Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Secret Love, Forbiden Kisses

chapter 3

by vampirekitten67708 0 reviews

So I decided to post all the pparts I have up on another site so I could get caught up. I may not post for a little while after this. I'm working on a few other storries as well as this one so I'm ...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2009-03-23 - Updated: 2009-03-23 - 648 words


Me and Tish didn’t have class together till third period then we had 3rd, 4th , and 5th together. She was luckily she didn’t have gym. In fact she never had to do gym. She didn’t know how lucky she was. So when third period came along I was sitting in the back waiting for her to get here. It seemed like years for her to get here. I wanted to know why he had to be back. “So why is he back”, I asked her the second she sat down. “I’m not suppose to tell anyone this so you can’t tell anyone. When he got to New York he started getting into fights because he likes to run his mouth, so I guess that is how he learned to fight. He joined some gang and changed his look. Well why he ended up in jail was he’s a man-ho. He slept with someone in a rival gang’s girlfriend. Well that guy didn’t like it so of cores he went after Frankie and he was out for blood. They somehow came to the agreement that they would have a clean fist fight and someone told the cops so they showed up after Frankie had beaten the other guy into a bloody mess. You know how my family is. We fight and we don’t just win, we massacre whoever it is we are fighting. Or we at least draw blood,” she finished.

I was in a state of pure shock. That didn’t sound like the Frankie I knew and hated. “So why would he be sent back”, asked confused. “His dad didn’t want him there if he was gonna attract the cops”, she said. I didn’t know what to say. Somehow hearing all these things seemed to make him seem cool even some what cute, if it wasn’t him. Bad, I mentally scolded myself.

Last Period Gym

I slowly made my way to the girls locker room. I was glad I was a girl for this class because the guys didn’t have a locker room so they had to change in the gym. Guess it was a good thing none of them were shy. Making my way to the end locker I started to enter in the combination to take out my black sweats and hot pink tank top. They were both kinda small on me so I used them for gym. I took my current cloths off and placed them in the locker then sled on the sweats and tank top. After tying my shoes I walked over to the mirror gathering all my hair into a high ponytail. As always I was the last to leave the locker room so when I walked into the gym I was late…again.

It was one of the things I hated about being late to a class. I took my seat on the bleacher that the school had put in and fished in my pockets for my I-pod. It was then I realized I had left it in the locker room. I was about to go back but the teacher had walked in which meant that she had locked the locker room and it also meant I was doomed to a long ass gym class, grate. I looked up as the teacher called the class to order. “ok class we have two new students, well Mr. Way is only new to this class but Mr.Iero here is new”, she told the class. I looked up hoping, no praying that ’Mr. Way’ was Mikey. No such luck. I had the worst people I could have in my class, Frankie and Gerard, and I was all alone. Why did I have to forget my I-pod and my cell, today was not turning out to be one my favorites.
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