Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > From Dusk 'Till Dawn

Chapter 29

by arquero333 4 reviews

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG - Genres: Fantasy,Horror,Romance - Published: 2009-03-18 - Updated: 2009-03-19 - 713 words

I'm gunna try uploading this again... gar! Ficwad is pissing me off a little...
Good News: I'm writing again! Bad News: Its almost over. Good News: I've got an idea or two floating around for another story.
Enough chat.. lets continue.

If I had to guess, I'd say that Andy had been here for about two weeks. Most of my time was spent taking care of him so he didn't have to strain too much. I was trying to get him back up to health as soon as possible. I was scared that someone would wander to this side and think of him as an easy meal.

"You know, you don't have to take care of me, I'm fine." Andy sighed when I brought him supper that night.
"Yes, I do. It's my fault you're in here." I argued.
"No it isn't. It was my choice to follow those vampires."
"Because you were looking for me."
"Because you were kidnapped."
"Because I was the one sneaking around with William."
"Yupp, that's pretty much your fault." He laughed.
"See, told you."
"Fine, we'll call it a tie, deal?"
"Deal." I smiled. There was a long pause while Andy ate. I decided to tidy up the room a little so I didn't seem like a creep watching him eat.
"So, what did you see in him anyways?" He asked
"What did you see in William when you started sneaking around with him?"
"I dunno. I guess I thought he was kind of good looking and really nice. Plus I was rebelling against Pete." I shrugged. Truth was I didn't necessarily know.
"So, he's the kind of guy you go for then?"
"What do you mean 'kind of guy'?" I turned to him
"Well, everyone has a 'type'" he said, using air quotes around type "Some people prefer tall, dark and handsome, some people prefer funny guys, some like jocks... I dunno, everyone has a type of guy or girl they tend to like."
"Really? Hmm. I'm not entirely sure I know what my type is. I guess they have to be funny... and really nice... a little nerdy so they don't think I'm a total goof anytime I get all dorky." I laughed. "Why, do you have a type?" I asked.
"Yeah, I guess."
"Well, what's your 'type'?" I sat down next to him on the bed.
"Well, she has to be shorter than me, just because I'm short enough already. I can't handle my girlfriend being taller than me too."
"Makes sense." I nodded.
"She can't be scared to be herself no matter who is around, and she has to be cool enough to be different in the first place. She has to be gorgeous of course. I mean, she'd be the most beautiful girl in the world." As he described his 'type' I felt a pang in my chest. The way Andy was talking about this girl, she'd have to be perfect, and he'd treat her like a princess... Meanwhile, my boyfriend turns me into a bloodsucker. Why do I always attract the weirdos?
"Well, if we ever get out of here, we'll have to find you your girl." I smiled.
"Thats the thing though... I think I kinda found her." He mumbled.
"Really? Andy, I'm so happy for you! What's her name, does she know?"
"No, she doesn't know... It just seems like its never the right time to tell her." He shrugged, looking defeated.
"Well, you just have to tell her. If you keep putting it off, you'll end up with..." I paused to think. He'll end up in my situation "You'll end up with a vampire." I laughed. "And trust me, its not as fun as it sounds." I looked at his supper plate and saw that it was empty. I picked it up and started to take it to the kitchen. "I'll run this to the kitchen and be right back, kay?" I asked, turning slightly to look at him when I saw he was right behind me. He grabbed my arms and turned me the rest of the way, making me drop the plate.
"Andy, what are you doing?"

Gasp! Whats going on? Only I know for sure :P Please Review! It keeps me going, guys.
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