Categories > Original > Horror > You Wouldn't Like It In My Mind Pt. 1

You Wouldn't Like It In My Mind Pt. 2 (Sonnet Version)

by Geetard 1 review

Category: Horror - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Horror,Humor - Published: 2009-01-17 - Updated: 2009-01-18 - 91 words

You wouldn't like it in my mind
I know that for a fact.
Theres Creatures of a different kind!
And bodies hang on racks.

There's children holding hatchets
And mothers wielding guns.
There's always such a racket
And the colors all blur; there never is just one.

There's clowns juggling heads
And puppets crying blood.
Nothing's ever left unsaid
It causes such a mental flood.

You wouldn't like it in my mind; i know that for a fact.
Cause, honey, once you enter, there is no going back.

Misfit x}
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