Categories > Original > Poetry

Something, Anything.

by EmilyIero 0 reviews

Just something I wrote; Not good at all.

Category: Poetry - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama - Published: 2009-02-21 - Updated: 2009-02-21 - 221 words - Complete

I don't know what I'm doing anymore.

Everything is falling apart.

I need help, but no one is there.

Your actions take hold of me; Squeeze the life right out.

I'm slowly withering away; It's all your fault.

I'll hide it with laughter and smiles, but what's inside is so terrible.

If you knew, what would you think?

I can't risk it; it would kill me.

Losing what I have right now would surely end my life.

Every smile is not always genuine; I'm just good at pretending.

Please don't hurt me anymore; When you hurt me, I hurt myself.

Everyone knows; And I know that you know.

What do you think? That I will never know.

When you're looking at me; what do you really see?

I'll try to stay but it gets hard.

My feelings are so over powering I feel my heart will explode.

I need a response.

Something anything; Show me how you feel, may it be good or bad.

I don't want to live on I thinks anymore; They're only doing me harm.

You're confusing me. Stop this torture. I'm dying inside; and its all because of you.

I know you're looking at me. I'm looking at you.

What do you think when you catch my eye?

Please talk to me; give me something, anything.

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