Categories > Books > Harry Potter > The Big Box of Silliness

The Agents of Chaos and Order

by Clell65619 6 reviews

A little something I've been playing with for a while. Not sure where it's going

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Characters: Harry,Padma,Parvati - Warnings: [V] [?] - Published: 2009-02-11 - Updated: 2009-02-12 - 2849 words

A/N: I do not own Harry Potter. Nor any of the DC Comics Characters mentioned herein. But you knew that.

A/N2: This is an extremely AU fic starting with 7th year. Certain aspects of characters belonging to DC Comics will be part of the story, but the DC universe will not be part of the story. This is a story of Harry Potter, and what he achieves, with a little help from his friends.

Harry Potter and The Agents of Order and Chaos

Chapter One – Malfoy’s Mistake.

Malfoy Manor was in flames when Amelia Bones arrived. The amusement factor of seeing the ancestral home of one of the more vile families in Magical Britain collapsing upon its self easily countered the annoyance at having been called at three a.m. to a fire.

Still, fires (however entertaining) were not her job. Catching and imprisoning criminals was her job. Amelia was very good at her job, just as a Hufflepuff should be. As a consequence she had to act annoyed when called. “Shacklebolt!” she barked. She liked Shack. Good Auror, good man. If it wasn’t for his unfortunate trust of Albus Dumbledore and his membership in the Headmasters little busybodies club, Shacklebolt would easily be the best Auror in the Ministry’s employ.

Almost instantly Kingsley Shacklebolt was at her elbow. “Yeah Boss?”

How the hell did he do that? She was alert, she was looking for him, expecting him to do his ‘appear out of nowhere’ trick, and still he managed to startle her. “Why am I here Auror? The house of a Noble family is burning, there’s no Dark Mark, and there are no bodies on the lawn, what makes this my concern?”

“I was the second Auror on the scene Director. At first this appeared to be a classic paranoid family has an accident. We were kept at bay by the wards, and we were watching the mansion burn. It was then I realized that the fire suppression wards were utterly shattered. Every other ward on the property was intact, if not reinforced.”


Shacklebolt hesitated for a second, then handed Amelia a pair of Auror’s standard issue omnioculars. “If I told you, you’d relieve me from duty. They’re cued up. You’d best see it for yourself… I’ve watched it four times and I still don’t believe it.”

A simple glance told Amelia that Shack wasn’t joking. She raised the omnis to her eyes and thumbed the playback control.


The scene began. The Mansion was aflame, though had not yet begun to collapse. The front door burst open and Amelia counted four, no five Wizards running from the burning structure. Lucius Malfoy, easily identifiable by his platinum hair, lead the mad scramble away from his burning home, then two more figures exited the building chasing those running away. The pair of newcomers leaped into the air, bounding ten, twenty meters in a stride, they both easily overtook the fleeing wizards. Now that they were closer to the Auror recording with the Omni she was using, Amelia could see that the newcomers didn’t wear robes, but were in some sort of form fitting outfits, one white with red trim giving the impression of a raptor, the other blue with silver patterns, that appeared to be modeled on a different sort of bird.

Lucius Malfoy raised his wand toward the figure in white and red, his wand was snatched away and the man physically lifted off the ground, struggling. The figure in blue and silver was moving around and between the other four wizards at blinding speed. Amelia found that even slowing the playback speed of the Omnis could not bring the blue figure in to sharp focus. The four Wizards under the attention of the figure in blue fell to the ground in seconds.

It was then the figure in white and red did something that caused Amelia to pause the play back, blink twice in disbelief, and then reverse the playback so that she could see it again. The figure in white and red simply reared back and flung Lucius Malfoy atop his burning home. The Blue figure hefted one of the four others and did the same. In short order each of the attacking figures had repeated their actions, leaving only a single of the original group lying on the ground between them.

The survivor was pulled to her feet; Amelia could now identify Narcissa Malfoy as her hood had fallen and was no longer disguising her features or her signature hair style. Amelia watched as the pair dismembered the aristocratic woman with their hands, throwing the severed parts into the fire with a casual ease. Amelia wasn’t sure just when the woman died, but it couldn’t have been a pleasant death. After heaving Lady Malfoy’s torso onto the flaming building, the pair in the odd clothing again began moving at an inhuman speed, moving quickly out of frame and the Auror doing the recording never managed to get them into his sights again.

Amelia lowered the omnis. “Morgana.” She breathed.

“I know Boss, that’s why I showed you instead of trying to tell you.” He led her forward, the destruction of the house having eliminated the wards. He stopped in a spot with many lighting charms over it; the grass was red with blood. “This is where they did it.”

