Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Attention Please!

Attention Please!

by Truest-Blackout 2 reviews

I need a wee bit of help. This Frerard will not write itself.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Angst,Drama - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2009-01-17 - Updated: 2009-01-17 - 143 words

Okay, people. So I am currently writing a Frerard. However, I have gotten slightly stuck on a couple of things. I won't start posting it until I can get over this block that has resulted.

Frank and Gerard are one year apart in this. They are both juniors in high school, and Frank is 15, while Gerard is 16.

Now here is the problem: Frank did something to hurt Gerard back in the early days of their relationship. I made that clear in what I have written so far. However, I'm not sure what he did, and I need some ideas.

Gerard wants to move on. Frank thinks he has ruined what they had, and sent himself on a guilt trip. That is all I'm giving away, but I really need you guys' help.

So please help. This Frerard isn't going to write itself.

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