Categories > Original > Poetry > Poetry Collection

Yes - We Did.

by JustAnotherFacade 0 reviews

Again, Obama = EPIC WIN.

Category: Poetry - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Published: 2009-01-21 - Updated: 2009-01-21 - 117 words

There is no word to describe
Listening to Change
Accept a Presidency
That will hang the burdens of the world upon his shoulders
And grant him the sorryful States Of America.

Somehow he'll fix the frayed pages
And once again it'll be the United States Of America
For which he swore to protect.

People have doubts,
So does he.
But he is the 44th President
And he is change from the 43rd.

He is the commander in chief.
He is change.
He is the American Dream.
He is the first black President of the USA
He gives me hope.
He threads passion with his words

Can he fix it?
Maybe...but we'll stick to
Yes He Can.
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