Categories > Games > Kingdom Hearts > Kingdom Hearts: My Heart's Journey

Chapter 4: Meanies and Hollow bastion

by Takuya 0 reviews

Hollow bastion awaits! Note to whoever called my story illiterate: I don't have spell check and I have to use a hand dictionary, please cut me some slack, I'm doing my best.

Category: Kingdom Hearts - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Fantasy, Humor, Romance - Characters: Aeris, Cid, Cloud, Goofy, Leon, Sora - Warnings: [!] [V] - Published: 2006-03-20 - Updated: 2006-03-20 - 1417 words

I was awakened with a huge thud "Ow what happened" I said as I sprung up off the floor, blondie had pushed me off the couch that he was now siting on "whats your problem?!"I yelled at him "you were taking up the whole couch so I made room." he said tilting his head back Evil glare I tryed to be nice and I asked for his real name {I didn't want to scream at him calling him blondie even if I could crack some dumb-blonde jokes} He softly said "My name is Kayden and by the way I didn't catch your name either." {Is he trying to make me forget about yelling at his durn butt? If he is its working.}
"Its Takuya Mae, but don't call me Ty. I hate that nickname." I said still glaring at him, "Ok......TY" He said smiling all I could
do was grind my teeth.{I just want to get out of here right now. But how? Oh I got it!} "Look Guys!" I said pointing out the window at a random spot "It's the Good Year blimp!" Everybody turned to the window as I sprinted {more like waddled} off to a my room on the Gummi Ship and got lost on the way there {I think I took the wrong right turn} "Just great this freaking ship is bigger than the mall I need a map! Durn it." I mumbled to myself walking down the hall with my hands behind my head (like Sora in KH) I took off my hat and scratched my head {I have no sense of direction.} sigh I finaly stoped in front of a door with no lable on it and my curiousity got the best of me and I went in.

I was a huge room with gears, girows and a lot of other thingamagigers {I think the engine room} Then Chip and Dale spoted me "Who are you an what are you doing in here" they both said in unison, bending down an tilting my head abit I said "Hey there, I'm Takuya. I didn't mean to invade but I'm kinda lost do you know how ta get back to the cockpit from here?" Seeing that I'm confused they gave me a map, grabed my shoe laces and pulled me out to the hall. {Pushie little guys aren't they.} Then I noticed something missing........."MY HAT! Where'd it go? "I screamed, I took out the map and retraced my steps still no hat so I sadly walked back to the cockpit. {Without my favorite hat I'm lost, LOST I TELL YOU!starts sobbing}Walking back I found the kitchenette so to cheer myself up I ate some poptarts. Walking into the cockpit I saw Donald had kicked Sora out of the drivers seat {About time.} and him an Kayden were now
playing go fish, Breaking the silence I asked "where are we going?" "Where have you been?" asked Kayden staring up at me, hesitating
I just asked where we were going again Sora looked up an said "Hollow bastion." {Oh krud.} "Heartless..." I Mumbled to myself Sora's ear twitched "huh...Did you say something Takuya?" he asked "no nothing, nothing at all hehe" {I wish it was just nothing I knew what might happen next and I feel awful for not telling them.} so I just decided to sit on the couch and look out the window til we got there.{I get this weird feeling when Sora says something to me like his voice is familiar to me besides hearing it in the first game I feel like I've heard it before somewhere.hmmm.....Nope can't place it.}

~Sora's point of view or SPOV~(yay a different point of view.)

{I wonder why Takuya is so quiet all of the sudden. Is she sick or something? I just noticed something shes not wearing that ugly green that anymore} "Sora...go fish" Kayden said to me and poked my hands full of cards, I picked up a card off the deck and turned to Takuya "Hey Takuya, wheres your hat?" I asked smiling "I lost it." she simply responded "By the way where are you from?" I just wanted to know "Well........" she turned around to me "I can't really say I just know its very far away from here." she turned back around an just looked out the window as if hiding something but I didn't want to ask anymore questions so I just finished playing go fish with Kayden.

~TPOV or Takuya's point of view~

"We'll be there in 2 minutes" quacked Donald as he turned around to us three "Ya Donald, I'm pickin up some heartless on the a scaners." Goofy said turning to Donald "We'll go right through them to Hollow bastion." said Sora springing up and knocking the card table over on to Kayden {MHAHAHAHA.....He got what he deserved.} "Watch it!" Kayden yelled at him, all I could do was sit there and giggle {...wait did he say through?} "Fine lets go right through the ships and land." Donald said as he started dodging the heartless's ships. As soon as we landed at the Rising Falls my curiousity caught up with me again I walked over to the falls and touched the water, it was running backwards "Square an Disney need to do something different besides backwards water" I said out loud, everyone just stared at me for a few minutes then started climbing up the floating platforms. "Wait for me!" I screamed as I ran and jumped as fast as I could to catch up with them, when I finaly reached the top where the others were waiting for me I got a couple of weird glares and we all got on the transport going towards the castle. On the transport I had the stupid idea of singing some Disney songs that I can remember {Mostly Cinderella, Beauty and the Beast, Mulan and The Little Mermaid.} so after we got there I had about gottten through the second verse of Under the sea an everyone was covering their ears {except Goofy he likes my singing.giggles} to keep the blood from pouring out, "Takuya I have something for ya." Sora said pulling something out of his pocket "Really!?" I said as I stoped singing an everyone gave a sigh of relief.Unison sigh

Everybody stoped and Sora walked up to me he put something around my neck and then cliped the back together as he backed away he said "It looks real good on you." I pulled out a small pocket mirror{Yeah I always keep a mirror with me.}, around my neck was the most beautiful necklace I've ever seen, It was in the shape of a paopu fruit but it had a small red heart in the middle of it "Thank you so much Sora!" I said as I clung on to his neck again MAHAHAHAHA!......He likes me.} with a sigh he asked me to let go so I did.


As we walked to the door Donald came up beside me "Why did you give that to her?" he asked whispering back I said "Because......I'll tell ya later when Takuya isn't around and it shut her up." "true, true, just tell me later ." he said I didn't want to tell Donald what I thought in front of Takuya til I knew something for sure.


{I'm special, I'm special, I'm special.........Thing is what did I say or do to make him want ta give this to me? I'm confused}finaly reaching the doors we pushed them open and still no heartless nota one since we got there. I think Sora was looking forward to kicking some heartless butt because he still had his kingdom key hanging over his shoulder ready to fight "Where are they?" Donald asked "Maybe Takuya's singing drove them away." Kayden said grining "Haha...very funny Kay." I said walking up behind him and smacking his head, So I walked to the middle of the entrance hall still no heartless "maybe they left" I suggested "No, I don't think so." Said a voice from above everyone looked up and it was Aeris,{I like to call her that.} she was up near the library "We were wondering where the noise was coming from. Come up here right now we need to talk." Aeris said as she walked back into the library so we all followed.
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