Categories > Original > Poetry

The Jungle Is A Wild Place

by James_E_Clerk 0 reviews

This is a longer narrative poem about how a cat sees the world in its everyday life

Category: Poetry - Rating: G - Genres: Sci-fi - Published: 2009-01-01 - Updated: 2009-01-01 - 458 words - Complete

The jungle is a wild place, and a crazy one to live in. Yet, I do it anyway, in order to please your highness, the Great One.

I'm sleeping here now. I am at rest. I hear you waking from your slumber. I jump up and look for threats, always on the look out for the Great One. Always on the look.

You enter into a dark abyss, and I wait for you. Another noise! So close! I listen for it again. Whew! It's just your friend. She has quite a pretty face, but she shouldn't hide it the way she does. A new smell enters a very familiar room.

You return, Great One. Suddenly, there is a noise like a dozen melodic voices humming in unison. It stops. You look at me and make a loud, calming hum. You give me a close touch, like the gentle brush of a bird's wings. I rub, you rub more. There is such comfort in that feeling.

Your nice friend is back. One final hum, and you are gone. I trot ahead, down the great mountain. The air is clear. I call for you to follow, and you come.

New smells are in the way of yours, Great One. There are some that see, but I'm not one. Instead, I smell. Now, forget about me until you have eaten your fill, for if you do not, there will be an empty place in your beastly heart, oh Great One.

Now you finally see! I hear a roar, and then I ready myself to eat. New pray I seek. I get a gentle stroke, and then you leave.

My heart grows green with envy, more and more, at everyone you see. I wait. Oh, how I wait! How I wait for the Great One to return.

So long! So long! Is today the day you forget? Will I never feel your touch again? Is this the end? How did I fail you? What did I do? Is this my fate? Have I truly failed you, oh Great One? Am I lost?

Ultimately, I decide to sleep an eternal sleep, never again to wake. The daylight will become a foreigner to my thought. However, all was not gone. I hear a squeak, like that of a mouse. Could it be? Energized by my curiosity, I awake.

The Great One has returned! At last, coming to take me away! Your love is steadfast, as is my own. Time for me to let myself go to you, your highness. Time for me to be yours.

The jungle is a wild place, and a crazy one to live in. But, you make it all worth the while, Great One. You make the jungle a paradise.
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