Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > When the Sky is Blue

I'll Run

by gerard_is_my_savior 0 reviews

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2009-03-07 - Updated: 2009-03-08 - 2729 words


Alena's POV

“Hey babe,” Brendon said, leaning in and kissing the top of my head. “We’re going down to the bridal store to make sure our tuxes fit perfectly. We’ll be back soon.” It was just after 10 am, the boys had just finished eating the breakfast I had made them.
“Are you picking up Jon and Spencer?” I asked.
Brendon smiled. “No, they’re meeting us there. But I still need my best men to all look sharp!”
I laughed. He and Ryan turned to walk out of the kitchen. “Wait, Brendon,” I called. “Can I ask you a favor?”
“Sure, anything,” he answered. He turned and took my face in his hands. We were standing in the center of the kitchen, and I could feel Ryan’s presence in the doorway only a few feet from where we stood, making me uneasy.
“Can you wait awhile to come home? I just need some time to myself… To paint or something. Do things I haven’t done since we got together…” I took in a sharp breath as I saw Ryan vanish from the corner of my eye.
“Of course,” he whispered, pressing his lips to my neck, obviously taking advantage of our alone time. I suddenly felt very weak. “Just…” he paused, his warm lips on the base of my jaw. He pulled away then and lightly touched my cheek. “There’s a difference between alone and lonely, Alena. You can be by yourself to be alone, but you can be surrounded by thousands of people and be the loneliest person in the world.” He placed his hands on my hips sliding his fingers underneath my shirt, his fingertips pressed to my skin. Once more, his face was close to mine, his beautiful lips tracing my face. “Call me,” he said, in the most velvet voice I’ve ever heard, “when you decide you’re lonely.”
“I’m lonely now,” I whispered, pressing my body against his. His hands moved slowly down my thigh.
“Oh no, Alena,” he said with a small laugh. “No, no,” he chastised, pulling away and removing his hands from my body. “I have to get my tux fitted. But you wait here, it will only take an hour.” He twirled one of my long brown curls around the end of his index finger. “Go upstairs, take a bath, listen to music and I’ll be home before you know it.” He touched my face again, his hand warm against my cheek. “And then, you won’t be lonely anymore.”
From outside, Ryan laid on the horn, causing Brendon to laugh again, and he flashed his beautiful smile. “Duty calls, Alena.” He gave me another gentle kiss on the lips before he turned to leave. “I love you, baby.”
“I love you too!” I called as he took out the door. “Wait, Brendon!”
“Yes?” he asked, turning to face me, the front door knob in his hand.
“Promise you’ll be back soon?” I asked, not keeping the anxiety out of my voice.
“Of course. But you know, the sooner I leave, the sooner I return.”
It was my turn to laugh. “Okay, Brendon. You win. Have fun.”
“Will do, babe.” Then he disappeared behind he big wooden door. I flew to the kitchen window just to watch him leave.
The tan Honda Civic, a “gift” from the tour manager, backed smoothly out of the driveway, the engine a soft purr, like that of a sleeping kitten. Brendon waved at me and I blew him a kiss in return. I then caught Ryan’s eye and felt ice crawl up my spine. His look was that of one to kill.
I turned my back to the window and inhaled. I had never seen him look like that before, not once. His face was sheer pain, and his eyes had been dark and full of malice. I remembered the sunken look in his eyes he wore at breakfast. It made my heart break.
“Long night?” I had only half-teased when we crossed paths on the stairs.
“Longer than you know,” he answered bitterly.
As I had stood there, I had been trying to fight back tears.
“The night shows no mercy for me,” he had whispered, touching my lips gracefully, causing my heart to flutter. “My dreams are filled with your face. My sweet Alena, darkness offers me no peace.”
“I’m sorry, Ryan,” I cried, tears pouring out of my eyes. “I can’t fix this.”
He smiled, though the smile didn’t reach his eyes. “What did you say to me before we parted last night, Alena?”
“Love can’t fix the world,” I whispered. The words left my throat dry.
He let out a small laugh, though it wasn’t musical nor humor-filled. “Yes, that’s it. That’s the answer, isn’t it? Love, as you said, cannot indeed fix the world. It only makes everything a little bit better for a very small amount of time. No fixing what so ever. Love is not a tool, but merely a cover-up. No,” he hesitated a moment. “Love is the wool that people will voluntarily pull over their eyes so they’ll never have to see again.” He shrugged. “That is all.”
“That is a pessimistic view.”
“Ah, Alena. It’s only your view, but better processed.”
“I was wrong, Ryan!”
“No, you aren’t. You’re very right. This pessimistic view is simply reality.”
“Ryan, I—“
He silently walked past me, going up the stairs and into his room.

