Categories > Games > Final Fantasy 7 > RenoRufus Drabbles


by Rufus_Shinra4179 0 reviews

Same as before

Category: Final Fantasy 7 - Rating: G - Genres: Angst - Characters: Kadaj,Loz,Reno,Rufus Shinra - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2009-03-10 - Updated: 2009-03-11 - 861 words - Complete

81. With every day that passes, Kadaj’s belief that they will find Mother decreases. Before all this – the searching, the fighting – he was actually more or less sane but not finding her is impossible. It drives him crazy – he can’t even remember the last time that he actually got some sleep. Every spare moment must be spent trying to either find Mother or coming up with ways to find her.

In a small part of his mind, the part that is still him, he knows that he’s being manipulated but it doesn’t matter – that part of him is nowhere near enough any more to be able to do anything about it. He will continue doing what he must – SOMEONE has to have her! He will find her or die trying…and he’ll take as many of them with him as he can!


82. Cloud peers angrily at his flesh. These horrible black marks make him weak, mean that he is unable to protect and look after the people that matter. He realises now that there is no alternative but for him to leave – they think when he’s around, they’re safe but obviously that’s not the case any more. But where will he go? Only one place seems suitable to him – the Church.


83. It was during the bi-monthly meetings with each Turk that Rufus really hurt the most, seeing Reno sitting across from him, treating him like nothing more than his boss…it took the wind from his sails. He itched to do something completely out of character to just snap him out of it – lean across the desk and pull him close, kiss him breathless but of course he never would. That would be both so unlike him and totally unwanted. He could dream though.


84. Cloud wasn’t lurking outside the pub, of course he wasn’t. Why would he need to do that when he’d lived there until so recently? No, he definitely wasn’t waiting, hoping to catch a glimpse of Tifa. To know that she was okay. He sagged suddenly. That’s exactly what he was doing. When had become such a coward? He should just walk up to her when she got there and explain everything to her but he couldn’t. She was better off without him. They all were.


85. Rufus was lost in a maze of paperwork it seemed. The worst part was that none of it was actually his but his father’s – he was far too busy doing important things in his office to do the work that he enjoyed taking credit for. Of course, his definition and the President’s definition were too very different things. Rufus was busy. His father was having sex with his secretary no doubt. Yuck!


86. “Reno, you are driving me absolutely nuts. Do us all a favour, walk up to his office and tell him that you can’t live without him. I swear, if you don’t I will!” Reno eyed his partner. “Do that and I’m not talking to you for a month!” It was on the tip of his tongue to state that it would be a blessing but he knew that was a lie. He was too used to the noise now – the quiet would drive him over the edge. “Reno, seriously…do something!”


87. Rufus groaned and pulled Reno’s clothes off as fast as he could. “Have you any idea what you do to me?” It was a rhetorical question really Of course Reno knew – the smirk on his face was answer enough.


88. Rufus’s days were merging into each other again. It was the same thing day and daily: Get up, get washed and dressed, play with his breakfast, work, eat a little lunch, work, go home, play with supper and go to bed. Repeat. It was ever thus. Only for a short while with Reno had his life had meaning; had colour… Sure, his schedule had been the same but you just never knew with Reno when he’d turn up to brighten your day or even just to feed you. He missed him and there was nothing he could do about it.


89. Reno eyed the Vice-President with a scowl. “Man, look at him yo! He’s so damn tidy! What he needs is someone to come along and mess him up a bit – make him look human, I’m sure there’s plenty of girls – and boys too no doubt – who’d be willing. Right Partner?” Rude just looked at him over the shades and snorted. “Yeah, you know it! I’m always right.”


90. Loz parked the bike and watched the Church and waited. He had the materia. He knew that brother would be back soon and he WOULD know where mother was. He wasn’t entirely sure what they were going to do with her when they had her but it didn’t matter. She’d be back and that’s what really counted. He couldn’t help hoping though, that there’d be cake. And maybe some balloons…

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