Categories > Cartoons > Invader Zim

gaz's sleepover revised

by gchang2

After realizing that the previous few installments were pieces of dog shit, i have decided to reboot at starting on number 2 or three.

Category: Invader Zim - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Erotica - Characters: Gaz,Gir,Zim - Warnings: [V] [X] [R] [Y] - Published: 2009-01-11 - Updated: 2009-01-12 - 585 words

Darkness, Gaz awoke to nothing but silence and the feeling of the harsh wind across her body. The whip marks stung in the cold night air.

Gaz got up. She didn't even wonder where she was, she knew full well.
Gaz felt around the metal collar tightly wrapped around her neck and the cold bars of titanium surrounding her. It was summer, and so Zim had forced her outside to sleep in a cage after nights of her sobbing and crying.

Gaz could smell it before she could see it, she had soiled herself. And since there was nothing but dirt and grass on the floor, she was covered from head to toe in her own filth.

So much had happened in the past few days that no one would have guessed that the rebellious goth girl had become such an obediant little pup.

Gaz knew she would get a beating if she looked like this when "Master" came home. She stuck out her tongue and began to lick off as much as she could off herself. She was down to her belly button when she heard the door unlock.

"Heel!" cried out zim, gaz's unusual green master.

Gaz ran towards him as fast as she couldwithout noticing that the end of her collar was tied to one of her cage bars. She swung like a limp towel and fell to the ground.

"Oh, you failecd to obey again" Zim sighed as he pulled out his little switch

"Master please please please don't hurt me i'll do better i promisssaaaaaaaaaaaaggh!"

Tears fell doen gaz's face as the shock reciever of her collar lit.

"10 seconds before another" zim chuckled.

Gaz forced herslef up and crawled over to Zim. She bent her head down and kissed his feet.

Zim smiled. "good girl"

Zim waved a finger and gaz followed her back into the house.

After a less than comfartable bath in a tub of cold water with gir, she crawled out and went over to zim.

"Slave, i have something i need you to do for me."

"What is it master?" Gaz hoped it wasn't a new slave collar.

"Its just a bit of research..." Zim got up and yanked on gaz's leash.

Gaz whimpered and followed him into his study.

It wasn't that evil-looking. A chair, a desk, some books and a fake fireplace in a plain grey room.

Gaz was wondering what her research was when suddenly her head started stinging as zim tugged on her hair. She felt her head fly up and slam down on the desk. Before she knew what was happening, she felt the cold hard steel of chains binding her hand and feet together.

Zim came around to face her. "Are you ready? You like electronics right?"

"y-yes m-m-master..." Gaz stuttered.

Zim pulled out a long metal vibrator and smiled. "Well , then you gonna love this..."

Gaz automatically began pleading even though she knew it was useless.
"Please master i'll do anthing just don't please don't -mmph!"

Gaz choked as a gag went into her mouth.

"Oh do shut up, its incredibly annoying when puny humans be ME for mercy. Anyway, lets get started. lets count together! 1...2..."

Gaz nearly bit through her gag as the metal rod slid deep into her. the sensation was horrifying.

"Alright slave are you listening to me?" Zim demanded.

Gaz whmpered.

"Alrighty, i need see how long the battery lasts." He smiled.

Gaz began sobbing.

"Oh me? Don't worry, I've got all day."
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