Categories > Anime/Manga > Naruto > Of Wolves And Roses

Chapter 14 -

by siyo 0 reviews

Itachi and Senra fight. Shenyo's brother comes for a visit...

Category: Naruto - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Characters: Itachi - Warnings: [!!!] [V] - Published: 2009-01-05 - Updated: 2009-01-05 - 2999 words

Of Wolves And Roses
Chapter 14: Baby Brother, I’ve come to kill you.

A soft two-bell chime announced his arrival as he walked into the store. He snuck softly up behind a few girls, checking to see if they were the one he was looking for, and sneaking softly, deeper into the stores maze of clothes once he noticed that she wasn’t there. He moved swiftly through the store until he was within grabbing distance of her. That which he coveted. But she seemed to sense his presence. How could that be? He wondered as he hid. She walked away; ever mindful of that strange feeling she’d gotten a moment before. She walked past a few more displays, still wary. She never had a chance; her arms were wrenched behind her and she felt a sudden prick on her neck, pricks that felt as though they were from… fangs? “Shenyo?” Nita breathed, hoping this was all just a bad joke. She heard a laugh behind her and when she turned she saw him. His crimson eyes were laughing at her, although his voice had stopped. He looked like an older Shenyo except he had something Shenyo didn’t. A scar across his throat. ‘My brother got into a fight with a spy from the grass village and I ended up getting in the way. My brother risked dying to save me, rather than save the village. The blade hit him in the throat. Although he survived it left a scar that would never fade.’ Shenyo had told her this story only a few days ago. Nita swallowed. “Kyoshiro-san?” The man lifted his right hand and winked as he touched a finger to his nose.

He was gone before Nita could blink. She shook her head. Had he really been there? Maybe all this vampire stuff was just getting to her. “Nita.” Shenyo said as he walked up behind her. “I could have sworn I just felt my brother’s presence…” He mumbled. That was when she fainted.


Nita looked around at the small white room and frowned. ‘This isn’t the store… and it’s not my room…’ she thought to herself. As her senses finished recovering from her previous state she realized what had woken her up was the monotonous beeping to her right. She sat up and felt a tug at her elbow, when she looked down she saw the I.V. Nita paled and looked away.

“What? You don’t like needles?” The voice filled Nita's senses. The voice she loved so much, a voice that was so perfect and smooth. Her world filled with a soft rose color. She felt safe, she felt warm, just because he was near.

“Shenyo!” Nita said with a huge grin. Shenyo chuckled and hugged her.

“So,” He began, “what happened back there?”

“I saw your brother… or at least I think I did.” Nita muttered, knowing this was a touchy subject with Shenyo. She turned away, worried about the look she knew he’d give her.

“Hmm…” Shenyo mumbled as he pulled her back against him in a soft yet firm embrace. She felt Shenyo’s breath on her neck as he spoke. “Well, I wouldn’t worry, even if you did see him. I’ll protect you.” Shenyo whispered as he kissed her neck and then brushed his fangs gently against the soft, pale skin of Nita's neck. Nita froze. “What is it?” Shenyo asked, pulling back a moment.

“How come your brother’s fangs are farther apart than yours?” Nita’s question caused every muscle in Shenyo’s body to tense.

With his jaw set tight, Shenyo stared for what seemed like minutes. Just as Nita thought he’d never reply, he did. “My brother’s fangs are spaced farther,” Shenyo growled out, making Nita shiver. “Because he is a Werewolf.” He finished the sentence with a look of contempt on his face.

“What’s so bad about werewolves?”

Shenyo shook his head. “It’s not werewolves I hate…” Shenyo mumbled in reply. “Come on, let’s go home.” As Shenyo picked up Nita and pulled her free of the I.V. a nurse Nita hadn’t seen come in bandaged her elbow up. On the walk home Nita rested her head against Shenyo’s chest. She tried to get Shenyo to tell her more but he wouldn’t say anything else on the subject. Nita sighed as Shenyo laid her down on his bed. She sighed softly as he straightened. “I’ll come back in ten minutes, if you haven’t bathed and changed by then I’m helping you.” Shenyo said as he left the room.

‘That sounds fun; I think I’ll wait…’ Nita thought to herself. She giggled at the mental image of Shenyo bathing her, red as a tomato. Nita stood and walked over to the full length mirror against the wall and looked at her reflection. She wasn’t going to when any beauty pageants since none of her was plastic but she wasn’t bad looking by any account. She messed with her hair, breasts and various other places on her person before shrugging out of her Chinese style dress and sat on the bed in her underwear, waiting for Shenyo.


