Categories > Anime/Manga > Blood Plus > THE MUDER


by frogs_rock 0 reviews

there was a day when we seen our friends. well we thought they were but they turned on us. they threated to murder my sister daniel. than we i went to school my mom was not home when we got home. t...

Category: Blood Plus - Rating: R - Genres: Horror - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2009-03-27 - Updated: 2009-03-27 - 149 words

There was a day when we seen our friends. Well we thought they were but they turned on us. They threated to murder my sister Daniel. Than we went to school my mom was not home when we got home. The ex: friends daughter said sorry to tell you your mom will be murdered if you don't go and help her. Than me and my sister daniel said she would lay her life down for our mom. Than our ex: friends daughter Hannah said no don't do it. Hannah yelled at her mom Michelle that if she murders Tonya our mom than she would leave and never come back. Michelle let Tonya go me Shaela , Daniel,Hannah and Tonya were very happy. Than Shaela And Daniel invited Hannah over to sleep over and we became friends again. Michelle and Tonya never became friends. than they fight over a boy.

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