Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > The Afterlife Of The Party

I've Got a Dark Alley and a Bad Idea That Says You Should Shut Your Mouth

by shelovestragedies 0 reviews

Oooooh, mores. mores for my readers. yep. review and rate please. Seriously, everyone reviews but never rates. and rating takes so much less time. Sheesh.

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Fantasy,Romance - Published: 2009-02-24 - Updated: 2009-02-25 - 659 words - Complete

Patrick's POV

I quickly dodged Paige's attack, darting to the other side of the room. The fact that she missed didn't seem to phase her much, she simply swivelled and ran at me again. Once again, I dodged. And once again, she turned and came at me again. That continued for a while, until I started to get tired. Damn those cheesy poofs, I knew they were no good for me.

(small author's note:: Paige- I love cheesy poofs, you love cheesy poofs. If you hate cheesy poofs, you'd be LAME. sorry, couldn't help myself there. XD)

She ran again at me, and I barely moved out of the way of her attack. She smirked as she ran towards me one more time, and I knew I couldn't move quickly enough. She tackled me hard to the floor, my head bashing against the wall. The knife fell from my grip, and I scrambled to pick it up again. Before I could get it though, she kicked it away, and it skittered across the floor to where Beckett was standing, obviously feeling better now.

Beckett bent and picked up the knife with an evil smile on his face.
"I think that this calls for a change of plan. Bring him here, Paige."

Paige roughly jerked me up from the floor, holding my arms tightly behind me. She had her lethally sharp nails positioned just above my throat, prepared to make the cut that could end my life. She pushed me over to where Beckett was standing by Pete. By now Pete was conscious, whimpering and struggling futiley against the bonds. Beckett pressed the blade of the knife into Pete's throat, not breaking the skin yet, but pressing hard enough that the anti-vampire chemicals could seep into Pete's skin a little. Pete's eyes pressed tightly closed and he whimpered with the pain.

Once again I closed my eyes, not wanting to watch. Almost immediately I heard Paige's angry voice in my ear.

"You will watch this." She growled.

Again, my eyes snapped open of their own accord. I had no choice but to witness the murder of my boyfriend.

Beckett made a small cut across Pete's throat, not enough to kill him, but enough to make him scream in agony. Which was exactly what he was doing. Tears formed in my eyes as I watched. I couldn't let this happen, I couldn't let him die.

With a growl I jerked my elbow back into Paige's ribcage. Her grip on my arms slackened and I twisted free of her arms. I twisted my leg up and kicked her in the side of the face, sending her reeling backwards. With her out of the way for the time being I snarled and tackled Beckett. We crashed to the floor, my fists making short work of his face.

With a short chuckle he reached up and plunged the infected blade deep into my chest. I screamed in agony but didn't let up with my punches. He wrenched the blade down, making a deep gash through my chest. I screamed again and this time I fell back a little. I could hear Pete's whimpers of protest through his gag and I decided to focus on getting him untied. I pulled Beckett's hand from my chest and all but flung it at him, delivering another sharp blow to his face before climbing off and heading to Pete. I slashed through the bindings of the table with my nails and pulled him away from the table. I set him on his feet and looked into his eyes, ignoring the searing pain in my chest.

"Are you okay Pete?"
"Yeah, are you?"

Before I had time to respond I felt something dig into my spine. I screamed once in agony before the world went black around me. I crumpled to the ground, and the last thing I heard before the darkness claimed me was Pete screaming my name.
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