Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > It's Not A Fashion Statement It's A Deathwish

This is going rather well...

by My--Toro--Romance 2 reviews

They're magically best of buds...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2009-03-04 - Updated: 2009-03-04 - 783 words

Horray! More superficial man-love! Just to let y'all know, it’s not some deep meaningful story, it’s a bit of a piss up I wrote ages ago that I thought I would force on you :) Thank you my lovely reviewers, this is for you XD

Oh and let us assume that they bonded terrifically well during Art. Mmkay? ON WITH IT.


Franks POV

I had got through the rest of art with only a few more snide comments and jabs from the other kids. However, lesson number two looked like slightly more of a problem. For one thing, it was gym. Now gym, PE, games, whatever you call it in whatever corner of the whole fucking planet always involves wearing a skanky kit and rolling around on a muddy field. Ugh. Actually that’s not fair, sometimes my kit is clean. When the bell rang for the end of the period, the guys at the front jumped up, knocking their chairs back and raced for the door. The rest of the kids drifted after them, resigned to their fate (poor things). But not me. And not Gerard. For what seemed like an age, we just sat there, staring into space. Then Mr Jamison turned from where he was tidying up at the front and asked Gerard,

‘Now Mr Way, don’t you two boys have somewhere to be? Like…oh…a lesson?’

‘Sir, with all due respect, I really can’t be arsed.”

Mr Jamison smiled,

‘No I don’t suppose you do… tell you what, if you help me get the paint stains off these desks you can have a free period instead of gym. Deal?’
Gerard mock-saluted and stood to attention.

‘Yessir we would be delighted to oblige your kind offer wouldn’t we Frank?’

‘Erm…yessir?’ I did a similar salute to his. Gerard laughed and ruffled my hair. Then we grabbed some bleach and a cloth, walked to the front and rolled up our sleeves (well Gerard did anyway, I was wearing a short sleeved t-shirt mwa hahahaa)
20 minutes later we were washing our hands and splashing each other at the painty sink.

‘So’ said Gerard, picking up his satchel ‘fancy hitting the shops?’

‘Yeah! The shops sound great!’ I tackled him and he fell to the floor, I landed on top of him, giggling.

‘This is cosy’ I giggled, cheekily poking my tongue at him.

‘Uhhhuh... Frank, up. You’re crushing my lung and I think I might need that later...” I obliged and offered him a hand. He smiled and took it,

‘Nnnghh!’ I strained, trying to pull him up while he sat smirking on the floor. After... about 15 minutes he let go of my hand and stood up. I scowled at him, turned, and fell head first into the bin. Gerard snorted and walked past me. I dislodged various bits of gum and wrappers from my head and ran after him.

‘PIGGY BACK!’ I yelled, tackling him for the second time that day. This time he didn’t fall and instead he grabbed my legs and ran with me down the hall.

‘AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!’ I shouted as my head came dangerously close to being knocked off by a light. Then it was. Well, I say it was, my head didn’t actually fall off, and it wasn’t a light. I landed in a heap on the floor,

‘Ow, Fuck!’ I twisted to see what had hit me and saw an unfamiliar tall strawberry blonde boy standing over me smirking.

‘What’s it like down there fag?’ I stared. ‘What, are you mute as well, or are you just retarded?’

‘I-I-I …’ Then suddenly out of no-where came the previously accursed bin, flying through the air. CLANG! The boy looked confused as he toppled forwards, I scrambled out of the way as he fell towards me like a big tree. From behind him stepped…

‘…Gerard? What the hell?’ I stood up (again) and leant on Gerard's outstretched arm. He was shaking from the effort of lifting the metal bin and I had only just guided him to a low wall when he slumped downwards.

‘Who was that?’.

‘Bob Bryar. He’s one of the biggest assholes you will ever meet. Complete wanker. Degrades just about everything you could possibly imagine. Even grass! I mean seriously, how can you degrade grass? It’s just unheard of.’ I kept nodding in agreement making ‘mmhm’ noises every now and again as he ranted about the injustice of it all and how it was so unfair and how he didn’t like it.


Like it? Hate it? My ears are clear and open for opinions. R&R!

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