Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > We are always searching

We are always searching

by urine-filled-romance 3 reviews

Gerard is haunted by constant dreams. What will happen when one day they finally have a meaning? FRERARD (soon to be :D)

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2009-03-31 - Updated: 2009-03-31 - 926 words

Gerard’s POV.

Shit. Ray is such a fucking asshole. He’s meant to be my roomie for Christ’s sake, can’t he wake me at a decent hour so I actually have more than five minutes to get dressed, find my stuff and most importantly, fix my hair?! Geez, he knows that takes at least half an hour. But what does he do instead? Let me sleep in as I ‘looked tired’ and ‘could do with the rest.’ Now I have, lets see, THREE FUCKING MINUTES to get sorted before school starts. I’m not fucking going.
‘I’m not going.’ I called from upstairs, burying my head back under the pillow. Ray froze, rushing back up stairs. ‘I feel sick. Just tell them I’m sick.’
‘Gerard, you’re coming. Just ‘cos you don’t have enough time to fix your hair-’
‘And excusing the fact first period started twelve seconds ago, also excusing it takes twenty minutes to actually get to that dump, no, Ray, I am not coming.’ Even though I couldn’t see him, I could tell Ray’s face has just drained with colour. He hated being late for anything, especially school. I was just thankful Mikey wasn’t here, if he hadn’t stayed over at his ‘study-pal’s house, I’d be a dead man for sure. ‘Shit, what are we going to do! We can’t go to school now!’
‘Exactly. Now you’re getting it.’ I heard a sigh and a moan before my door shut, letting me resume my slumber. I quickly fell deep asleep, pouting into my pillow.
‘GERARD! WAKE UP!’ I jolted awake, rapidly opening my eyes to see Ray kneeling next to me with his hands on my shoulders. I was bathed in an ice cold sweat, the white sheet clinging to me and only making me hotter. I looked at Ray who immediately pulled me into a hug. He sat on the bed beside me, cold flannel at the ready. Much as he annoyed the hell out of me with his perfect grades, numerous girlfriends and tendencies to always be on time, he was my best friend and I loved him like I loved Mikey. That’s why he lived with Mikey and I. He had done for about a year now. When his parents passed, Ray was a wreck; he was having trouble living at home alone. That all changed when Mikey and I took him under our wing, he’s a completely different person, I honestly don’t know what I’d do without him. Mom and dad had moved states to Arizona on work and we were desperate to stay here, I mean, Jersey was our life. So they’re keeping this apartment standing just for us, and now for Ray too.
‘What happened?’ I asked wearily as the flannel was pressed to my head. Ray looked down at me worriedly.
‘It must be those dreams, you were screaming again.’ Ray continued to dab my forehead, calming me down and making my awful memory come back to me.
It was midnight; the house was cold. I shivered, trying to make out my surroundings. It was familiar, though I could not pinpoint how I knew it. Suddenly, it came to me, I knew exactly where I was. The exact same place I had been for weeks. I knew what was going to happen. I would wait here in the darkened house, trembling in the cold until I heard the heart stopping shriek from downstairs. Sure enough, I heard the piercing yell. Now was the v-
‘Find him.’ Voice. That too was familiar, who’s was it? A little girls, a toddlers perhaps. It was quiet at first, almost questioning me to find him, whoever ‘he’ was. It was at this point where I got up and started to search. The house was huge, there must have been at least a hundred rooms on each floor, and there must have been at least a hundred floors. I searched high and low for ‘him’ the voice gradually getting more impatient. ‘Find him. Find him! FIND HIM!’ I would try and apologize, beg for mercy, but the voice would keep coming, that demented toddlers voice I dreaded so much to hear. In every room I looked, there was nothingness, the screaming only getting louder. I had to find this boy.

‘What was I screaming this time?’ I asked, looking up at Ray.
‘Just the usual, how sorry you were, how you were going to find him’ he paused. ‘Then how you couldn’t find him… Then just general screaming-’
‘Okay enough.’ I turned over, rubbing the crack from my eyes. When I was fully awake I sat up, the flannel dropping from my forehead on to my lap.
‘What d’you think they mean? These dreams?’ Ray asked. I opened my mouth to say something, but closed it again as I myself had no fucking clue. What did they mean? Did they even mean anything? Yes. They definitely meant something… I just didn’t know what yet. Ray gave a saddened smile as if to say ‘It’s okay, I have no fucking clue either’ and got up, going downstairs. I followed him to the kitchen, seeing it was 12:47 and Ray already had some food in the oven.

[A/N]: Hey guys! Hope you all like, first chaptered fic that may actually work haha, please rate and review, I'd love to know what you all think! Wooooooo hypernesss!:D loveyouall! xoxo
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