Categories > TV > Power Rangers

To you, I will always return

by Somerandomename001 0 reviews

Love changes everything. Adam/Carlos

Category: Power Rangers - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama,Romance - Published: 2009-01-07 - Updated: 2009-01-07 - 1645 words - Complete

Disclaimer: I have no claim to the power rangers series, characters or anything else recognisable as being a part of the power rangers concept; nor do I have any claim to the song from which the title was borrowed. There is no money being made from this work of fiction.


Looking back to his deputy coach, Adam could feel the blush creeping up from his collar. It wasn’t the first time Carlos had caught him looking and Adam had managed to hide it well until now by commenting on the younger boy’s technique. But this time as Carlos had turned and caught him watching, those dark eyes had filled with a certain knowledge and the lazy smile that spread across his lips had sent shivers of anticipation down the green ranger’s spine.


Adam started sharply at the sudden blare of a car horn behind him. Realizing that the light had turned green, he hastily pulled away from the junction and sped down the road for a few hundred yards before pulling into the hard shoulder and turning off the engine. Resting his head back and fighting the urge to scream his frustration, he forced himself to take deep breaths whilst willing his heart to return to a normal rate.

Stupid he inwardly cursed himself. He had known he shouldn’t even be on the road in this state, and Tommy had offered to drive him, but impatient with need the young man hadn’t wanted the delay.

In his mind’s eye, he could see the evening unfolding again.


The small room echoed with the sound of merry laughter and the light ring of wine glasses being refilled as the guests settled into their favourite part of the evening. By long standing tradition, Rocky was about to begin his annual retelling of Tommy’s twenty-first birthday celebrations, much to the chagrin of their host and his audience waited bright eyed with anticipation. Every year the story changed subtly in the telling; until, instead of just one night’s drunken escapade the events of that occasion had become a major production and the stuff of legend amongst the newer ranger teams. The dino rangers had looked upon their mentor with nothing short of awe after the first time they had heard the tale and Tommy had immediately made a mental note to never again allow Rocky the opportunity to regale his charges with stories of their younger days.

Adam was laughing hard. His sides ached, his cheeks were flushed and his eyes were shining with tears of mirth as he watched his best friend act out a particularly embarrassing moment. He called out with the rest of them for Rocky to ‘do the voices’ and applauded loudly when the talented comic obliged. His friends noticed, but weren’t about to draw attention to it except in the briefest of glances exchanged across the table; it had been a long while since they had last seen the former green ranger in this good a mood. Returning from the kitchen, Haley put a glass of juice down next to him and he acknowledged with a grateful smile. Citing an early start in the morning, Adam had elected to drive home that night and had abstained from drinking.

Rocky had just gotten to acting out a scene Tommy vaguely recognized and tried to call a halt to, when the phone’s incessant summons came trilling from the kitchen.

Tommy reluctantly went to answer it and for a few moments the hushed sounds of half a conversation floated in to the dining room before he returned, phone in hand and it was clear that something was very wrong; his face beneath the natural tan of his skin was pale. Worried brown eyes flicked around the room as he sought out the person he needed.

“Adam, it’s for you,” he indicated, passing the extension over the table to the young Korean, his voice barely above a whisper. At his friend’s tone, Adam felt his heart lurch and a slick, oily feeling of foreboding, like the writhing of eels, in the pit of his stomach. “It’s Andros,” Tommy said. “There’s been an accident.”



Late afternoon light sparked fire across the lawns.

Back against a tree, fingers of one hand tangled in the soft mass of dark hair that his lover had left unbound at his insistence, Adam opened his mouth to the kiss. His free hand slid under the fitted shirt that the Hispanic boy wore and in the privacy afforded by their proximity began to explore the flat plains of his stomach, teasingly raking his nails over the toned muscle. With a slight hiss of indrawn breath, Carlos pulled back enough to look into the eyes of his partner and Adam could see clearly the emotions that burned in those depths; heat, fire, passion….and something far deeper.



Carlos was hurt.

Adam clutched the phone a little tighter and the handset creaked in protest. Behind him, the warm cheer that previously filled the room had rapidly faded. He could hear a low humming next to his ear and became dimly aware that Andros was still talking on the other end of the line.

Carlos was hurt.

Words bled into each other as the Kerovian spoke until they formed a river of sound that just washed over him and his attention focused on the glass of juice someone had refilled and placed within reach. In a corner of his mind he wondered at the incongruity.

Carlos was hurt

“The doctors say his condition is stable for now,” the other man was saying and even through the static of their faulty connection Adam could hear the strain of worry and exhaustion in his voice. “They don’t know when he’ll wake up though.”

Hesitantly making his way along the corridor, almost at the door of the private room he had been directed to, Adam now felt reluctant to walk the last few feet.

He passed room number 213; 215, 217; and finally he stood at the door to room 219, looking in at the vulnerable figure in the bed.

There was a certain sense of wrongness about it, like the active young man Adam once knew was not there. In his place was a pale shadow of a man; the stark white pillow case beneath his head only serving to accentuate the unhealthy ashen pallor of his skin. The top of his head was swathed in bandages and even in sleep a troubled frown marred his brow.

With a stealth borne of long years as a ranger, Adam slipped into the room closing the door behind him. He made his way to the bed silently, as if afraid to wake the sleeping man and took a seat beside him.

Without thinking, he took Carlos’ hand in his, thumb running lightly over the strong fingers and some idle part of his mind admired the contrast of his pale skin against the other man’s warm olive tones. He frowned slightly as he felt the waisting on his ring finger, wondering if Carlos had actually worn the band long enough for that.



It had been Carlos’ idea of course. Other couples wore engagement rings as a symbol of their commitment, so why shouldn’t they? The younger man had worn a wide band of white gold that shined brightly against the wild honey colour of his skin. It was set with an elestrialite, a clear diamond-like stone, that when tilted in a certain light filled with swirling patterns of green and black; or rather, the ring was set with half an elestrialite. The other half was set into the handsome silver band that Adam had worn, which now sat in a box on the dresser; somewhere he didn’t have to look at it all the time.

Carlos had found the stone on one of his last missions into space; and as he told it, he was already planning on the shuttle back the romantic meal he would cook for the night of his return, when he intended to ask his love to marry him. But before he had even stepped off the shuttle’s ramp that night, Adam had all but flung himself into his partner’s arms and with the joy of their reunion he had forgotten all his plans of a quiet meal for two and proposed right there beneath the stars.


Shaking himself out of a mild reverie, Adam looked up as Andros quietly slipped through the door. He was making just enough noise for the older man to know that he was there, whilst respectfully keeping his distance and affecting not to notice the Korean’s momentary distraction. Still, Adam couldn’t help but comment on the evidence that Carlos had been wearing a ring as if it were the only logical point of conversation.

“He couldn’t accept right away that you weren’t coming back. He only took it off about a week ago.” Softly spoken though it was, the Kerovian’s natural straightforward honesty sounded blunt and despite years of experience with the man, Adam had to look closely at him before he could decide if he was imagining the hint of accusation.

He seemed about to say more, when the door opened to admit a nurse who Adam instantly began to interrogate.

“I’m sorry; we can only give that information out to family.” The young woman was saying, gracing them both with an apologetic smile.

“I need to know,” Adam insisted tightly, nails digging into his palms as he fought to control his frustration.

“And you are…?”

Their conversation was interrupted by a voice from the bed; it was tired and weak, but still carried the conviction the rangers had grown to know so well.

“He’s my fiancé” Carlos said.
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