Categories > Anime/Manga > Naruto

Blind Spot

by shay_shay 3 reviews

Kakashi surprises the Team with a new person, how is her past connected to both Naruto and Sasuke?

Category: Naruto - Rating: PG - Genres: Angst,Romance - Warnings: [!] [V] - Published: 2009-03-09 - Updated: 2009-03-09 - 287 words

Please Reveiw~

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or its Characters this is purely a fanfic

"Are you sure they can handle her Kakashi?"
"Yea, I told her to be on her best behavior..."
"Something tells me this won't work... especially with the kyuubi brat and Sharigan user"

Konoha Academy
"NARUTOOO!!!!!" Saukra yelled,
"What?" Naruto asked dully "Kakashi-sensei said to be there by 11.00 so I'll be there at 11.30"
Naruto started to walk away, Sakura grabbed his arm, Naruto blushed at the sudden
contact and Sasuke rolled his eyes
"Idiot! we still have to be on time!" Sakura chided,
Naruto shrugged "Fine but he better be there"

The three of them walked to the training grounds where they saw Kakashi,
"Your late" he muttered
"Don't give me that!" they shouted in unison
Kakashi smiled, the three of them looked around
"Sooo, where's the suprise!" Naruto exclaimed whilst confused,
"Over there" Kakashi stated whilst pointing to a bench,
The three Genin ran over to the bench to see a small girl that seemed their age yet petit,
Naruto walked in front of her and put his hand out
"Hi I'm Naruto Uzumaki! I'm gonna be Hokage Someday" he stated proudly
The stayed silent and then smelt his hands with her eyes still closed,
"Lies.." she muttered and then leaned back into the bench
"What?" Naruto asked
"You will never become Hokage..." She stood up her small frail looking frame much smaller than Naruto "You will Never because I'll beat you to it..." She smiled not opening her eyes the whole time...

A/N: I'm sorry i didnt have time to upload the whole thing I will when i get time, but please reveiw what i have done, thanks

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