Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Proposal- A multi-author MCR story. PLEASE READ
Proposal- A multi-author MCR story. PLEASE READ
(#) doyleangel 2009-01-14
Hi, i'm intrigued at reading this story and possibly joining in...i'm not sure if i want to yet, i kinda wanna see where the story goes to see if i could write about it with ya'll...but i tried to find the page for FamousLastWords09, but couldn't...could you post a link to it? :-)Proposal- A multi-author MCR story. PLEASE READ
(#) IeroMyHero 2009-01-14
Aight, I'm fine with whatever has happened so far. I really don't wanna write the first chapter, like I anyway, can't wait.Proposal- A multi-author MCR story. PLEASE READ
(#) HellOnHigh9 2009-01-14
Ill go first I dont mind doing it.
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