Categories > Original > Drama

Navigate Me

by BelladonnaHooker 0 reviews

Mark and I had been friends forever.We went back as far as our memories would let us. Our friendship hadn't weathered one bit.We threw it all away one day. For a girl.The new,shiny kind.

Category: Drama - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Published: 2009-02-03 - Updated: 2009-02-04 - 1190 words

Author's Note: Hayyyyyy! >:] I know it's bad to start on a new series,considering that I haven't updated on the other two and the other gajillion ones I have to re-post,but I just HAD TOOOOO.It's very Midsummer's Night Dream-ish.This is gonna be fun.I get to wreak major havoc.
>:] Let's start this bitch up! :DDDD
Citrus tea and teddy bears for reviews! :DD


"Good morning sunshine! The Earth says HELLO!!!!" a voice rang out from the silence of my turquoise room.
"Good morning,Emilee..." I yawned.
"Guten morgen,Mark,you filthzy American-O!"
If I didn't wake soon,there was a 100% chance that she would jump on me and shake my head 'til it felt like I had grown a tumor named Brayshaunda.
"I'm up,I'm up!" I said,self-consciously.
"What the hell,Mark?" she laughed. This 'she' I'm talking about is my best friend,Emilee Maureen Thompson.
"Nothing,dear!" I responded mockingly.
"Well,get up,or else you won't be able to straighten your hair or do any of the other manly things you do!" she mocked back.
"Yeah,I need to do my manly stuff" I grumbled in a "manly" way.


"Good morning,students!" Mrs. Gartney exclaimed.She never had trouble when projecting,if you know what I mean.
"Good mornnnnnnbrrrraallllll foooopppppppsssssss Gartney!" the class replied,in a forlorn way.
"Today,we have a new student! Exciting,isn't it?". YEAH.SOOOOO exciting.
Click,shuffle,shuffle,shuffle,crumpling of paper,sigh.
Ladies and gentlemen,the new student has arrived.


She was dazzling.
You know how in movies the beautiful lead actress walks in and time just...stops? That's how it felt when she walked in.Cliche,I know,but true.
"Will you be so kind as to introduce yourself to the class,miss?" Mrs. Gartney called.
The 'new girl' stepped aside of Mrs. Gartney and introduced herself as Mona Harper.
Mona Harper.The name invaded my mind the instant it flowed out of her compact and thin mouth.
"What do you like to do in your spare time,dear?" Mrs.Gartney hollered.
"Uhm,I like singing,I guess",she replied shyly.
"Oh,me too! You know,I used to be an opera singer!"
That explains sooooooooooo much.
"Welcome to Bio,dear" Mrs. Gartney consulted."Take a seat next to Mr. Carrigan,please"
Carrigan? Oh,jeebus.That's my last name.
"H-H-Hi" I stammered.She just knocked the breath out of me.
"Uhm,hello" she replied awkwardly.All through the period I studied.Her features,obviously.
Under her glasses,she hid beautiful chocolate eyes that hid the smallest tint of caramel.
Her nose wasn't bumpy like everyone's; it faintly resembled a sleek slide.
Her hair was straight as a ruler.The bottom layers were laced with black 'coontails.
I had found by now around 6 piercings.Two in each ear,her sleek nose,and snakebites clung to her thin lips.
Once she found me staring,she smiled and showed off her pearly-white teeth.
So,she began playing with her snakebites.Mentally,I melted.
This could be a great excuse to get to know her. C'mon Mark!
"Hey,there" I muttered shyly.Use the "well-known" charm Emi always talks about!
"Hey" she replied with a smile.
"So,how are you liking the town so far,Mona?"
"Oh,I just moved in yesterday,so I haven't had a chance to,uh,explore."
"Well,miss,would you find me so kind as to show you around the city?" It helps to watch Marie Antoinette every once in a while...
"Uhm..." she hesitated.PLEASEEEEE,I begged in my mind.
"Pleaseth?" I pouted.
She smiled.
"Sir,I would indeed find you so kind as to show me around this marvelous city."
"I'm pleased you find me so"


By lunch,it felt like we were long-lost friends again reunited.There was only one class that we didn't have each other in.She had Creative Writing while I had Band.
CLICHE CATCH: The classes are right next to each other,
We talked throught all of our lunch.I invited her out to the courtyard to 'admire the beauty of nature' while we could.
"So,what do you think of your day so far?" I inquired.
"Well,I like this little courtyard scene;it's quite beautiful" she smiled.
Just like you,I thought secretly.
Emilee? Shit.
"Hey,Emi!" I shouted back. I was really hoping she'd go in the cafeteria.
"Hey,hon-ay,how you be doing?"
"I be doing the good.May I introduce you to the newest slave to our crappy institution,Mona Harper" I really hoped they liked each other.
"Oh,sexy can I!" she exclaimed.Dear God.


I had found Mark in the courtyard with the new girl.Mona Harper.Sexiest name ever.
"Hey,hon-ay,how you be doing?" I smiled.
"I be doing the good.May I introduce you to the newest slave to our crappy institution,Mona Harper" I was dying to say her name again.
"Oh,sexy can I!" I couldn't help myself,she was....stunning.
She giggled.I fixated on sitting down in the grass with them.I wasn't hungry anyways.
"So,Mona,where you from,cutie?" I flirted.I was hoping Mark didn't like her.I took a good 3-second look at her and knew she was perfect.
I saw a belly button stud peeking out from under her tight tee.When she stretched,my breath caught.
"I'm from Oregon,boo"she sighed and smiled after her stretching.Her smile was killer.
"Now,how did a pretty girl from Oregon end up in a crappy Maryland town like this one?"
"Mother is an artist,and she likes to change the view on her window" she sighed.
"Do you not like Maryland?" I hinted.
"No,actually...I'm starting to like it"


As soon as I had stepped into my 1st period class,I was welcomed.Mark Carrigan was now like a best friend and a trusty 'tour guide'.Mark was a charming Junior that had scored most of my schedule.Well,except for one class;Creative Writing.
After a few classes,we headed off to lunch.The cafeteria was boring as hell,so Mark invited me to the courtyard.We talked a few words and that's when I met Emilee Maureen Thompson.She was also a junior,and we had about 3 classes together.She had strawberry blonde hair,the most beautiful hazel eyes (with a snippet of green),soft pink lips,and a cute Monroe stud.She was....well,cute.I'd never experimented with girls,nevermind have "feelings" for them,but guys just weren't that trustworthy anymore.For all I knew,Mark might just be trying to sweeten me up to get in my pants.I knew Emi wouln't do that.I already knew her like my ankle (I don't know the back of my hand as well as my ankle).After lunch,we all headed off to Desktop Publishing.It was a pretty cool class.I just couldn't wait til 8th period.That meant Creative Writing and the end of the day.And Emilee.
Suddenly,I was really starting to like Maryland.
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