Amelia swallowed. Whoever that pair was, while they wanted Lucius and the men with him dead, they HATED Narcissa Malfoy, with a deep undying passion. “Shack, I want a full investigation on this. No leaks. I read one word of this in the Prophet about this and I’ll be having an in depth personal interview with ever single member of your team.”

As Amelia finished speaking the west wall of the Malfoy Manor fell outward, revealing an electric blue dome of energy. A shield?

Shacklebolt reacted first. “Possible Survivors!” He barked at his team, then as one, with wands out they all rushed forward.

Amelia fought the instinct forward to rush to lead the team. They were Shack’s people; it wasn’t her place to try to lead them. She hated being an administrator.

Wands out, snuffing flames and cooling the wreckage to the point where it couldn’t reflash the Aurors made their way to the shield. It wasn’t from the first floor they saw, nor was it from the basement. It took almost ten minutes to find their way to the hidden subbasement. The subbasement was fitted out as a dungeon. In one of the cells, they found three corpses, and three unconscious teen aged girls.

Amelia took one look at the girls and her blood ran cold. The trio had been missing, along with the rest of the twin’s family for more than a month. They had been tortured; the state of their unconscious forms spoke volumes. She pulled Shack aside.

“Get them to St. Mungos. Make sure they use female healers only. I’ll get some female Aurors to take their statements. This is still your investigation. I want to make sure the world knows that Malfoy and his friends did this. I’ll need more proof than the victims simply being here.”

“I’m on it Boss.”


Amelia Bones had been an Auror for most of 60 years, she had seen firsthand Grindelwald’s atrocities, and those of Voldemort in the ‘70s, but this… The people found in the hidden dungeon of the Malfoy estate had experienced horrors beyond anything she had ever seen.

The Twin’s parents, Chandrahas Patil and his wife Dhanyata, had been dead for a week, possibly more. They had been killed by some sort of cutting curse, one that had left thousands of deep cuts over their entire bodies. The forensic healers’ report said that death for them had been very slow and extremely painful, taking perhaps three days to finally succumb.

Six year old Ganish Patil’s death on the other hand had been faster, but even crueler. The boy had been stabbed with a cursed knife. The curse compelled the victim to disembowel himself with the dull blade. To do that to anyone, much less a child…

As disturbing as that was, the reports from the Mind Healers were possibly worse. Lavender Brown, seventeen, was withdrawn almost completely into herself. She had witnessed her widowed father Charles murdered before her eyes in the original abduction, the slow murders of her friend’s parents and brother, and suffered through the horrors that the Death Eaters had inflicted upon her. The other two girls, the Patil twins, Padma and Parvati both seventeen, were injured and traumatized, but unlike their friend, conscious and very very angry. They had identified the five who had held and tortured them and killed their parents and brother. All three Malfoys, Marcus Flint and Rabastan LeStrange.

Parvati seemed consumed with rage, while her twin Padma was a fount of information, each detail cataloged in precise detail, though neither girl could describe the mystery individuals who had so utterly destroyed the Death Eaters (the remains recovered from the fire still had the Dark Mark clearly visible, the magic somehow resisting the fire) and the Malfoy Mansion.

Both girls were adamant on one point. They wanted, needed, demanded, to speak with Harry Potter.


Amelia Bones was sitting at her desk when Nymphadora Tonks entered her office. Bones looked up from the document she was reading and gestured Tonks to one of the chairs in front of the desk, then returned her attention to the papers in her hand. She made a few notes, and then placed the document and the notes into her out basket, where they vanished on their way to the Director’s secretary.

“Auror Tonks” Amelia said leaning back in her chair.

“Director.” Tonks said fidgeting slightly. At some level she had been expecting this discussion since that night in the Department of Mysteries the year before when Sirius had died.

“You’ve heard of the Patil/Brown case Auror?” Amelia asked, as business like as always.

As she nodded the unexpected question puzzled Tonks. Everyone had heard of the Patil/Brown case. What those Death Eater bastards had done to those girls… But what did any of that have to do with her?

“Ms. Brown is still catatonic, but the Patil sisters are awake and angry.” The Director paused to clean her monocle. “They have described every detail of what was done to them and what they witnessed being done to Ms. Brown and to their parents and younger brother. When they finished answering all our questions, they both had a single simple request. Then want to speak with Harry Potter.”

Tonks nodded again. Why she was here was becoming more clear by the second.

“As you might have heard, I’ve taken a personal interest in this case. Oddly, the senior investigator on this case, Senior Auror Shacklebolt seemed to be ignoring the victim’s request to see a class mate and friend. So I attempted to contact Mr. Potter myself. I’ve sent four owls and gotten no response. This struck me as odd, so I accessed the Ministry Archives to determine his home address for a more personal visit.” The Director of the DMLE regarded Tonks with a steady gaze. “Mr. Potter has a file in the archives, just as we all do, yet his has no reference to a home of record. His record in the Improper Use of Magic office is under a Wizengamot seal, one that can be opened by the Chief Warlock –or- the Minister of Magic.”

