Categories > Original > Fantasy > Dancing with Darkness
Dancing with Darkness
0 reviewsCale and Ann's lives take a dramatic turn for the worst when they find a sword in their aunt's attic.
Cale sighed. Attic clean-up again. Aunt Marie was a real stickler about such things. So, as usual, after all homework was done, he and his sister, Ann, went into the attic. Ann was fasinated by the things she found in the smelly old trunks. Cale didn't care much. He'd rather watch James Bond movies with his friend, Jason. Cale began chucking this uncerimoniously into a nearby trunk. He was doing so much quicker than usual, for they were going to watch the newest release. "Cale, be careful with those! They could be worth something some day!" Ann said, catching and holding a tin of cards as if they were some sort of priceless jewel. "Whatever." Cale muttered. He could care less if they were once King Arthur's cards. Shooting her brother a stern glance, Ann began to arrange things neatly in the trunk. Cale rolled his eyes, and opened another trunk. What he saw inside made him gasp. "What is it?" Ann asked sarcastically. "A whole pile of rare comics?" "No, something better!" Cale said, excitedly. "Look!" He picked up what looked like a bundle of silk. He pulled away the fabric to reveal a sword in a beautifully painted scabbard. A ruby, a diamond, and a sapphire glittered on the gold hilt. Ann gasped. That was when they heard Aunt Marie scream.
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