Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > Shattered Hearts

His Own Madness

by demolition_funeral 12 reviews

“You seem too familiar to be a coincidence.”

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: G - Genres: Drama,Fantasy,Romance - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2009-02-12 - Updated: 2009-02-12 - 1599 words

Disclaimer: Gerard Way is my slave. Not.


Shattered Hearts ~ Chapter 5 ~ His Own Madness


So Brendon never expected such a complicated adventure.

This was serious, even more serious than that time Jon’s cat got stuck in the dryer, and Shane accidentally turned it on, and when it came out, clomps of hair was missing.

This was really serious.

“Brendon. You’re spacing out again.”

He snapped back from his thoughts, and grimaced at the doll. “Man, that’s harsh.”

Ryan scoffed. “You have no idea.”

“So, continue?” asked Brendon, leaning forward. “I know there’s more to the story.”

Ryan nodded, taking a seat on the small stack of comics on the table and clearing his throat.

“Anyway, after that little, incident, Mikey just had to get me back to normal. And, as you can see, it was a fail. But, it did bring some good.”


“And, don’t come back! No one can help you, so leave!”

The door slammed in his face, blowing specks of dust onto his glasses. Mikey glared at the wooden door, adjusting his spectacles as he left the tavern. Apparently, no one could help Ryan. Not a very good sign.

Mikey sighed, kicking a rock as he walked past an old theatre house on the brink of closing. How could he help Ryan if no one would?

All of a sudden, someone pulled him into the alleyway by the theatre, and clamped a hand over his mouth to keep him from shouting. “Shh,” whispered the voice, mellow yet creaky. “There’s a rumor going around the streets. Is it true that friend of ya’s… sold his life to the gypsy Greta?”

Mikey nodded firmly, the hand still over his mouth. The voice sighed, and let go of him. Mikey staggered backwards, glancing towards the voice. It came from a young man, about a few years older than Mikey by his guess, and had raven-black hair and dark brown eyes, squinting at him.

“You seem too familiar to be a coincidence,” muttered the man, rubbing the back of his neck. Mikey didn’t ask what he meant, but instead smiled curtly.

“Mikey Way,” he mumbled, and shook the other’s hand. The man looked surprised, and let out a breathy whistle, suddenly beaming at Mikey.

“Gerard Way,” he grinned, tipping his dark-tan hat. Mikey’s eyes widened; was it really true? Was this really…?

“Oh my God, Gerard,” whispered Mikey, and hugged him, laughing slightly. “I haven’t seen you since father made you leave home. How’s Frank?” Gerard chuckled lightly, patting his long-lost brother on the back.

“He’s doing well. We’re living together now, in the valleys,” said Gerard with a huge smile, and Mikey couldn’t help but smile too. He knew that there was a bad situation, but he couldn’t help himself. He hadn’t seen his brother for about eleven years now. He’s changed a lot since then.

And as if Gerard was reading his mind, he grinned and said, “You’ve changed a lot too.”

Mikey smirks. “Still with the sibling telepathy, eh?”


Mikey chuckled and sighed. “Well, you know the problem I’ve been having. I really need your help, Gee.”

Gerard smiled kindly at his younger brother. “Sure. No problem. I’ve heard of Ryan, he came to play in the county on a trip, I think? He was really good with the lute.”

Mikey beamed. “Yes, that was him. He was with the travelers once, ran away before his father could stop him. That’s how I met him, on the streets.”

“Where is he? After what happened…”

Mikey slowly opened the rucksack that Ryan used to own, and carefully took out the porcelain figurine that was now Ryan. Gerard’s eyes widened, and he let out a shaky breath.

“My, my. That’s a tad complicated. Lucky for you, I know this person who can help. Only thing is, are you claustrophobic?”

~End Flashback~

“Woah, so Mikey found his brother again? That’s awesome.”

Ryan grinned and sighed. “Yeah, Mikey used to adore his brother so much. Their father, Don, kicked him out because he fancied other guys over girls.”

Brendon raised an eyebrow. “So, that guy Frank you mentioned was his…”

“His boyfriend, to place it in modern terms, yes.”

Brendon smiled inwardly, because damn him if anyone found out, even back then some people were gay. So, what’s wrong if there still are people who are attracted to the same gender? There’s absolutely nothing wrong with that, not at a—

“Do you tend to have long monologues whenever people are talking? Cause, that’s pretty distracting.”

