Categories > Original > Drama

If you're not a servant you'll be struck to the ground

by Wakingthefallen 0 reviews

Zacky Vengeance and Synyster Gates. Who would've thought a love like that could end this way?

Category: Drama - Rating: R - Genres: Drama - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2009-03-18 - Updated: 2009-03-19 - 598 words

Honey, what were we thinking? With a young age like that, and an attitude problem like yours, what the hell were we thinking? We didn't have much in common, except tattoos, music, cigarettes and alcohol. And why would you stick around if you were only going to sleep around and then come home and remind me how much you love me when the truth of the matter is; you never fucking loved me. You never even fucking cared about me. All you thought of me was your next brilliant lay. Well I had to end it. I couldn't take it. And hell, before they flick this switch, I'd like to relive this memory one last time.


"Of course, I do." Syn grinned at the priest, who was our good friend Rev being a wanker and actually dressed up like a priest, he then looked at me and smiled, he kissed me for the first time since I last saw him - the morning before. And so I kissed him back.
October 31 2002. Prinston Gardens. Our wedding day.
That night was so fucking amazing, everyone Syn and I had invited came along; and if you're wondering why our families weren't there - they weren't invited. Why? Because it's wrong for two men to marry each other. Matt and Valary were there with their little one - Ivory, who was our flower girl. She was gorgeous, and perhaps the most polite three year old in the world, which impresses me most, because her father is Matt - who has the foulest mouth.

Weeks went by after the wedding, and I noticed Syn became less interested in anything I had to say, and his words were vacant; meaningless. I'd ask him why he was angry with me, and he would always say he wasn't, he was just tired, and then tell me I was in the way of the TV and he was trying to watch it. Some nights I'd sit there and stare at him for hours - and he wouldn't even notice. I wasn't staring at him to be creepy, I was staring at him to see how long it took before he noticed my eyes were burning on to him ... But he never did.

"Syn you better fucking tell me what's going on, I'm sick of this fucking void!" I screamed.
"Who the fuck are you to tell me to tell you what the fuck is on my mind. Get out of my fucking way!" He demanded. He was trying to leave the house, but I wasn't prepared to let ANYONE go anywhere, without me knowing what was on his mind.
"So much for love, right?" I snarled.
"What the.. What do you mean, 'So much for love.'" He demanded.
"You once told me that the meaning of love was trust. How the fuck can you trust me if you won't even tell me why you're barely talking to me?"
"I'm talking to you now, aren't I?"
I glared at him.
"I don't have to answer to you, your friends, my friends. Anyone. Now. Get out of my way." He tried to push passed, so I blocked his way again.
"No." I sighed. But I never expected that hard fist of his to come straight at me in the face, it was the biggest shock.
"Some people, aka you, need to learn when the fuck to back down." He stormed out.
I sat there on the concrete outside the front door, with my hand over my eye.. Shocked. And I didn't know that it was only the beginning.
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