Categories > Original > Poetry > All My Work :]

Eleven - Sweetness

by tryingtohard_x 0 reviews

Category: Poetry - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2009-02-06 - Updated: 2009-02-06 - 154 words - Complete

I want this to be the sweetest goodbye

So you can finally choke on the disaster

I want to lock you in my heart forever

Whisper the things we could never say

[Shut Up, Scream, Just Let It Go]

Burning pictures slowly turn to ash
Speed this love up so we can crash
Teenage romance this will never last.
oh Heartbreaker, please kill me fast

I want this to be the sweetest goodbye

So you can finally choke on the disaster

I want to lock you in my heart forever

Whisper the things we could never say

[Shut Up, Scream, Just Let It Go]

They all said this would be easy

But the simplest of words are the hardest to swallow

Your just a sell out, And I’m already sold

Hearts like these, worth pure gold

Take what you want, and do what you please

But do me a favour

Forget about me.

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