Brendon sighed and rolled his eyes. Man, this kid might have been his age, but he sure acts like a sixty year old.

“I am not a sixty year old; I am merely an eighteen year old trapped in a doll for fifty years.”

Ryan suddenly gasped, as if he’d said something bad, and Brendon looked at him curiously. “What’s wrong?” he asked.

“I-I heard what you said. In your thoughts,” said Ryan incredulously. “But that’s not supposed to be, unless…”


“Come on. He’s this a-way.”

Gerard led Mikey along a confusing trail of paths around the theatre house (where Gerard was staying for a while) and stopped in front of a room which said, “PROJECTION”, in big, gold capitals.

Mikey gulped, and pushed the door open. He didn’t expect, however, to come face to face with a friendly looking face covered with soot.

“G’day, pal. Who might you be? An acquaintance of Gerard here? Or just a lonely face in the crowd, searching for an answer?”

“Both, actually.”

The soot-covered man grinned and shook Mikey’s hand, leaving a sooty handprint on Mikey’s palm. “Good answer. My name’s William. I was just poking around the chimney earlier, and forgot to wash.”

“But, there isn’t a chimney here.”

William waved his finger in front of Mikey’s face, scattering over to a bored looking man leaning against the wall and grinning. “Here’s Gabe. Saporta, say hello.”


Mikey raised an eyebrow at Gerard, but his brother merely waved him off and muttered in his ear, “Excuse Beckett. For a mystic, he can get really eccentric around new people.”

“Hurry along now, my dear Way brothers, we don’t have all day!”

Mikey opened his mouth to ask how William knew that, but Gerard silences him with a, “Mystic, remember?” Mikey scoffed and followed William, Gerard tagging along by his side.

William stopped in a small circular room and Mikey was unpleasantly reminded of the room where Greta had turned Ryan. William shook his head, smiling. “We don’t stop here. We continue upwards.” And he kicks open a trapdoor inside the wall, which appears to be a chimney. Mikey stared. Apparently, there was a chimney.

Mikey ducked his head in, and noticed a flight of steps heading to the top of the chimney-stack, where a small light was flickering through the top.

Up they climbed, up and up as far as they could go, when William suddenly paused halfway and knocked on a brick three times. Mikey wondered what he was doing, when they fell through a tunnel, speeding down.

Mikey landed on his feet after Gerard, and looked around the small, cramped tunnel that they were now standing, and grinned when he saw a very familiar face leaning against the wall.

“Frank, it’s good to see you,” said Mikey, shaking the younger man’s hand. Frank smiled and patted him on the shoulder.

“Same here. Hey, Gerard,” said Frank, and smiled at Mikey’s brother. Gerard kissed him on the cheek, grinning back. Mikey smiled at the two, thinking how happy the two are together.

“So, where are we supposed to go?”

“Well, down, or course.”


“Well, well, the Ways have arrived. And, what do we have here? Frank Anthony Iero, nice of you to join us,” said William. Frank waves half-heartedly, and sits down on a stool by the table.

The cave that they’re in was big, a little dusty, but rather cozy. There’s a table surrounded by a few chairs and stools, and there was a small lamp lighting up the area with a dim glow. Mikey took a seat next to William.

“So, how’s Ryan?” asked William mildly. “I hope he hasn’t been chipped on the way over.”

Mikey carefully took Ryan out from his bag, and William frowned. “I see. This is a problem.” William pulled a thick book out from under the table, and slammed it on the table, being sure not to hit Ryan. He cleared his throat, opening the book to the middle and making a pleased sound. “Aha.”

“What? Can you help Ryan?”

“Not quite, but I can do this.”

William poked the porcelain doll in the back of the head and it sneezed. Wait, it sneezed?

“R-Ryan? Oh God, you’re alive?”

Ryan blinked, looking up at the others from the table. He glanced at himself, checking the feel of his legs, and said, “This is… interesting.”

~To Be Continued…


This is Part One of the chapter.

Before I go on, I wanted to say I’m sorry for almost abandoning this story, I had a lot of problems recently, and I hope ya’ll don’t want to kill me or anything. xD

So, R&R? Please N Thanks.


PS Happy Belated Birthday to William Beckett ~11 Feb. :D
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