Senra hummed softly as he checked the equipment for the upcoming dance. He’d drawn the short stick so, rather than do anything meaningful, he had to help set up the dance hall. Senra sighed and looked at his watch; time seemed to be moving slower than it should have been. He hefted a speaker onto his shoulder and walked to the alley outside of the large dance hall, to the dumpsters. With a sigh he threw the broken speaker into the dumpster. “How degrading. They’ve lowered you to a janitor?” A familiar voice called out. Senra spun and pulled a kunai despite him self. With a sigh of recognition Senra moved to replace the kunai. “Leave it out. You’ll be safer with that out. Although not much…”

Senra shook his head as he replaced the kunai in its pouch. “I refuse to pull a weapon on you Itachi-sama. You’re early. I assume there’s something you want to tell me?”

Itachi’s expression didn’t change. There was no hint of emotion on his face or in his voice. Senra fought back a few tears at the thought of what Konoha had done to one of its most promising ninjas. Itachi finally spoke after what felt almost like an eternity. “Senra, I was told to offer you a position amongst us in the Akutski. Will you except?”

Senra had seen this with his dragon’s eyes already, the actual conversation felt too much like a mere formality. “Not right now. Give me two months. I want Konoha to betray me first; I’d prefer to have proper motivation.”

Itachi’s gaze turned deadly but Senra paid no heed. “I don’t think you understand the nature of the offer…” Itachi’s voice was unexpectedly close.

‘So it’ll take this path, hmm? So be it.’ Senra thought as he felt his legs being swept out from under him. Senra focused his chakra to his palms and caught the edge of the dumpster’s lid and with a spinning motion he landed on top of the lid. “Itachi…” He began, but Itachi swung his hand out and punched Senra square in the temple.

Senra cried out in pain as he spun through the air and landed, hard, on the concrete on his right shoulder. Itachi hesitated, but only for a moment. He drove on, lifting Senra by his hair and kicking him across the face. Senra coughed up blood and stood up, a somber expression on his face. Itachi concealed his surprise and moved behind Senra quicker than even Senra’s dragon eyes could follow after the strikes to the head he’d taken. Itachi grabbed Senra’s collar in his left hand and kicked Senra in the ribs, and before Senra could fall, he threw him backwards, into the brick wall.

He didn’t hold back this time, he slugged Senra full force in the stomach, leaving his fist there, so that Senra slumped forward, his head landing on Itachi’s shoulder. He waited as Senra coughed up blood and then choked for a while before his breathing reached stability. “So I ask you again Senra, join us or die. It’s your decision.”

Itachi waited for Senra’s response. Senra’s laughter gave him a chill. “If Namida could see us now, she’d be so pissed at me.” Senra mumbled through the blood in his mouth.

“W-what?” Itachi had steeled himself for every outcome. This wasn’t one of them.

Again Senra laughed; a dangerous laugh. His voice carried a strange echo to it, but the echo was not Senra’s voice. “Itachi, I know why you did what you did. I know what the elders commanded. And you have my sympathy. But I will not abandon my team mate Yahiko… I love her. And if you try to kill me, then I will release the chain I’m holding on Rage’s chakra.” Itachi took two steps back, although he couldn’t be sure, he thought he’d been pushed. Senra left his head hanging, but he raised his right hand, in it he held a pitch-black, fluid-looking arrow. “Of the Ninety-nine dragon’s gates, mine is the Dragon’s Arrow.” Senra’s left hand formed hand seals and a black-fluid-like bow appeared in his left hand, matching the arrow in his right hand. “I get only one shot with my current chakra levels. But even you couldn’t stop an attack of chakra this pure and condensed. It might not kill you, but she would.” Senra finished as he gestured behind Itachi with his bow.

Itachi turned and saw Yahiko standing at the end of the alley, rose petals covered the concrete around her so thickly it looked like a giant pool of blood. “…Watch yourself Itachi-sama, I can’t kill you by myself but Senra there would wound you near fatally before you could ever hope of diffusing my Rose Petal Dance jutsu. I advise you to listen to Senra.”

Itachi blinked in surprise. ‘That’s not his real gambit. Her jutsu will make it hard to see, so I’ll have to focus on her movements, by then Rage will be free and he’d pull me apart piece by piece and steal my Kekkei Genkai. I’d be in for one hell of a fight… I don’t know if I could win…’ Itachi sighed in defeat and turned to Senra, who was leveling his knocked arrow at Itachi’s heart. “Okay. What do you propose?”

Senra’s mouth twitched at the edges as he hid a smile. “I have reason to believe that Konoha will betray me soon.” He said in a voice so quiet Yahiko couldn’t hear. “I know for a fact that I’ll survive, at this juncture I’ll seek you out at the valley of the end. The clouds will be red the day of the betrayal. That’s when you’ll go to the valley. It may take some time to lose the trackers, so wait for two days. If I don’t show, I’m dead. If I do survive but I’m still not able to get there in time I will seek you out. Do we have a deal?”

Itachi sighed again and nodded. “I agree to these terms and I’ll explain to our leader what is going on. Keep your headband even after the betrayal. You’ll need it.”