Ryan’s POV

I kept my eyes out the window, ignoring Brendon’s small talk. It was a nice, cool autumn morning. This time of year made me really wish that Las Vegas, Nevada had more to offer to me in the seasonal department. I desperately needed the fall colors for inspiration; inspiration to write and play, inspiration to live.
“Ryan,” Brendon said. “Did Alena tell you the news?”
I kept my face away from his. He was driving, of course. I was sitting in the passenger seat, and as far as I could tell, we were almost to the shop. I ignored Brendon.
“Ryan, we’re having a baby. Well, she’s having it, but it’s going to be mine too.”
Or so you think. I snorted. “I know.”
“You know?” I thought I caught some disbelief in his voice.
“Alena told me last night.”
“She did? When?”
“Of course she did. And she told me as she stumbled in, drunk.”
“Oh,” he said, followed by a sigh. “I didn’t know her to drink…”
“She doesn’t drink. That was her first time.”
“How do you know?” he asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Because, she told me as she tripped in the hallway last night. She told me she was pissed at me and that love couldn’t fix the world, took up the stairs, got to the top and passed out.”
“And she told me, ‘Ryan, I’ve never drank like this before,’ then she passed out. I carried her, laid her on the bed and left to wait for you.”
“Love can’t fix the world?” he asked, confused.
I sighed. “Who knows, man? She was wasted.”
“Why would she go drink like that? I mean, is that how all women react when they find out they’re pregnant? Runaway and get drunk?”
That’s how all women react when they’re having a baby and they don’t know who the father is.
“I don’t know, Brendon. Maybe it was just a shocker to her. I mean, honestly, Bren. The girl’s not one to take things easy.”
I could tell he was pissed. “What the hell does that mean, Ryan?”
“Brendon, the girl tried to kill herself and she drinks when she finds out she’s pregnant and…” I stopped there.
And she sleeps with her boyfriend’s best friend when she gets lonely.
“And what exactly, Ryan?” he asked. He was furious. We were parked in front of the shop now, so I opened my door, but Brendon grabbed my wrist. “What Ryan?”
“Nothing Brendon. I ran out of examples.”
He narrowed his eyes at me.
“Brendon, could you chill out for like, five seconds, bro? We need to go get this done. It’s your wedding.”
He reluctantly released my wrist and got out of the car and so did I. I looked down the parking lot and I could see Jon’s car parked several stalls away. He had a Honda Civic, just like ours, but his was white.
When we walked in, they were both waiting inside. “You’re late,” Jon said.
“Yeah, by two and a half minutes!” Brendon yelled, then laughed.
“Figures,” Spencer said, rolling his eyes. “What was that spat about out there? You would think you two are the ones getting married or something!”
“Oh hush!” I spat back.
“Hey guys, I have some really amazing news for you!” Brendon chimed in.
Jon raised an eyebrow. “You’re actually gay and using Alena as a cover-up, allowing me to run away and marry her?” He teased.
Brendon rolled his dark brown eyes. “NO! That’s definitely NOT it. Stay away from my fiancé! However…” he hesitated, an eager smile forming on his face.
“C’mon, Bren. Stop being an asshole and tell us!” Spencer demanded.
“Alena’s pregnant!”
“What? No way! Man, way to!” Jon yelled, running up to him and giving him a giant hug.
Spencer looked at me, his eyes suddenly understanding and aware. “Way to go, Brendon.” He took his eyes off of me and gave our front man a big hug. “Way to go.”
“Thanks guys.”
Suddenly, a small, dark haired Asian woman appeared from behind a large wooden door on the far wall. “I need Mr. Urie and Mr. Walker to come with me now so our head seamstress can measure you. I need the other two to wait in here.”
“Let’s go, daddy!” Jon said, winking and poking Brendon.
Brendon grumbled a profanity under his breath and followed Jon and the woman through the doorway.
As soon as they were gone, Spencer all but tackled me.
“What the fuck are you thinking?” He yelled.
“Spence, I--.”
“What if that’s your kid, Ryan?”
He acted as if I had even considered the question yet. “Listen, Spencer. I’ve thought a lot about this in the last 12 hours, okay? I know all the consequences and all actions I’m going to have to receive and take. I understand that. But there’s a really good chance it isn’t mine! I mean, they slept together a lot before I slept with her! And she slept with him the same night we did! Think about it!”
“I’d really rather not, thanks Ryan. But I have to. You’ve gotten me into this damn mess! I love Alena like my sister and I love Brendon. That guy is my brother and so are you and Jon. But I can’t stand here and watch this life they’ve built fall apart over one mistake…”
“It wasn’t a mistake!” I snapped. Why does everyone, even her, insist on calling our love a mistake?
“If it weren’t a mistake, we wouldn’t be having this argument!” he snapped back.
I sighed and collapsed on one of the couches they had for waiting costumers. I held my face in my hands. “Spencer, I know.”
“Do you Ryan?” he asked.
No. Actually, I hadn’t the slightest idea.

