Categories > Anime/Manga > Naruto > Of Wolves And Roses

Chapter Eight

by siyo 0 reviews

I'm way behind on this site.

Category: Naruto - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Fantasy,Romance - Characters: Gaara,Kazekage - Published: 2009-01-03 - Updated: 2009-01-03 - 2291 words

Of Wolves and Roses:

Chapter 8: Arrival and Delivery. Are we monsters?

Yahiko, Senra, and Taki walked up to the gates of Suna. With a sigh Senra shrugged and slammed his fist into the gate, causing it to emit a resounding boom. There was a few minutes before anything happened, then there was a voice calling out from the ramparts. “Let them in! They’re here on a mission!” A guard yelled at the top off his lungs.

Taki shook his head with a sigh. “You know, some how I really doubt that guy’s a ninja.”

Senra smiled at the joke and Yahiko giggled but the guards didn’t hear the witty comment. As the guards opened the gate one of them started to sneeze but held it in. Yahiko frowned at him and shook her head. “Ya know, if you hold in a sneeze you can rupture a blood vessel in your head or neck and die. I’m not kidding.” Yahiko said as she turned to catch up to Senra and Taki. As she walked away the guard was trying desperately to sneeze.

Senra sighed as she walked up whistling as though she was an innocent bystander. “Yahiko…”

“What?” Yahiko asked in almost a sing-song voice.

“Didn’t I tell you not to make up medical stuff to scare people?” Senra asked as he shook his head.

“…But I didn’t make it up…” Yahiko said as she assumed the cute ‘please forgive me/puppy dog’ look.

Senra shrugged and lightly punched Taki’s shoulder. “Whatever. Hey, Taki, where’s the Kazekage’s office? Don’t you have the map?”

Taki turned holding a piece of paper with a hole in it. “The hole is where Suna is supposed to be. Why don’t you ask a local?” Taki said with a shrug.

Senra glared at Taki for a minute and sighed. “Alright. You guys meet me at the hotel. This is a ninja village so there’s bound to be only a couple of them. Taki, I want you to leave a message for the man at the front desk. Tell him to give your room number to anyone who asks for team 4. Think you can handle that, Taki?” Senra said as a hint of a smile touched his lips when he said the last part.

Taki looked up from his map and tilted his head. “Handle what?”

Senra stared at him for a moment then shook his head. “Un-fucking-believable… Yahiko? Can you do that for me?”

Yahiko smiled at Senra as she tried to suppress a laugh. “Yeah, I can do that.”

Senra walked away shaking his head. “Idiot…” He mumbled as he rounded a corner. As Senra walked down the street he noticed a strange lack of people on that particular part of the street he was on. He looked around but didn’t notice anything odd. However, he did notice a redheaded ninja standing outside of a shop. Senra walked up to the Suna-nin and waved. “Hey. I’m looking for the Kazekage’s office, where can I find it? I’m here on a mission from Konoha.”

The redhead looked up at Senra and glared. “So, you’re one of them too… so be it.” He said as he raised a hand. Senra jumped back as the ninja closed his hand and brought a massive amount of sand flying at the spot where Senra had been standing a moment earlier. Senra drew his sword and felt a demonic energy both in his palm, as usual, and one about five feet in front of him. They both stopped and looked at each other. “Are you like me? A monster?”

“Are we monsters? I’ve never looked at it like that. But, I guess… all ninja’s are. We’re just a bit different.” Senra said as he sheathed his sword and the other ninja put the sand he had thrown at Senra back in his gourd without moving a hand. “A ninja is what?”

“A weapon…” The Suna resident replied, wondering where Senra was going with this.

“And a weapons purpose is to take life right? And ‘monsters’ are people who take lives, so could it not be said that we’re all monsters, we as in all ninjas? Sure, you and I have far more blood on our hands but we are merely more effective monsters than the others.” Senra said rubbing his chin. “So, in answer to your question, yeah we’re monsters.” Senra said as he put his sword back into his belt. ‘But not even we are as bad as Sanshimora…’

The ninja nodded slowly, thinking on what Senra had said. “The Kazekage, my father… he ordered me dead. I thought you… my name is Gaara.”

“I’m Senra, Senra Yuiy.” Senra said holding out his hand for a hand shake. When Gaara didn’t do anything, Senra put his hand in his pocket. ‘Well!? Aren’t you going to introduce me!?’Rage’s voice rang out in Senra’s head. “Shut up Rage, I’m in the middle of something.” Senra muttered, causing Gaara to look at him confusedly.

“Who were you talking to?” Gaara asked.

“Rage, he’s my inner dragon.” Senra said as he looked around.

Gaara looked at him in a calculating gaze. “…Inner… dragon?”

“Yeah. He’s what makes me a monster.” Senra said with his dragon’s eye still present in his left eye. In that eye he saw Shukaku laughing.

‘This little bug just calls to be crushed! Prove your own existence Gaara!’ The one tailed demon laughed.

Senra smiled as he watched Gaara. “Ah, so that’s what makes you a monster? He’s an annoying little bastard. Little bug, eh? Well, every living being with me right now is a match for you in combat, raccoon, even if I’m not.” Senra laughed in that cold, ‘I’ll kill you’ way he has whenever he gets serious.

Shukaku looked surprised and he gave Senra a calculating gaze. Then suddenly its eyes widened. ‘You… You’ve got Seiichi in that sword! The very demon who challenged all 9 of us tailed beasts! You must be incredibly strong… Watch yourself Gaara. This guy is the real monster here.’

Senra turned his head slightly so that the right half of his face was hidden in shadow and his left eye was in clear view. “Mind your manners demon, Gaara and I are having a conversation, so shut up.” Senra turned his head back as he grinned mirthlessly at Gaara. “Well, if you’ll point me in the direction of the Kazekage’s mansion, I’ll be off.”

