Categories > Anime/Manga > Death Note > Death Note: A New Era


by Shank 0 reviews

Ryuji is taking notes on Kira and there is a twist to his skills.

Category: Death Note - Rating: PG - Genres: Angst,Drama,Horror - Warnings: [!] [V] - Published: 2009-01-06 - Updated: 2009-01-06 - 1471 words - Complete

It had been a week since the prison escape in Tokyo and there had been no word from this Ryuji. Light had been able to kill every single person on the escapee list on the police database he hacked into and believed to have killed this guy in the process. He had seen through Ryuji’s plan, which he had worked out to really be Narita Katsurou a known Yakuza member. The others on the list were just a precaution to make sure they could never hurt anybody again. Light had checked twice a day on the internet to see if there were any more viral videos from Ryuji, but there was nothing. There was also no talk of this Ryuji from anyone else as it seemed people were too scared to offer their support even if anonymous. Once again he had proved himself against those that wished to bring him down.

It was a very dark room. Ryuji sat on a chair looking at nothing. Containers of morphine and clean sterilised syringes lay around him. He was spaced out from the sedatives he had been using as if he didn’t, he would now be in a lot more pain. What he was doing was necessary and he was willing to do it if he was going to carry out his plan and bring Kira down. He couldn’t move around much and he couldn’t be around bright lights for the time being, so to make use of his time, he thought he would begin mapping out his plan in order to find Kira.

He found the first documented case of Kira’s murders on the fugitive in the school. There were numerous witnesses that said just like the other killings, the armed man suddenly collapsed. Nobody touched him or was anywhere near him and the autopsy concluded it was definitely a heart attack that killed him. It was common knowledge, Kira could kill people without touching them or being near them-all he needed was a name or a face. Ryuji didn’t know how he could use a name and a face to kill people, but it was obviously some kind of supernatural power, which he would have to account for in the future to bring him down. Ryuji noted down some of the limitations to this power. He recalled the first public set up and run in between L and Kira who had organised to publicly prove Kira existed and that there were those he couldn’t kill-also that he was somewhere in Tokyo, Japan.

Ryuji thought of L and knew if he could find him and align himself with L, then his chances of finding Kira and killing him improved dramatically. The world’s number one detective was a title in itself for Ryuji to know he should find out what he knows. He hoped that L and his unit were not under the control of Kira as he already knew that the police force had been infiltrated. His whole police escape had been set up on the premise of if those around him died and the people that had access to the information. Kira had been able to get Katsurou’s name even though it wasn’t on television and this proved that he had connections with the law enforcement. Ryuji also documented another public event thought to be in conjunction with the Kira case that concerned a high speed case on a major highway where a Higuuchi Kyosuke of the Yotsuba Corporation was arrested. Ryuji had been able to find out online that Higuuchi soon died and he believed Kira can use people and temporarily lend them his power to achieve his own ends.

Ryuji sat back, and began thinking of Kira’s gender. He assumed it was male, but had a few things to go off that gave him an educated guess. It was better to say he believed Kira was a male, rather than assumed. Kira has only shown an ego with the people he has killed and his run ins with L. Males tend to try and protect their egos especially when they are threatened and the first event with L and Kira proved it. L had got a man to pretend he was L on national television and mocked Kira for the world to see. Kira killed Lind L Taylor thinking that he had killed the number one detective so easily and soon discovering he had been bested in that bout. Kira feels he is in control of lives and another aspect to go along with his ego and displays of dominance-which also proves he is likely male. It had to be a young male, as although an older person may feel that they are fixing the world to what it may be, they would be more inclined to focus on a younger age group of people rather than all ages. A younger male would have a brain that wasn’t yet fully developed and had a socialised code of ethics. He understands ethics and knows what is right and wrong, but his take on how justice can be served and being able to act upon it shows youth and immaturity.

Ryuji didn’t need to write down that Kira was someone who was extremely intelligent, but he did anyway. There had been serial killers and bandits throughout history that may have eluded the authorities for a time, but they were all bought down. Nobody had been able to commit this much controversy and not even be close to being caught. Although he had a great power, he was able to use his power wisely and think of consequences of his actions. With all the technology and people after him in this age and even getting attention from L-Kira was no normal killer. Kira surely planned out everything he did and thought out his actions very carefully, which made him very hard to plan against. Ryuji would have to be very carefully with everything he did as if he wasn’t careful with the clues handed to him and the ones he gave out, it would mean his life.

Along with his intelligence, Kira was very independent. Ryuji believed that he liked to do things his way and by himself and it was only his method that could really get things done in the end. The arrest and killing of Higuuchi proves this. If Kira did indeed use him for his own gains, he could have saved him somehow but left him and was possibly the one that killed him. Even if Kira uses people as means in his own plans, he soon disposes of them when they have used up their worth to him.

This led him to his next conclusion. For Kira to be able to kill so easily and so often meant he was a very rational person. An intelligent person and rational person meant that they were less emotional. Ryuji had once been quite an emotional person, when there were those in his life he could feel emotions for, but Kira could disconnect himself and his emotions with his goals and continue to kill as he rationalises that killing them will make things better. He believes that killing people was true justice. If Kira was rational, then he was conceded and a borderline sociopath, despite being able to be a smooth talker and get those around him to agree with him. He could blend in to most places easily through observation and analysing. Once more, this made him a hard person to find as he could be anyone around him.

There was one more thing Ryuji noted down. One last thing Ryuji knew that would be an aspect of Kira’s behaviour…he was surely paranoid. Kira would always feel like someone was watching him. Looking over his shoulder and suspecting everyone of coming after him, besides-the law enforcement of the world had threatened to execute him. Everything he did, he would be sure it couldn’t be traced back to him.

Ryuji sat back in his chair, exhausted after writing down pages of notes of Kira and ways around this to bring him down. He was confident in this and he was able to document important information as it had once been his job. It hurt to smile, but he did. There was never any physical evidence that could ever trace Kira and his supernatural kills to any of his victims. But he wasn’t a forensic scientist, or a pathologist that studies the dead bodies. Instead of looking at the outside, he looked at the inside. He hoped that by his former profession of being a criminal profiler and trained psychologist, he could use evidence gained from the mind to bring Kira to justice.
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