Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Beautifully Broken

Chapter Sixteen: Sexy Tiiiime

by falloutbaby89

Very hot. Read at own risk

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Erotica,Humor,Romance - Warnings: [!!] [X] - Published: 2009-04-07 - Updated: 2009-04-07 - 1267 words

I walked around the house in a hurry. I needed to find Patrick and I needed to find him badly. My brother and sister were out of the house, Joe saying something about taking them out and showing them Los Angeles before they started school. Yes, we had moved into Patrick’s LA apartment and so far everything has been going well, thank goodness.

Today I was more than ecstatic that the house was left to Patrick and me alone for just a few more hours. I think Joe sensed my horny radar cause Lord knows how long it has been since Patrick and I have had good sex. With Scarlette and Josh now living with us, we couldn’t just have sex anymore and anywhere. It had to be calculated, from the time we’d start and how loud we can be. Though they are not babies and are probably at their sexual peaks, I still wasn’t comfortable with my brother and sister knowing about my sex life.

“Woah there slow down,” Patrick laughed as I bumped into him. I looked up at him and licked my lips lustfully.

“We probably have about four to five hours alone in the house with no Scarlette or Josh interrupting us. It’s been a very long time since we’ve fucked like rabbits and right now I want you to take me and not waste time,” I told him clearly, breathing hard as the words slipped passionately passed my lips. I watched as his eyes widened but then got smaller, his lips twisting into a smirk.

“Get rid of your panties,” he practically growled, making me shiver in delight. I did as he commanded and before I could say anything else, I was pinned up to the wall beside the entrance to the kitchen, his fingers already working inside me.

“Oh god Patrick,” I moaned out as he bit my neck, on that sensitive spot. He raised me higher on the wall and held me tightly so I wouldn’t fall. After ten minutes of this madness, I felt him curl his finger in a come here motion and hit my g spot repeatedly. I couldn’t help but let out a yelp as I shuddered hard in an intense orgasm. My body flopped onto his as I came down from my orgasm, still jerking a bit.

I felt him move from the wall, carrying me as if I was a sleeping child on him. His fingers were still inside me and his thumb would diddle my clit once in a while. Before I knew it, he dropped me gently on our bed we shared.

“I’m going to fuck you so hard,” he smiled deviously. At that tone I swore I came again. He pulled my dress up quickly and seemed to be amazed at what I offered. I’d cleaned up. This gave me a chance to flip us over and straddle his waist. I pulled my dress off all the way and threw it to the side, followed by my lace bra. I wasn’t going to waste any time, I wanted this and I wanted it bad. I bent down and placed a deep hungry kiss on his lips, only parting to take off his shirt. I quickly unbuckled his jeans and being the dominant person Patrick is, he flipped us over and started kissing down my left leg down to my toe and up again, making sure to not touch my pussy. He did the same with my right leg. I wanted to die. I could feel his breathing over my womanhood and I wanted to kill him.

“Fuck Patrick stop being a tease,” I said fiercely.

“What do you want me to do?” he asked from down there.

“Stop teasing me,” I said.

“No, tell me what you want me to do not what you don’t want to do,” he said fiercely, his grip on my tightened.

“Just fucking eat me,” I said through clenched teeth.

“Sounds good to me,” he said just before burying his face into my wet folds. He took my clit in between his teeth softly and nibbled at it like it was a biscuit.

“Fuck Patrick…fuck!” I cried, grabbing at the bed covers. I couldn’t believe what I was feeling. He kept lapping at my womanhood. My juices flowing out like a fountain. This was way too much for me; I didn’t know how I was going to handle anymore. Just when I was getting ready to release, he stopped. I looked up at him weakly trying to understand what the fuck made him stop. He was taking off his jeans and boxers.

I took this chance and flipped us over; I wanted to be on top. I lifted my hips and lowered myself on him slowly. We both growled at the feeling of this kind of contact.

“Shit…Baby,” he moaned. I felt his hands on my hips as I adjusted myself and slid him deeper in me. Once I got used to the feeling, I started rocking my hips to his starting slow then quickening my pace. I threw my head back and leaned on hands on his thighs.

“Oh yes,” I moaned as I felt his hips buck up, hitting my g spot again. This was too much for me; there was no way I was going to last long. I could feel him throbbing inside me, letting me know he was about to cum. I reached down and grabbed his balls, squeezing them hard but not too much to not have children in the future.

“Fuck,” he cried. Just when I thought I had him he flipped us over again. Damn this man and male domination. He brought his lips to mine, kissing passionately as he thrust in me hard and fast, making my toes curl. I knew I let out a whimper or whatever sound one lets out when having sex. I could feel those butterflies in my stomach, as I was getting ready for my orgasm.

“Cum for me baby,” he whispered in our kiss. Alas, I felt him press on my clit and everything went black.

I woke up what seemed like minutes later when the clock showed at least an hour passed. I stretched my body like a cat’s, Patrick’s arm still around my waist protectively. He was snoring lightly, his mouth slightly open and looking as cute as ever. Looking at his face like this you’d never think he was capable of doing the things he did and said just mere moments ago. I couldn’t help but smile. Right then my stomach decided to growl obnoxiously. I was thankful Patrick didn’t hear it but was even mortified when I heard giggling coming from the other side of the door.

I got off the bed careful to not wake Patrick up and grabbed his shirt that was on the floor and put it on my body. I walked over to the door and slowly opened it, scared to see what was happening on the other side.

When I saw James’s face grinning between Scarlette’s and Josh’s I whipped the door open, glaring at them three. I heard a camera’s shutter’s click and turned my head to see Joe holding a camera directed to me. My jaw dropped but right away I lifted it up and yelled at the top of my lungs before charging after him.

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