Categories > Original > Poetry > All My Work :]

Twenty Six - Mojo

by tryingtohard_x 0 reviews

Category: Poetry - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2009-02-07 - Updated: 2009-02-07 - 145 words - Complete

Stuck behind the safety of the words on these pages

In-between the mind of another and insanity.

I've given up so many times ago.

But its one thing to forget and another to let go.

I've got a mind full of words and one lines.

But the ink in my pen has run out.

I know I hurt you when I said these stupid words

I love you and your face is forever stitched to my memories.

I never wanted to leave you and the memories of many yesterdays.

But time has got old, and its best if we both just move on.

I feel like I’m writing a love story to who ever is bored enough to listen

But I’m not eloquent enough to keep even the faintest of hearts beating

The words become longer, but still the story stays the same

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