Categories > Original > Drama > Ria's Talk Show

Poetry Against Cruelty

by Riakayaa_The_8th_Sin 1 review

Mine and Kami's little talk about death and friendship.

Category: Drama - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2009-04-14 - Updated: 2009-04-14 - 318 words

Note- This story is entirely true. Thanks go to my friend Kami for being there when I needed her. The names have been changed to protect the privacy of the persons mentioned in this story.

Riakayaa: Hello, I’m Riakayaa, but you can just call me Ria. And this is my guest, Okami!

Okami: Please just call me Kami.

Ria: (grins) Okay. So how are you Kami?

Kami: Been good. How about you?

Ria: (sudden frown) I’ve been better. I just learned that a friend of mine died a week ago…

Kami: Oh no! L

Ria: No one cared about her but me and another friend.

Kami: That’s horrible. Any death is horrible. I don’t even know the girl, and hurt fills my soul. My dark, dark pit of a soul.

Ria: (Surprised) Where did that burst of poetry come from?

Kami: I dunno. So, how did she die?

Ria: It was a rape-and-kill sort of thing. Who would bestow a death like that upon anyone?

Kami: Someone with no guilt. Delivering a blow of death is worse than a natural death or a death upon one’s self.

Ria: You care more than her mom.

Kami: The death of anyone not worthy of death is a black eye to society.

Ria: I have to say you’ve been a truly amazing friend, and one who hasn’t screwed me over.

Kami: Friendship is a bond between two beings, not a plaything like the rich people think it is.

Ria: Most of the rich snobs at school only pretend to be friends with eachother.

Kami: A poor person can die happy, knowing he died with friends who cared. A rich person dies sad because death costs money.

Ria: (astonished) You speak the truth beautifully.

Kami: Thanks. Are we done?

Ria: Yes. We’re out of time. You guys have been an awesome audience. Thank you.
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