Categories > Original > Romance > Rose Petals (notice)

Rose Petals (notice)

by renthead 0 reviews

in case you were wondering where it went

Category: Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Published: 2009-01-04 - Updated: 2009-01-04 - 416 words

Okay so about two years ago I started writing a romantic drama called Rose Petals about a girl recovering from an abusive relationship. Based on a few reviews that I have gotten I am stopping the story for now and rewriting it for a more mature audience

I am older than I was and have matured as a writer since first publishing the 17 chapters it consisted of when I deleted it. It was only on this website and it was more of me trying to develope as a writer than me trying to develope a plot line. :/

So in my "maturity", I got over my fear of deleting a story and all of my reviews and one rating point and decided to rewrite the story. The plot will not die.

However a large point that bothered me (and my friends apparently) was that the main character was titled after me. It's what happens when you give an 11 year old a computer I suppose haha.
(By the way I'm fourteen. That tends to shock the masses for some reason.)

Another irk in my story (or the first ten chapters at least) was that the grammar and capitalization was atrocious. Names weren't capitalized. Sentences only had one space after them. Sentence structure was all over the place. Things maybe younger readers wouldn't notice, but I was aiming for an older audience, if the subject matter wasn't hinting that enough.

So expect, from anywhere to the next few minutes to the next few months, for Rose Petals to be rewritten in a more mature format. There will be unimportant chapters missing, most likely, and it will be much, much darker than what I'm going to call my "first draft". There will be new names for the characters, new characters to help set up for a sequel. Yes it will exist.

I'm sorry if my hiatus has caused me to lose writers and that maybe they will be reading this right now. I am hoping to gain new readers, more readers, for I feel that the first chapters were driving away the kind of readers I was looking for.

Also a word of warning: this is going to be graphic. There will be sexually mature scenes, violent scenes, and the story will most likely be rated NC-17. I know I had younger readers and I do not want them to be, ah, exposed to things like this at a young age. It turns people into creepy writers like me. ;D
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