Categories > Original > Poetry > All My Work :]

Fifteen - Pure

by tryingtohard_x 0 reviews

Category: Poetry - Rating: G - Genres: Fantasy - Published: 2009-02-07 - Updated: 2009-02-07 - 127 words - Complete

They say a moment wasted on waiting on forever.

A slight star can break a moonlights gaze.

Why doesn't anything, true love replaces

Makes any sense.


I can't make this line work anymore

I'm nothing but a mess of insecurities and scars.

I'll make you take my faults and face you head on.

I'll swallow the truths and choke on the lies.

Lips held so closely as breathing replaces.

Eye contact has been slightly broken

But only to look into the eyes of another.

Slight smiles will give the truth away

But when they said hello, they never told me

It comes with goodbye.

But the worse thing I could know

Is this is our last one.

When will anyone ever realise, Each love changes you.

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