Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Masks we wear

Shy and timid sheep

by Immortal7 3 reviews

Everyone wears a mask at one point in there lives. Some even wear masks to hide not just from others, but from themselves as well.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: R - Genres: Angst,Drama - Characters: Harry,Hermione - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2009-01-30 - Updated: 2009-01-30 - 2974 words

Disclaimer: taps the mic It has come to my attention that Harry Potter does not actually belong to JKR. Since the conception of her rather modern day children's book is more of a rip off of other note worthy fictional stories such as King Arthur and Beowulf and sort of like DC comics Books of Magic. I mean in the comic the young wizard hero is British(I think been awhile since I picked up my copy of the tradeback) black haired, wears rather ragged clothes, owns a owl, and is destined to save the world. It came out in like 1991, just a small FYI if you didn't know. So I would therefore like to propose that while I do not own Harry and friends nether does she. Just food for thought.

A/N/rant I give you Hannah another lost and misused character created by JKR. I went muggleborn with her in this. And before anyone says anything JKR only stated in interviews that she is pureblood, but due to fan reaction made her a half-blood, or some rubbish like that. For the record to anyone that reads anything I write even noticeably like canon to me interviews are not canon. That is a whimsical way for a poor author to state facts she forgot to even think fans would want answers to. JKR is notorious for changing facts from interview to interview so I don't count them. So if in the crazy and most like drug induced day I write a story post epilogue the trio's careers and lives to that point are open game. However back to Hannah, this chapter to me is one of my favorites so destroy it kindly if you review. I always felt that the other houses were handled horribly in the books since we can only ever go by their sorting traits to make a baseline for the characters personalities. Which besides my Pansy love due to the character mistreatment comes the life of little Hannah here so enjoy.

Mask Five: Shy and timid sheep

Harry had better have gotten a hold of Susan and taken her to cool off after being forced to deal with that little pathetic albino ferret. I've know that girl for close to six years and I know what she is like on her good days and when to avoid her. I prefer to avoid her on the third day of her time of the month, but it never happens the way I want. Like today instead of spending a beautiful and bright fall day outside before the damn snow over takes us here in this desolate and hellish castle I dragged that prick to Madam Pompey. Even after all the frustrations she caused me today my mind wanders more one to my best friend than the bleach blonde bastard that I floated to the school healer today as he was unconscious and bleeding from the beating she gave him. I'm sure she's fine. That's why after this morning's conversation with Mister wonderful I asked Harry to watch over her. I just hope she hasn't aggravated our resident miracle boy too much before she got her temper under control

Now I just have to figure out what to do with Mister Wonderful for the rest of the year. He still pushes himself forward in the world as nothing more than a mindless little puppet with a voice box that shouts our words his precious father left on his tongue. As soon as Harry decimates his father's ass master I'll make my move and leave the Malfoy ancestral home as a muggle tourist site. I think selling off guided tours of the house to large groups of muggles that will leave all their rubbish on the lawn and in the building would make more than a few Malfoy's turn in their graves. Now if I could only figure out what to make the tour for.

As much as I can figure my little vindictive side is why Susan and I get along as well as we do. Very early on in to our first year we both understood that while on the surface we appeared to be cute and cuddly little Hufflepuffs we were more like snakes in the grass. Last year alone I made sure that everyone knew that I broke down and was crushed by the pressure of O.W.L.S.. Susan and me became a pair that only those in our house understand how unwise it is to cross us. Susan's and my temper may have created a minor footnote in the history of our house. Two little badgers that shouldn't have been. Susan is down right hostel half the time to some. So Gryffindor in her actions, very up in your face if you piss her off. Much like I'm sure that Malfoy can attest to right now. While I get you when your back is turned and the reason for the blade has been forgotten and evidence gone cold. A snake that can wait for its prey to cross its path.

