Categories > Games > Final Fantasy 7

Slipping Mask

by Mirime 1 review

Companion piece to Dancing Flames. Vincent's POV

Category: Final Fantasy 7 - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama - Characters: Vincent Valentine, Yuffie Kisaragi - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2006-03-21 - Updated: 2006-03-21 - 1059 words - Complete

30_nights theme: #29 I will never hurt you
Pairing/Characters: Vincent Valentine/Yuffie Kisaragi
Rating: PG
Disclaimer/claimer: They belong to SquareSoft/Enix, not me. I own only the story (I won't say plot because this is... well, contemplative type of fic).
Summary: Companion piece to Dancing Flames, Vincent's POV. I hope I kept him in character. Yuffie was much easier to write (it was like writing myself). For comparison : Dancing Flames were done under two hours including proofreading. This one I struggled to write for four days on and off.


The night sky is beautiful tonight. It may seem strange, even paradoxical that someone like me would appreciate nature and its beauty but for me it is more like fitting irony. After all, one of the most famous love stories in the world is called Beauty and the Beast. Like Lucrecia and Hojo. With the difference of the fictional Beast having good heart, not at all like that bastard. And the Beauty never gave birth to artificial monster like Sephiroth. That is the reason I am no longer locked away in the coffin, atoning for my sins. I am in the wilderness somewhere on Eastern Continent. I am member of AVALANCHE, self-proclaimed group of wannabe heroes who took it upon themselves to stop Lucrecia's son and his quest to destroy the world with Meteor. That task seems futile and pointless, unlikely to be successful. In my Turk days, mission like this would have been considered total loss of manpower and resources and the Turk in me constantly questions wisdom of my decision to join these people.

But I was Turk thirty years ago. I am not one anymore. I am sinner seeking forgiveness, I am vessel for demons of Hell, I am monster craving to be human. And all of them want me to help AVALANCHE. It may not be enough to erase all of my guilt, but it might be enough to repent for my sins. And this hope, that irrational human emotion leads me on this journey.

I turn my head when I see movement in my peripheral vision. She is watching me again but her eyes seem distant and unfocused. She frowns slightly and mumbles something I don't catch. She looks troubled and I do the natural thing. I call to her.

"Yuffie?" her eyes snap to me but she doesn't reply. She looks at me and it appears as if she is studying me. "Yuffie?" I try again and she finally reacts.

"Yes, Vinnie?"

"Are you feeling well?"

She nods while avoiding my eyes.

"Yeah, just spaced out a little there. Is all. No need to worry 'bout me. I'm not going bonkers or anything."

I don't say anything as I turn to stare into flames again. Something is bothering her but she is not willing to share it, whatever it is. I can understand that. But I cannot understand why Cloud is putting her on these night watches. I have spent a lot of time trying to figure out his logic. Her presence is not necessary. My enhanced senses, not to mention demons will alert me to any danger in the vicinity of our camp. She is not needed to guard, yet Cloud insists that she does. Cannot he see she is just a child? No, it seems he can't. She is just a child who is desperately trying to appear older than her real age and manages to fool almost everyone. Highwind and Wallace call her brat but other than that they forget about her being sixteen. Everyone does, with the exception of me. Another irony. Sinner is the only one to understand innocent child.

We both stare into the fire again as has become our tradition during all those times we spent guarding others' sleep. Sometimes it seems I am the only one to know this side of her, the silent, contemplative one. The one who could gaze at the flickering red and yellow flames, blazing barely a feet from her, forever with that slightly sad expression on her face. She doesn't realize that the reflection of fire on her face causes her mask to become transparent and slip away. Because I am sure she is hiding a lot behind that obnoxious and annoying facade she blesses us with. Everyone in AVALANCHE is driven by something which leads them on this journey. Vengeance, redemption, love, justice, desire to protect those who are closest to them. What is Yuffie's reason? What compels her to risk her life with the rest of us?

I glance at her. She is lost in her own world again and looks more vulnerable than ever before. That look doesn't belong on her. There is something very wrong about it although I cannot say what causes that feeling in me. Maybe I believe somewhere in my subconsciousness, or what is left of it thanks to the demons, that wiping that sorrow from her face, mind and heart could help me in my atonement. But it is not for entirely selfish purposes I wish to help her.

I don't want to see you hurt.

I cannot see you hurt.

I will not see you hurt.

Our watch is over. I stand up and walk to her. I touch her arm to bring her out of her thoughts. She looks up at me and there is hope shining in her silvery eyes as she locks her gaze with me. Hope I cannot comprehend at the moment so I don't even try.

"Our watch is over. I'll wake Barret and Cid up," I speak and the hope disappears and her expression becomes guarded again but not before a brief flash of hurt. She turns away and I walk towards two men who are supposed to take next shift. I ponder for a moment the last few seconds and wov to find out what caused such a reaction from her. I look back at her, still sitting by the fire, looking dejected and something moves in the remnants of my heart.

Don't be sad Yuffie. I'll protect you from all hurt.

A promise of a demon? Maybe. But one that will be kept.


This story gave me headache and I feel I screwed it up. Go on and tell me it sucks and that Vincent was OOC. I won't blame you...
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