Alena’s POV

“C’mon Alena, stuff to do…” This was bad.
Not only could I think of absolutely nothing to do at all, but now, I was talking to myself.
“Sure, sure, just think.”
Okay, this was getting worse. Now, I’m talking to myself.
I’m laying on our bed, running my fingers over the sheets, hoping and praying that’d he’d just hurry before I had to think of something to pass the time. So far, it’s been only 30 minutes.
I leaped out of bed and walked over to the stereo Brendon had set up on his dresser. He had his iPod wired to it. I turned it on and pressed play. A new band, I hadn’t heard came on the speakers.

“I can see it in your eyes, you’re scared.
Al these things you’re forced to do aren’t fair.
I’m here to chase away these tears,
And baby we can chase away these fears.
Because sometimes baby you fall on your back
But girl you’re three times the lady I’ll ever have
And you know, you know it’s true
This is a fight I refuse to lose.“

I started dancing around, leaping, throwing my arms in the air. All too soon, the song was over, causing me to race over and press replay on the iPod. The new sound filled my ears again and I began to sing along with the chorus. The man’s voice was a sweet tenor and he sang with a lot of soul. I kept replaying it, singing to all the words now and dancing, jumping on the bed.
“I’ll run and I’ll run! Have a little faith in me! You’re scared and alone and I’ll run and I’ll run! This is where we both break free! I’ll bring you home!”
I sang as horribly as possible, just to be silly and just to have fun.
But suddenly, the music stopped, and I looked over to see Brendon holding his iPod.
“You know, babe. I said listen to music, not sing to it.”
I frowned. “What? I can’t help it!”
He busted up laughing and walked across the room and took me into his arms. “I was just kidding baby.” He placed a kiss on my check. “So, you like that band?”
I nodded my head. “Yeah, they’re amazing. That guy has a really great voice.”
“Ah, yeah. That’s The Cab. I’m thinking about signing them and also doing a calibration together. Well, us and then Patrick Stump.”
“Really?” I asked.
“I’d love to do a collaboration with you,” I whispered, touching his chest.
He laughed yet again. “I know.”
“You’re home early,” I commented.
“What, you want me to drive around the block a few times and come back?”
I gave him a serious look.
“I could have, ya know. I could have gone out for ice cream too.”
“Really Brendon?”
“Okay, so the lady fitted me and Jon first, letting me out early. Ryan said he and Spencer had something to go do and sent me home as soon as I was done. But, like I said, I have to go circle the block a few times…”
I glared at him. “Oh, you just hush up and love me.”
He rolled his eyes and let out a sigh. “Oh, I suppose.”
In an instant, we were on the bed, his hands on my hips, our lips placed together. Clothes were being thrown from our bodies and tossed blindly to the floor, letting them fall God knows where, but not caring in the slightest.
“Brendon,” I cried, breathlessly, “I love you so much.”
“I love you too,” he whispered, placing his hand on my perspiring face. He removed my jeans and threw them on the floor next us. We were both down to just underwear, me in just my panties, him in just a pair of boxer shorts. He was staring me down, and suddenly, I felt very self-conscience.
“You know, even after I’ve had you so many times, I can’t help but to get so caught up in just seeing you.” I felt my face turn bright red. “Really Alena, you’re so beautiful. I’m so thankful you’re mine and no one else’s.” He was hovering over my body. I placed my hand on his chest, moved them down his stomach and around the elastic band of his boxers, sliding them slowly off.
He pressed his lips to my jaw line once more, his own hands removing my panties. We were together, him taking me away from everything.
But I couldn’t escape everything.
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