Thinking of that damn hat still gets me heated. That talking piece of raciest fabric not letting me into my deserved house all because I was a muggleborn. I often wonder if any one else had to hear that bloody hat insult them. Call me a mudblood breeding mare. Will see just who laughs last. What most people fail to realize is for a muggleborn to attend this damp and dreary castle is it has rather steep tuition fees for those of a non- magical background since as the more than sociable tour guide of this world stated I am, as are most muggleborns heathens that drag down the brilliant and radiant flames of inspirations that are the pureblood elite. Well I have a rather large amount of available funds which I plan to use to drag this backwards society kicking and screaming in to the future. While the nineties would be preferable I would settle for the sixties, as long as it was out of the eighteen-forties.

The sound of first years laughing cause me to lift my head from staring at the fire place and shake the thoughts of my eventual take over plans out of my mind. I feel the common room getting full as different groups come in talking in different pitches about the day. I wander off the couch and walk out the tower watching as all the little sheep of the school wander back and forth with books and notes in their hands. They all are so funny. I guess its normal of them to only be focused on classes and who likes who and what not, but I just don't understand how that can be all to their lives.

The walk around the small section of the castle the Hufflepuffs normally reside helps me focus on how out of place I am here that it is hilarious. I have been for the first five years I've been her a outcast that will be one eternally. Often the thoughts of if I had gotten to know Hermione earlier come to the surface, but once again I can thank that hat for sending me to a completely unsuitable house. I got Susan don't get me wrong, I love Susan to death its just it was hard to open up to her. God why am I rambling to myself? I just need to take a long hot bath and stop letting everything get to me.

The way back to my dorm stayed for the most part quiet as my fellow students seemed to have finally calmed down for the night. I gather my shower supplies and head back down the stairs and out the common room to the prefects bath. Justin slowly comes out the room with a small little smirk on his face as he blocks the way in. I know that Ernie more than likely gave him the password to get in. Another one of his very obvious attempts to get into Justin's pants moments. It just is Justin is as far as I can tell just thinking his best mate was being nice to him. Personally I don't see what Ernie likes about him, his casual attempts to flirt shamelessly with me are more than a little annoying. Justin isn't that bad looking, but he I guess just isn't my type. So gently I blow him off and head into the room making sure to lock it behind me.

The feeling of the heat massage my muscles relieves the headache that was bothering me for a number of hours today. Unfortunately as the throbbing fades I start to ponder different things I try to keep locked up again. One of the latest locked in the closet topics is sex. While it sounds fun, I don't want to end up like Lavender and Parvati, everyone's favorite bike for a price. I feel for Padma sometimes for being identical to Parvati that she has to be mistaken by some of the less savory males of this castle. Than there is Lavender, she should have some self respect I mean Ron Weasley. I don't care if he kills Voldemort himself his hygiene habits alone scar me. Its not like I'm one to talk, I have no form of life style that might even constitute a partner at this moment. Damn I just need to get my mind straight. Taking deep breaths of the scented suds I place in the water and sink farther down into the pool. I try to focus on why I have been so sporadic today with my thoughts. The only place I can pin point the reason for it is Susan's first confrontation with the Ferret this morning.

He had some how gotten it so that Susan and I were the only ones is hearing distance of him and his wannabe Death Eater friends. Susan made me so happy when she just blew him off as he spouted out different innuendos about her and me. His different tales of his immense skill and badness if he ever caught one of us in a dark alley. It was all basic and boring Death Eater shit. He just kept going and I could tell she was cracking. Just the way she clinched her wand. So after dragging her out of the there discretely and eventually getting her semi-calm I went looking for the only person in the school that could help me with the little bit of seed that obviously didn't dry fast enough on its mother's inner thigh.

I figured that seed boy had filled it retarded quota for the day only to find him back around Susan again when Harry and I came back. He evidently came to the conclusion that his previous taunts we worthless and started mouthing off on how they use her Aunt's body before killing her. How she begged them to make her scream for more before putting her down like the traitorous slut she was. I doubt that he noticed Harry or I drop each of his little body guards with silent stunning spells. Of course he didn't notice Susan's fist connect with his face ether. Hell I doubt that he saw the forth one that she sent into his head. I wonder if grabbing Harry's arm to stop his interfering with Susan's little stress relief session was me actually having any control over him or seeing Susan beat the shit out of the blonde inbred asshole lightened his dark mood some.

