Categories > Original > Drama > I Don't Care If It's The Moon


by BelladonnaHooker 0 reviews

Category: Drama - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Published: 2009-02-14 - Updated: 2009-02-14 - 721 words

xoxoxoxoxoxo Jemme xoxoxoxoo

Once I had finished crying and shaking,Bill and I went to the living room to watch some movies.It was already 4:3o AM when I woke from my nightmare,so it was fine with Bill.We ended up watching 'V for Vendetta' and eating chocolate-covered pretzels.
"Mmm,you know,I've never tasted these in my life;these kick ass!" he exclaimed,making me giggle.
"So,they don't have these in Germany?"
"Not in my town,I'm guessing," he said,popping another pretzel into his mouth,"Jemmesypoo,I'm cold!"
"I'll go get us some blankets,then"
I got up to get my bed's comforter and some random blanket that lay on my bed.
"Here,babe". I fitted the comforter around our shivering body masses.
"Thanks,Jemmesypoo!" he smiled.He was so cute when he did that.He always got me in a happy mood.
"No problem,Billa". After 'V for Vendetta' was over,it was already around 5:3o AM.What ungodly hours.
He had fallen asleep.I ran my fingers through his soft,black hair as he snored faintly.
My mind raced.I couldn't help but wonder about my nightmare.Could my best friend really be in love with me?

xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox Bill xoxoxoxoxoxox

I was dead tired,but Jemme was 'all shook up' about her nightmare.I couldn't just leave her alone.
When we were done with 'V for Vendetta',I was ready to fall asleep entirely.My eyes began closing.And I felt Jemme stroking my hair.
It felt like heaven,to be honest.It was a repeated,soothing motion.Suddenly I heard her whisper so faintly:
"Could I really be in love with him?"
I could've exploded right then and there.Be in love with who? Not so secretly,I wished she was talking about me.
But then I got mentally slapped by Donny Osmond.For the millionth time.
Eyes still closed,I shifted a bit and lay my hand on her lap.I'd always been good at playing 'Asleep'.
She held my hand and stroked it rythmically."Should I?" she whispered again.Her whispers were ghostly and faint;it was like she didn't mean to make sound escape her lips.
I was done with playing 'Asleep'.I wanted to be with her.Fuck sleeping.Grunting,I 'sleepily' opened my eyes and smiled at her.
"Heyyyyy,hon." I brightly smiled at her.
"You fell asleep.You must be horribly tired because of me! We should try sleeping again,sweetie" she offered.
"Yeah,that sounds nice" I blinked.She didn't take her hand away from mine.
We took the blankets back to her room and got settled.
"Jemmesypoo,I wanna cuddle,fool" I giggled.Hopefully,this would work.
"What,still cold?" she smiled.
"Yeahhhh,come here pwease!"
"Okay,okay"she gave in.
And so,I,Bill Kaulitz cuddled with Jemme Caydence,my best friend.Soon enough I fell into an abyss where dreams took flight,as well as I. Damn,that's trippy,she said...

xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo Jemme xoxox

I,Jemme Caydence,like to cuddle.I,Jemme Caydence,cuddled with my best friend.Billa fell asleep in my arms.I stroked his hair in a repeating fashion.His hair was as soft as a Dolce & Gabbana silk $5,ooo,ooo dress.What if...?
NO.He's my best friend.He couldn't be in love with me.Right...? I started to dwell with myself on the 'What if...?'s of my situation.I didn't want my nightmare to come true.Were we together in my nightmare? Was I dating someone else? I'm clueless,here.
I thought 'til I felt like my head was gonna explode and a bunch of squirrels would come out.I concluded that we may never be together.I may never be happy.I may have to live without Billa.I may have to leave as to not hurt him.I may have to stop being such an idiot.I may have to stop talking to myself.I may have to end.
I looked down on the sleeping Billa.My sweet Billa... I looked around for no one,and lowered my face to his (closed) eye-level.
I pressed my lips softly on his,so I wouldn't wake him.I wanted to cry.I wanted to tell him.
I wanted him.But I'm just a silly,silly girl.
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