Itachi said good bye and disappeared in a plume of smoke as Senra dissipated his jutsu. Yahiko dropped her kunai and ran to Senra’s side, tears streaming down her face. She crashed into Senra’s arms, causing him to fall against the wall and sink to the floor. He smiled despite the pain and stroked her hair as she cried out her sorrow into Senra’s shirt. Senra waited for a half hour after she’d finished before he tilted her chin up to look so that she was looking into his eyes. “Yahiko… I won’t hide it anymore. You deserve to at least know. I love you, and when I’ve finished my life’s mission we can be together. But for now-…”

Yahiko interrupted Senra by kissing him on the lips. He was silent when she pulled away. “Senra… I don’t care. It’s always been you. And it always will be.” She said with a small smile. Senra looked at her for a second before he smiled and pulled her in for another kiss, more passionately this time.

Shenyo walked calmly up to his brother in the clearing in the forest of death where he’d fought the grass ninja. He glared across the field at the werewolf, a look of contemptuous hate on his face. “Brother… or Dog. Which ever you prefer.”

Kyoshiro looked up and smiled hatefully. “Hello baby brother.” He replied in an equally cold tone. “Or perhaps Bloodsucker is more appropriate.”

Shenyo growled softly and began drawing his kodachi from its sheath at his back. “I guess this is what humans would call a cheerful family reunion, eh brother?”

Kyoshiro gripped his two bladed scythe tighter and smiled in a sadistic way that had once scared Shenyo, now it just pissed him off. “Heh, you’ve got that right!” He called as he charged.


Nita started to wonder why Shenyo hadn’t come in to check on her so she put her dress back on and headed out the door and into the living room where she saw a somber faced Kato pouring two shot glasses full with sake. She looked at his face and saw the bags under his eyes. “Kato? Where is Shenyo?”

Kato downed one of the shots and slid the other across the table towards Nita. “Out fighting his brother in the forest of death.” Kato said with a wave of his hand. “Drink.”

Nita stormed over to Kato and picked him up by the shirt collar and threw him towards the door. “Take me to Shenyo, now!”

Kato looked at the fierce determination in her eyes and sighed. “Fine.”
They traveled quickly through the forest. There was no sign of Shenyo or Kyoshiro any where. Then they found the clearing, the noticed immediately that several trees had been felled and that the battle had continued deeper into the forest. They chased after them and when they caught up they noticed that the battle seemed to be going well for Shenyo. It appeared that he was merely toying with his brother. “Nita, let’s go. We don’t want to distract them.” Kato said simply. Nita nodded and they soon emerged from the forest to find Senra and Yahiko walking hand in hand. “Shenyo is toying with his opponent.” Kato said with a soft chuckle.

Senra’s eyes widened and he barely stifled a gasp. “This is bad!”

“Why?” Everyone asked Senra almost simultaneously.

Nita stepped forward and grabbed Senra’s sleeve. “Senra, what do you know that we don’t?”

Senra cast his eyes to the floor. “Shenyo is a very capable fighter. But he won’t drag on a fight even a single punch more than he needs to. If it looks like he was toying with his opponent that must mean that Kyoshiro let it look like he was winning so that you guys would just leave them to their fight.”

“What!?” Nita yelled, on the verge of tears. “I can’t lose Shenyo… Senra you have the Dragon’s Eyes! Tell me who will win or how to stop Kyoshiro from winning”

“I’d love to help but I can’ see the futures of the eternally damned… so my Dragon’s Eyes are blind to both of them.” Senra sighed as he glanced at the floor and Yahiko squeezed his arm sympathetically. “I’m sorry Nita but Shenyo will probably be dead before we could get there to help. There’s not much we can do…”

Nita fell to her knees crying against Kato’s pant leg. “No…” she whispered, “I can’t lose him like this…”

Kato glanced at the forest, trying his hardest to formulate a plan. Finally he spun and pointed at Senra. “You! You’re a team captain, make us a for man cell and file this as an urgent A-rank mission.” Senra just nodded as he gripped Yahiko’s hand. They leapt into the trees at the same moment that the sounds of a tremendous explosion and a wolf howling rang out, one after the other.


Author’s Notes: This chapter came out much nicer than I’d expected. I expect the following fight scene to keep readers on the edge of their seats. Or at the very least I will try my hardest.  Also I hop the ending of the chapter wasn’t as bad as I feel it is, but otherwise I’d cut off at (“Heh, you’ve got that right!” He called as he charged.), but I think I’d like to just jump into the fight next chapter so I had to get this out of the way. I hope you guys enjoy this. Please review if you’ve read. If you haven’t read why are you looking at this? -.-?
Siyo “The Mad Fox” Yuiy

Tried to work this quote in, but I couldn’t so here it is any way. “Dark circles run around your eyes, your traumatized inside. You always swear this is the last tear you’ll ever cry. You traded honesty for lies, you faked it all your life.” - The Last Tear – Trapt – Only Through The Pain
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