Categories > Original > Fantasy > Into The Jaws of Hell

Into The Jaws of Hell

by Natwadge 0 reviews

Vala is a vampire hunter on a vendetta against the most dangerous vampire in centuries. With her watcher gone on a retreat she is forced to fight Ambrose alone. With the use of magic Vala just migh...

Category: Fantasy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Fantasy - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2009-03-06 - Updated: 2009-03-07 - 82 words

The location is Ireland among the ruins of an old church and the cemeteries surrounding it. The characters are Vala, her watcher Alden, and the vampire on their trail Ambrose. Come and join her as she fights her way to freedom.

The location is Ireland among the ruins of an old church and the cemeteries surrounding it. The characters are Vala, her watcher Alden, and the vampire on their trail Ambrose. Come and join her as she fights her way to freedom.
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