready for the Christmas party tonight." he said, sipping his own coffee. I poured the black liquid into my coffee mug and joined him at the kitchen table. "Fuck," I said, finally awake enough to realize what he was talking about. See, my mom's company has a Christmas party every year. Well, my mom, being the big soft-hearted lugg that she is, offered to have the party at our house this year. It started at 5 and went on till, like, midnight. "I totally forgot." I looked at the clock, it was already three.
Yes, it takes me a half hour to get up, sue me.
"And you let me sleep this long?!" I screamed at Mikey, running upstairs faster than Jacob Black from that book. Twilight, is it? Well, yeah, I ran faster than him. 'Cause i'm slick like that.

6:30 PM, Donna Way's Christmas Party.
Frank still isn't home. So I took out all my anxiety on the threehundredandone cookies on my plate. I eat when I'm stressed. Or drink, but I can't do that publicly. At least not in front of mom's company. We wouldn't want a repeat of last year. And right now, I was waaaayyy stressed. When exactly was Frank getting home?
I mingled and ate for he rest of the night, thinking of nothing but Frank, and what he could be doing. Coming home, hopefully. I was just in the middle of an interesting conversation with my mom's receptionist when my phone rang. I excused myself and opened my phone, placing it to my ear.
"Hey, Gee."
"FRANK!" I said excitedly. "Where are you? Are you home?"
"Well, that's what I called to tell you..." Frank said. "Um... it's really cold here, so the roads are covered in ice, and it's supposed to get worse as the week goes on. It's just too dangerous to drive right now. I probably won't be able to drive back out 'till at least New Year's. I'm sorry, Gee. I won't be home for Christmas."
My heart dropped.
Not home for christmas?!
"Umm... okay," I said, my throat dry. "I guess I'll see you on New Years."
"Yeah," Frank said."I'm really sorry, Gee. I wish I could see you..."
"It's okay."
"But.. are you okay?"
Well, let's think about that. NO!
"Yeah, i'm fine. Bye, Frank." This time I was the first to hang up.
"That was Frank?" Mikey said excitedly. "What'd he say?"
"He won't be home for Christmas." I said, sheepishly walking back downstairs to my bedroom, sleeping the rest of the night away. But not before grabbing another plate of fresh from the oven cookies.

Christmas Day.
I didn't feel like getting out of bed on Christmas. Christmas sucked knowing Frank wasn't here to celebrate. But, alas, I finally got tired of Mikey jumping on my bed, getting me to wake up.
I swear, the way Mikey acts sometimes makes me think that he might've been abducted and corrupted by five-year-olds. He should stop babysiting kids under thirty.
I trudged groggily upstairs, where my mom and dad were already unwrapping. Mom came up to me and kissed my forehead. "Merry Christmas, sweetie." She said. "Now, come, there's presents to unwrap." She ushered me to under the tree, handing me a card. There was no signature or anything, it was completely anonymous. I opened it. The note read;
I am really sorry I couldn't be there for Christmas. I really miss you. But that doesn't mean you don't get your surprise. It's down in the old clubhouse. Go there now.
Merry Christas, and I love you.

I raised one eyebrow, feeling hot breath on my shoulder. "Mikey, stop reading over my back," I said instinctivley.
"Go get your present," Mikey said, "and i'll never do it again." I sighed. I didn't want a present.
I wanted Frank.
I sighted again and threw on my jacket, heading out into the brisk cold morning.

I walked in the woods for a mile, finally coming upon a bunch of cardboard boxes, all set up to look like a house.. Geez, I was suprised they were still there. I haven't been here since 8th grade. This clubhouse was where me and Frank had our fisrt kiss. As cliche as that sounds, this place has a lot of memories packed into these three stacked boxes.
I crouched and crawled into the cardboard box house. Sure enough, there was a card lain on the dirt floor. I opened it, it was another note. It read;
Come outside. You'll get your surprise then.
What the fuck is this? Some kind of sick, twisted joke? Did Mikey set this up?
Talk about Bah Humbug.
I crawled out of the clubhouse and looked around. The clearing was empty. I turned around. Nothing. I sighed and stared down at the card in my hands. I just stared at it, missing Frank more and more. Then I felt two firm hands cover my eyes.
"What the fuck?" I screamed, ripping the hands off my eyes. As I did so, I caught a glimpse of the stranger's knuckles; HALLOWEEN was tattooed on them. I smiled widely, turning around and facing my surprise.
I screamed like a five year old on Christmas. Hah, ironic, huh?
"Frankie! But.. How did you- when-"
I was cut off by Frank's lips meeting mine. "Merry Christmas, Gerard." He said when we broke apart. "And surprise!"
"But... I thought you were stuck in West Virgina!"
"No, I lied," he admitted. "I wanted to surprise you..." he smiled that cheeky smile I knew so well. And, boy, was I surprised!
"Mikey and your mom and dad were in on it, too..." He said, giggling.
"... HEY! Geez, leave me outta the loop, why dont'cha?!" I laughed too. I took his gloved hand in my bare one and said, "So... you were home since last night? When you called?"
"I'd just gotten home when I called you." he said.
"... You little bitch."
"But i'm you're little bitch," he spat back. "And i'm here, with you now, so let's make the most of it." I smiled and used my free hand to stroke his cheek. "Merry Christmas, Frankie..." I said. Then we kissed again, more passionately then before. I rolled my toungue over his lips. He granted my entrance. I broke the kiss suddenly, when I felt something cold and wet hit the top of my head. I looked up and saw that the sky had turned gray, and there was little white stuff falling from it.
It was starting to snow!
Frank looked back at me. "So," he began. "Where's my present? I hope it's not just you." I just chuckled and leaned my head back, catching falling snowflakes on my tongue.
"Hey," Frank said cheekily. "Stop giving the snowflakes all the attention." He grabbed my face and rather ungracefully pressed it to his. I smiled into the kiss, pulling him closer to me, if possible. Then I giggled and we broke apart. I took his hand and said, "C'mon. It's cold. Besides, you wanted your present, didn't you?"
Frank thought it over for a moment. "Ehh, i'll live without it." he said.
"I know," I said huskily. "But your present's in my bedroom..." I trialed off and he knew what I meant.
"Oooh, aren't we horny?" He joked, and we linked arms and walked together back to my house.
All I really wanted for Christmas was Frank.
and Now I have him.
Did I mention how much Christmas does not suck?
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