Tonks had taken Divination at Hogwarts and had turned out to be simple pants at it. As a consequence of that she had dropped the subject after third year and started in on Ancient Runes instead. However her ‘inner-eye’ was telling her she wasn’t going to like what was coming next.

“So, I have a Senior Auror ignoring the requests of a pair of victims and a possible path of inquiry, I have a young Wizards incomplete record from the Central Archives, and I have sealed records in the Improper Use of Magic office, the only Ministry office to have any interaction with Mr. Potter since his placement with whoever his current guardians might be. This raises a question in my mind Auror Tonks. Which of your responsibilities holds your strongest loyalties? Are you an Auror or are you a member of the Order of the Phoenix?”


A thousand answers flit through Tonk’s mind. The honest one came to her lips. “I’m an Auror Director, that’s all I ever wanted to be.”

Amelia Bones nodded. “Good. What you do in your off hours is your business Auror. I was hoping that you could clear up a few things for me. I ride this desk these days but I still remember how to run an investigation. I’ve discovered a few things that I don’t understand. First, following the death of Sirius Black, your mother and yourself were reinstated into the Family Black after Andromeda having been cast out for marrying your father thirty years ago. According to Gringotts, the Lord Black who did this reinstatement was none other than Harry Potter. It strikes me as somewhat odd that the man sent to Azkaban for betraying James and Lilly Potter would make the son of his victims his heir.”

“Sirius was not the Betrayer Director. Peter Pettigrew was.”

“The man Sirius was convicted of killing?” The older woman asked.

“There was no conviction Director, Sirius never had a trial. Pettigrew is alive and is supporting You-Know-Who.”

There was a short pause while Amelia digested that tidbit. She quickly jotted a note, and then continued. “The more I look into this, the more I find that needs investigation. Fine, let’s cut to the chase shall we? Auror Tonks, do you know where Harry Potter lives?”

“Yes Director, I do.” The Metamorphmagus’ mind was racing. Tonk’s had long been of the belief that Harry was being mistreated at his relative’s house, but could not get Dumbledore to listen. She hadn’t been the only Order member to make the case, so she knew that she wasn’t imagining anything.

Amelia Bones stood from her desk. “Get your cloak Auror. We are going to pay Mr. Potter a visit and get his views on the situation with the Patils.”

“Yes Director.” Tonks stood as well, and then hesitated. “Harry lives with Muggle relatives Director. Those relatives are fairly anti-magic. We might get a better reception if we appeared in Muggle attire.”


Unlike most of her contemporaries, Amelia Bones was well aware of the basics of Muggle fashion, a hard won knowledge that had come from her interactions with Muggle Law Enforcement. Dressed in a tasteful business suit, she was also well aware of the capabilities of Muggle machinery, which was only one of the reasons she was looking askance at the deathtrap Tonks had lead her too.

“THIS is the infamous Muggle stealth machine?” she asked trying not to stare at the rust covering the bonnet of the 1978 Austin Mini-Metro.

“Sure is director.” Tonks, now clad in boots, denim jeans and a tee-shirt that proclaimed her allegiance to what Amelia assumed to be a Muggle band called AC/DC. Tonks covertly vanished several weeks worth of fast food containers and drink cups from the interior of her pride and joy so that Amelia could sit in the car without fouling her clothing. “I bought this beauty the day I finished Hogwarts. When Shacklebolt found out I owned a car and that I was the only active duty Auror who could drive, he got the Department of Mysteries to make a few modifications.”

“Modifications?” Amelia asked as she slid into the front passenger seat and closed the door.

“Some good ones.” Tonks said as she pulled out into traffic. “To start with, for high speed travel, my sweet ride can move like the Knights Bus.” She pulled a lever on the control console and the Mini blasted forward as if shot from a cannon, weaving between the Muggle vehicles as if the other cars were standing still.

“Sweet Merlin, Tonks!” Amelia sputtered. “Warn me if you’re going to do that!”

“Sorry Director.” The Auror fought against the smile that threatened to cross her lips and likely as not end her career.

Amelia fought against the vertigo caused by the almost instantaneous changes in direction by closing her eyes and holding on to the handle over the door frame of the tiny auto. This was one of the reasons she never took the Knights bus after that first time back during the summer following her third year. “At least it will be over quickly.”

“Sure will Director. About five minutes.” Tonks said happily. She loved this car.
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