Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Stockholm's Syndrome

Gerard's Reasons

by namaste

Gerard tells Sofi why he is doing what he's doing

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Drama,Erotica,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [R] - Published: 2009-04-04 - Updated: 2009-04-05 - 1661 words

Chapter 2: Gerard's Reasons

"So, Sofi, right?" Gerard waited for her to nod before he went on. "Well, I guess the polite thing would be to introduce ourselves. I'm sure you'd like to get out of those bonds, but I know you'll run away, so that wouldn't be a good idea on my part. So, I'm Gerard, and I'll let the other guys introduce themselves."

A big guy with blonde hair, blue eyes and really huge shoulders walked up to Sofi and crouched down to her level, which meant he was practically sitting. "Hi Sofi. My name is Bob. And don't look so scared, no one's going to hurt you as long as everything goes okay." He stood up and walked away, allowing another man to approach.

"Hi, Sofi, my name is Mikey. I'm Gerard's brother and can get you anything you need for as long as you're here. Well, within reason, of course." He said the last line with a laugh. Sofi watched him walk away, his tiny hips fitting snuggly in his tight, skinny jeans. His hair was longish and almost as dark as his brothers. However, his eyes were so much sweeter than Gerard's and Sofi felt her heart tug a little when he stepped away. He seemed so safe and caring. Maybe he could get her out of here.

By the time all that had gone through her head, the shortest guy in the group stepped up. He didn't have to crouch down too far until he was eye-level with her. His eyes twinkled just a little bit and his face looked accustomed to smiling all the time. "Hi Sofi, my name is Frankie. I'm the bouncy, fun one in the group, so if you ever need a laugh, just come to me." With that, he walked away, but with such a spring in his step that it seemed kind of comical.

The last guy approached, and again crouched down to her level. Sofi actually felt comforted by this a little bit, cause it made her feel as if they weren't trying to dominate her so much as become her friends. So far, the only intimidating one that was there was Gerard and Sofi was determined to stay away from him. "Hi Sofi, my name is Ray. I totally get that you probably won't want to ever talk to any of us, but I really hope you'll hear Gerard out. All we're asking for is some cooperation." Sofi visibly shuddered at that word, causing Ray to look up in surprise at Gerard. Gerard shrugged and Ray stepped away, not completely understanding why Sofi found cooperation so disgusting.

Gerard stepped forward again and looked towards the other guys. "Okay guys, can you give me and Sofi a little while to talk? I need to explain to her what's going on, so maybe she'll be able to help us out the way we need her to." The guys all nodded in his direction and left the room, but not before Mikey looked at her with his soft eyes. Sofi could see a question in those eyes and she wished she could ask Mikey to stay instead of his brother.

When the room was empty, Gerard looked at Sofi. "Okay Sofi, I'm gonna help you up into a chair. This is going to be a long talk, and I want you to be as comfortable as possible while you listen." Gee pulled up a chair from the nearby table, undid Sofi leg ties and helped her stand up, since her legs were asleep from sitting so long and sit in the chair. Gerard then pulled up his own chair.

"So, Sofi, are you comfortable?" Sofi shook her head no, causing Gerard to laugh.

"Well, at least you're honest. Okay Sofi, I'm gonna tell you a story you won't want to hear, but it will explain about so much that is going on. I don't want you to think we are bad people and I want you to know why we need to get at your father. Now, I can take the gag out if you want me to, but I will have to knock you out if you start screaming. We don't want people coming around and asking questions. Do you understand?"

Sofi nodded her head and when the gag was removed, simply worked her jaw for a second, enjoying the feeling of having that ability back. She asked for a glass of water and Gerard graciously got up to get her one, helping her drink it with a straw he pulled out of a kitchen drawer. After she had drunk her fill and Gerard had sat down again, Sofi gave him an expectant look, as if to say "Well, you were gonna tell me something?" Gerard cleared his throat and started in on a story that he had only told four people in his whole life, and all four of those people were in the next room.

"When I was 19, I started to attend NYU. I had this one professor who was so nice and kind. He was my psychology teacher and he really took me under his wing. Every day after class, I would go to his office and we would sit around and talk about what was going on in my life. Some days I would simply just cry about when my dad walked out, leaving me and Mikey alone with my mom and other days I would yell and scream about how hard it was to feel so alone in a city full of people. However, most days we just talked and talked and talked. One day, I saw a picture of this professor's daughter on the wall, and I asked about her. She looked about 10 or 11 and her smile was so sweet. However, when I started asking about her, he got so angry, he ordered me out of his office. He said if I ever talked about her again, he would fail me and tell all my other professors that I had tried to "sex" my way to an A in his class. I was shocked and stunned and determined never to go back to his office."

"So, for the next couple of months I steered clear of my professor, did all of my required work and hoped that the little episode of a couple months ago, even though I didn't totally understand what happened, would just go away. When finals week came around, I studied for that test so hard and knew the material backwards and forwards. But when I got my test back, he gave me a 40! I knew I had to talk to him about it, so I went to his office. When he let me in, he acted as if nothing had happened between us. I sat down across from him and calmly brought up my grade. He looked me dead in the face and say he failed me on purpose! I actually got a 95! I was so angry, I started yelling. Within seconds, he stood up and he was so angry I actually sat down in shock. He came around the desk and punched me in the face, yelling at me about how disrespectful I was being. I fell out of my chair backwards and scrambled for the door. However, he caught me by the back of the shirt and threw me back against the wall, pressing himself up against me. He kept punching me, demanding an apology for my disrespect. I tried and tried to apologize, but he was too far gone. After about 5 minutes, although it seemed like an eternity, he stood back to admire his work. When he saw the blood running down my face, he instantly got a hard on. Again, I tried to run for the door, but he caught me and threw me onto his couch."

"He starting ripping at my pants before I could even comprehend what was happening. I tried to fight him, but he hit me so hard I couldn't even think about fighting him. He got my pants off and flipped me over and shoved into me. It was the most agonizing pain I've ever felt in my life. I started to scream from the pain, but he covered my mouth so no one would hear and come in to see what was going on. He finished almost immediately and pulled out, laughing at the fact that I was bleeding. He leaned over and gave me a kiss on the cheek, thanking me for the "amazing lay", as he put it, and promised to change my grade back. And then he leaned over, looked me dead in the eyes and swore on his daughter's life that he would kill me if I told anyone. I believed him and quickly put on my pants and got out of there as fast as I could. I didn't tell anyone for the longest time, but when I started having night terrors, my brother, Mikey, forced me to tell him what was going on. I told him and eventually told the other guys too. They wanted to do something about what happened, but I told them that it would only make matters worse. Sofi, I have never told anyone else since then and you're actually the first girl that knows."

Gerard had been looking down for most of his story, and when he looked up, with tears in his eyes, he saw the tears that Sofi was fighting to hold back. He saw the pity in her eyes and that caused his tears to spill.

"Gerard why are you telling me this? I mean, it explains why you're so angry but what does this have to do with me?" As Sofi uttered the last sentence, she figured it out. Her eyes became huge and her tears began to spill.

"Please say it wasn't my father. Please say he didn't do this awful thing to you."

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