After the thirtieth or so punch I volunteered to help get Susan from killing Draco. I even generously took a fellow prefect to the hospital wing. I suppose it would be over looked that I obliterated the memory of who thoroughly trashed him was a bonus. Also leaving a nice implant of memories form a first person view of being raped to death by his fellow death muncher wannabes could be seen as cruel to a downed opponent. If they happen to only flare up in the form of a intense flashback any time he falls asleep or gets sexually arouse is a plus though.

The whole day being replayed is just making my head ache come back again. I guess that this is enough plotting and reminiscing for the night. After drying off and heading out the bath centers me back to reality as I notice how dark it had gotten. I must have been soaking much longer than I thought I was. Only a slight stumbling sound can be heard in the otherwise quiet hall. The feeling of a smile coming to my face as I target the source of the noise up ahead. Darling little Draco is out alone in one of the few hallways with out portraits and from the looks of it stumbling is from taking to much pain potion. My wand releases a silent and overpowered body bind towards the blond. I chuckle as I hear his nose break on contact wit the floor. I stroll casually to him and kick him onto his back. The rage pooling in his eyes as he spots my face cause a shiver of pleasure to course though my body. I smirk as a plan quickly forms in my mind. "Listen up little ferret. You are to stay away from Susan. Don't talk to her. Do not glance at her. Or I will kill you." I see fear in his eyes as my wand glows a faint green on its tip. "Now I want you to understand that you are going to be experiencing a series of accidents in the near future. They will undoubtedly give you a nice collections of stays in the hospital wing, but you will never know who did it. I figure that by the end of the year you will be more paranoid that Alastor Moody. I thought you might want to hear what your year was shaping up to be like. And maybe if I finally tire of you as a plaything I will just kill you for the plain fact that you have become a bore." Fear clouds his eyes more as I wipe my face and voice from his memory from the talk we just had. Finally I banish him back into the wall and leave him on the floor for someone else to deal with in the morning or when ever they come across him, this is a rather deserted hall after all. The smile on my face grows even further as I realize that by now the first of my previous memory implants should be kicking in just about now as he is unable to wake with out help. I wonder if he will have much sanity left by the time the sun comes up, but decide I really don't care. Sooner or later the castle will realize that it is open season on Voldemort followers with his right hand man's child as the first causality proving just how little power being a follower of his gives you. My headache feels to be going away for good finally. Its been a good day so far and I feel like its going to be a rather amusing years as well.

A/N Thank you reading this tale and since I really only get a lot of response for this story at Ficwad I figure I should answer some questions here that have been presented to me. Dennisud who seems to be besides wonderbee31 over on fan fiction. Net to be my most constant reviewer. I actually have plans to use more of the adults witches in the HP universe since to be honest a lot of the boys in the series come off as stereotypical, but they could be fun challenges as well. Bella will be one of these little chapters since I just love the character. I actually have a DarkHp/HG/BL story that one day might even get posted if I make time to type it. And as for the Harry/Hermione/Luna/ and who, I think the answer will surprise you. To Grookill the sameness as you put it is one of the reasons I started this little project is due to my own notice of blandness in my style. I working on it, but a lot of this material is just being tweaked as I have had most of it for sometime and adding to it as I go, but your review is one of the reasons I doing this to be in some ways complemented and also have my flaws pointed out. I wish I could find a person to bounce ideas of like that to help improve my style. Also the other question is if this will lead to a plot interwoven somewhere down the line. I want to say yes. This is a string of sketches that show the different effects of a single persons actions in the world at large. While not apparent at first they will all come together. Well enough ranting for now if I didn't mention your name I apologize. Please reviews if you strikes you and state your thoughts of how to make it better or what you liked. I understand that the spelling and grammar is most likely off, but to be honest I don't catch them and have no beta at the moment so sorry. Up next should be the lovely and talented Miss Tonks in the Rubber funny face if I can figure out what is nagging at me about the chapter. Also I'm trying to put out a new chapter for the Fallout and the boy who vanished so it might be a small wait. Thanks again to anyone who reviewed. Later
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