Gaara nodded, the surprise he felt was hidden deep down. Away from those around him. “Down the road, second left, that street will take you right to the front door. I look forward to talking to you again sometime, Senra Yuiy.” Gaara said as Senra walked off pushing his hair in front of his left eye.

“Sure, this isn’t the end of our acquaintanceship just yet. We’ll speak again, I’m sure of it.” Senra said waving over his shoulder and shifting his sword in its place, thrust through his belt.

‘He… He didn’t fear me… he didn’t even fear Shukaku, and he could see him… Who are you, Senra Yuiy? And why do I feel so tense around you?’ Gaara thought to himself. As he watched the ‘Monster’ Senra walk away.

Senra sighed as he rounded the corner and saw the Kazekage’s office. ‘The dragon’s eye sure does make you tired fast…’ He thought to himself. Senra wanted nothing more than to lie down and take a good, long nap, but he knew he should deliver the package first. He couldn’t get Taki to do it. He was a bumbling moron whenever he got excited. And Yahiko, well Yahiko had her own problems right now. Namely, Taki.

He walked up to the front door and knocked. When he got no answer he kicked the door open and walked in. Unfortunately, as he did so an anbu ninja lowered his sword to be level with Senra’s neck. Senra glared at him. “Maybe if you answered the door sooner I wouldn’t have had to do that. Now move, I’ve got a package from the Hokage to the Kazekage.” Senra said pushing the sword down and walking down the hall, to the Kazekage’s room.

As he walked through the ornate door he had an immediate sense of dread. As he rounded a corner he saw a dead body that appeared to have been crushed by a tremendous amount of pressure. Senra walked up to the body and checked it. There was sand stuck to the dried blood on every side of the body. ‘This confirms it.’ Senra thought as he straightened and dusted off his jeans.

Senra turned and walked through another pair of large, ornate, oak doors. He nodded to the Kazekage as he walked in. “Hey, I’m from Konoha. I was sent with this.” Senra said as he tossed the package onto the Kazekage’s desk.

The Kazekage nodded from behind the paper work he had in his hands. “So, you must be Sanshimora. Thank you.”

“I’m not Sanshimora. He’s a murderous, treacherous worm who is completely undeserving of any form of mercy.” Senra said glaring at the Kazekage. If looks could kill, Suna would need a new Kazekage.

“Ah, so then you must be Senra Yuiy. By the way… what took you? You kicked the door down two minutes ago but you only just got here, it’s not that far of a walk.” The Kazekage said setting down his work and looking at Senra over his interlocked fingers.

Senra shrugged and pointed behind him with his thumb. “I was just taking a look at Gaara’s handy work.” He said as he slid his other hand into his pocket.

“How did you know it was Gaara?” The Kazekage started.

“I met him, he gave me directions. He also told me you ordered him dead. That’s why, incase you didn’t notice, I haven’t once referred to you as ‘sama’ and I didn’t bow on my way in.” Senra glared at the Kazekage. “You’re making a mistake. Family is a sacred thing, no matter who you are. Those who disobey the rules, they are scum, but those who disregard their team mates and their families… they are the trash that the scum eats.”

“…You speak your mind. I like that.” The Kazekage said with a heartless smile.

Senra walked up to the desk and smiled that ‘I’ll kill you’ smile again. “I was holding back. I was holding A LOT back.” He said with venom in his voice.

“I trust that you are done here? Good. Leave, I’m tired of your attitude.” The Kazekage said with a wave of his hand.

“Heh, you think this is an attitude? You should see the way I treat my sensei.” Senra said laughing menacingly as he left.

“Wait… he knew that was Gaara’s work and not some one else’s… he must have survived an attack from Gaara… What a kid…” The Kazekage muttered to himself as he watched Senra leave.

Senra walked around for another hour before he found his team’s hotel room. Senra learned from the young woman behind the counter that he and Yahiko were sharing a room since, in Yahiko’s own words, Taki’s snoring was enough to keep a deaf man awake. Senra chuckled as he rounded the corner to the hall where his room was. Without knocking he opened the door and walked in on Yahiko as she dropped her towel to get dressed after her shower. She made a loud squeaking noise and turned bright red. Senra just staggered forward and mumbled with the last of his strength, “Yahiko… I’m gunna… pass… out…”

Senra fell and about 2 seconds before he could hit the floor Yahiko caught him and fell on her butt with Senra resting in her lap. She looked surprised for a second but then she smiled and stroked Senra’s hair out of his eyes. “I love you Senra, and I’ll always be here for you…” She kissed his lips gently and lifted him onto the bed so she could get dressed.

A few minutes later she pulled the blankets back on her bed so she could go to sleep. But as she slid into the sheets she heard a soft sobbing sound and she saw Senra tossing and turning. She sighed and smiled at him as she moved to comfort him. “Shh, I’m here. Just calm down… I’ve got you. It’s alright, Senra.” She said softly as she held his head to her chest, her eyes closed. She stayed like that ‘till Senra stopped moving and groaning. Then, only minutes after she turned off the bedside lamp, she fell asleep with Senra’s head lying in her lap.

/Chapter End.

A/N: Sorry this took so long, I’ve recently begun to review a fellow author’s story. (No offence, but she needed it.) And as you can probably see in the way I wrote the end of this, I learned from the way she writes. ((She wrote a Gaara X Hinata fan fiction. It was GREAT, although the grammar looked like it had been hunting with Dick Chaney. Heheh, I make a funny.)) The next chapter will be awkward for Senra, don’t you think? Evil author’s grin. (Reminder: Yahiko’s idea of pajamas a shirt and panties.)

(days since sleep – 8)
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