Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance
I'm Just The Way That The Doctor Made Me
2 reviewsBam and Mikey are best friends, but they have very different intrests. Clubs for example. Mikey loves them, Bam does Not. Synyster Gates likes them just fine...
I'm Just The Way That The Doctor Made Me
2 reviewsBam and Mikey are best friends, but they have very different intrests. Clubs for example. Mikey loves them, Bam does Not. Synyster Gates likes them just fine...
2ExcitingEvil Mikey...
3 reviewsMikey has something up his sleeve...
1ExcitingEnter Frank Iero
2 reviewsHe just hasn't been the same since...
0UnratedDisclaimer and Authors Notes
1 reviewNot a chapter, still, please read it.
0UnratedWilla Wallo
1 reviewMikey sure is good at making things awkward.
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