Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Pieces Of Me

“The Question Isn’t What Are We Going To Do…It’s What Are We Not Going To Do…”

by xStabxMyxBackx 0 reviews

major fluffiness

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Published: 2009-01-17 - Updated: 2009-01-17 - 811 words

Chapter Forty Three: “The Question Isn’t What Are We Going To Do…It’s What Are We Not Going To Do…”
How Did We Get Here? I Used To Know You So Well…
~Paramore[Twilight Soundtrack]

I sighed as I walked into mine and William’s home, and I heard faint singing coming from the basement.

I set my keys on the coffee table and tossed my jacked on the couch, petting Juno and Pauly Bleaker(William’s schnauser…the names of our dogs are taken from our favorite movie JUNO), before walking down the stairs to our basement/recording studio.

I smiled to myself remembering the look of pure happiness Patrick and Jessica gave each other when she told him she was pregnant.

I slowly opened the door and heard William beautiful voice singing as he played the guitar I gave him for his birthday.

I began singing along with him because it was a song he and I began writing together during our honeymoon.

He looked over at me and smiled, still singing, but stopped playing, long enough to signal for me to sit at the piano with him.

“While I stutter through another afternoon without you…” I finished off, as he kissed my cheek.

I smiled.

“So…does Patrick know about the baby?”William said, placing the guitar on the floor.

“Yeah. You should’ve seen their faces. It was beautiful.”

He nodded. “You know…I wouldn’t mind hearing the pitter patter of little Beckett’s running around one day.”

I smiled. “You’d be an awesome dad.”

“You’d be a great mom.”William said.

I rested my head on his shoulder and sighed as he began playing the piano.

“Love, I get so lost, sometimes, days pass, and this emptiness fills my heart, when I want to run away, I drive off in my car, but whichever way I go, I come back to the place you are. All my instincts, they return, and the grand facade, so soon will burn, without a noise, without my pride
I reach out from the inside, in your eyes, the light the heat, I am complete, the resolution, of all the fruitless searches, I see the light and the heat, in your eyes, oh, I want to be that complete, I want to touch the light, the heat I see in your eyes…”He sang to me.

I smiled and sang back to him. “Love, I don't like to see so much pain, so much wasted, and this moment keeps slipping away, I get so tired of working so hard for our survival, I look to the time with you to keep me awake and alive, and all my instincts, they return, and the grand facade, so soon will burn, without a noise, without my pride…I reach out from the inside, in your eyes, the light the heat, I am complete, I see the doorway to a thousand churches, the resolution, of all the fruitless searches, I see the light and the heat, in your eyes, oh, I want to be that complete, I want to touch the light, the heat I see in your eyes…”

He stopped playing long enough to put his hand on my cheek and kiss my lips sweetly.

I smiled as we pulled away and listened to him playing the lullaby he wrote for me.

“So, what are we going to do now?”I asked as he finished.

“The question isn’t what are we going to do…it’s what are we not going to do.”William said, smiling and looking down at me, as he quoted ‘Ferris Bueller’.

I laughed. He smiled and laughed too.


-A Week Later-

Me, Jessica, Casi, Ashlee and the rest of the Decaydance/FBR family were having a party at Angels and Kings, and Patrick and Jessica had happy smiles plastered on their faces.

“So…are you guys gonna tell us why you look high? Are you high?”Pete said.

“Well…”Jessica said, holding her boyfriends hands. “…I’m pregnant.”

Everyone’s mouths, except mine, William’s, Jessica’s, Ashlee’s and Patrick’s, dropped open.

“What?”Our friends chorused.

“I’m pregnant…I’m going to be a mommy.”Jessica said.

“And I’m going to be a daddy.”Patrick said.

Realization set in everyone and they congratulated them.


“Pete, you’re such a trend setter.”I said, with a light smirk, later, when he and I went to get everyone(except Jessica) celebratory shots.

“How is that Kels?”

“Well, You and Ash got married…Bill and I got married…you and Ash had a baby…Jessica and Pat are having one too.”I said.

He thought for a moment then laughed.

“Yeah, I guess your right…I’m gonna be an uncle…”

“…Figuratively speaking.”Pete and I said in unison, then laughed.
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