Categories > Original > Fantasy > Eternal Requiem

Arrangement 6: Running... Again

by MangekyoChidori2089 0 reviews

Graham, Sai, and Jessie are chased by an unknown group of people. Are they Dead Snakes, or possibly someone else?

Category: Fantasy - Rating: R - Genres: Fantasy - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2009-04-18 - Updated: 2009-04-18 - 3854 words

Eternal Requiem

Arrangement 6: Running... Again

Sai leaned on the wall next to the doorway. He stood calmly with his eyes closed and arms crossed, ignoring the whispers coming from some girls across the room, whom were pointing at Sai and giggling with each other. On the window next to Sai was painted ‘Barnelle’s Clothing’ with other small papers taped to it and, to Sai’s relief, no wanted posters.

He opened his eyes slightly and saw Graham a few feet away from him standing next to a door with a sign that said ‘Dressing Room’ above it. The White haired Devil-Human waited patiently with bags of clothes on both sides of him and a cheerful smile across his face, while the dark haired Devil-Human was growing impatient.

‘Why am I here again?’ thought Sai.

At that thought, the door to the dressing room opened and Jessie came out. She was wearing brand new clothing; a long blue skirt and light green jacket that covered her white blouse. Her face seemed to light up with excitement as she did a few twirls and looked at herself in the mirror.

“Wow!” she exclaimed, ecstatic. “This looks so pretty!” Sai had never seen Jessie so happy.

“Anything on you would only enhance your natural beauty, my dear,” said Graham in a gentleman-like manner.

Jessie blushed a little and looked at Sai. “What do you think Sai?” She did another twirl. “Do I look pretty?” Sai turned his head to look outside, avoiding her eyes.

“Don’t worry Jessica,” started Graham, “he’s just too shy to admit his true feelings.”

“Would you shut up!” yelled Sai.

Jessie turned to Graham and looked at the bags next to him. “Uh, Graham?”


“Are you sure about buying me all these clothes? They don’t exactly look cheap.”

“Don’t worry about it Jessica dear. I told you I had to repay you for the mistake I made. Besides, someone like you shouldn’t be walking around in such dirty clothes.” He held up Jessie’s old clothes and for the first time she noticed just how filthy they were. They were riddled with dirt and the colors were faded. Her shirts still had the large blood stain on it as well. “Plus, I have plenty of money, so you shouldn’t concern yourself with it.”

He looked at Sai. “Are you sure you sure you don’t want any new clothes as well? I believe they have a sale on blouses over there.”

“I said shut up!” Graham started laughing. “What I want to know,” Sai pointed outside, “Is what the hell’s up with that?!” Parked right outside the store was a brand new red JD Hybrid Sports Car. “I’ve never even heard of the company that made that thing!” Just who the hell are you?”

Instead of answering Sai’s question, Graham changed the subject. “Well then, I’m assuming you two don’t have anyplace you have to be anytime soon.”

“More like we have no idea where we’re going,” said Jessie jokingly.

“Well how’s about you come traveling with me for a while? I could use the company and the extra help for the things I have to do.”

Sai started to deny the offer. “No thank-”

“We would love to!”

“What?!” Sai looked at Jessie astonished.

“Come on Sai, we don’t have anything better to do.” Jessie was right. This entire time they were just wandering around aimlessly.

The Devil-Human let out a sigh and mumbled, “whatever.”

Graham happily clapped his hands together once. “Now then, shall we set off?” Sai and Jessie started walking out to his car and he grabbed the bags and followed.

Sai looked at the car and thought, ‘At least it’s not a jeep.’ He reached to open the door, but before he could even touch the handle, Graham quickly pushed Sai into the back seat. He flipped over the door onto the leather seat and his face landed on the floor.

He struggled to get up and yelled at Graham pissed off. “What the hell was that for?!”

“Have you no manners man?” The other Devil-Human opened the passenger door and stepped out of the way, motioning Jessie to enter. “Ladies first.”

Jessie took the passenger seat and, after putting Long Arm in the back next to Sai, Graham jumped in and started the car. He revved the engine a little, showing off the smooth sounds.

“Purrs like a kitten, doesn’t she?” said Graham. He started to adjust his rear view mirror and for a split second, his eyes narrowed. They quickly changed back to normal before Jessie could see, but Sai already noticed it. The dark haired Devil-Human looked behind him and saw that Graham saw in the mirror.

There was a group of shady guys getting into three black JP cars, watching Graham’s car meticulously.

Acting as if he saw nothing, Graham pulled out of the parking space and started driving down the road. The three black cars started casually following thinking Graham hadn’t noticed.

“Hey Graham,” started Sai growing suspicious, “would you mind telling me why we’re being followed?” As soon as Sai finished his sentence, the car jerked and they started speeding through the air. Sai and Jessie were completely taken off guard while the car hovered thirty feet off the ground and sped faster. Sai looked behind him and saw the three black cars also take flight and propelled closer and closer to them.

“Please put your seatbelts on,” said Graham, “as this could get quite bumpy.” Jessie already had hers on but when Sai reached for one, he found no seatbelt there. Baffled, Sai looked around the entire back seat to find that there wasn’t a single seatbelt.

“What the hell?! There’s no freaking seat belts back here!”

“Oh, that’s right. I forgot to get them installed. Well… I guess you better hold on tight,” he said in a cheery voice.

“You damn-” he was cut off as Graham jerked around a corner ignoring the other drivers in the air.

The Devil-Human drove faster, going well over the speed limit. Even though they were going quite fast, the black cars were already on their tail. Two stayed back while the lead car crept alongside Graham’s car on the left.

“Uh, Graham…” Sai pointed out the car pointed out the car on the left.

“Excuse me Mr. Tenryu, but would you be so kind as to hand Long Arm to me?” Sai grabbed Graham’s sword and held it out to him. The white haired driver grabbed the handle, pulled it out of its sheath, and aimed straight at the black car. Instantaneously, Long Arm extended and pierced right through the hood of the pursuing car with tremendous force. It wavered in mid air for a few seconds, the engine making strange noises, and stumbled down to the ground. A loud crashing noise was heard from below and some GD cars honked in anger and surprise.

Graham nonchalantly returned Long Arm to its sheath and shifted gears, moving well over 60 miles per hour. He noticed a scared look on Jessie's face and placed his free hand on her shoulder.

"Don't worry dear. I'll lose these wankers faster than you can say 'Graham's driving is unparalleled'," he said in an attempt to calm her down. Sai couldn't see how anything could calm someone down the way things were happening, especially with the way Graham was driving.

The two remaining cars continued to chase, matching Graham's ridiculous speed. It seemed no amount of swerving or sharp turns would give them an edge over the pursuers.

"Persistent little bastards aren't they?" Graham took a moment to think and came up with a plan. He drove straight ahead at full speed.

Sai was starting to get nervous now. There were buildings far ahead of them and, at the speed they were going (well over 100 miles per hour), they wouldn't be able to make such a sharp turn without plowing into a building. Sai concentrated his sight ahead and saw a small alleyway between two buildings. It was just wide enough, Sai noticed, for Graham's car to fit through it; on its side!

"Graham, what the hell's going on in that crazy head of yours?" The wall was 400 feet away.

"Remember what I said about holding on tight?" 300 feet.

"You've gotta be shitting me!" 200 feet.

"Hold on!" 100 feet.

"You freaking bastard!"

With one yank of the wheel, the whole car turned onto its side and zoomed through the alleyway just barely fitting in. Sai grabbed hold of Graham's seat to keep from falling out and being crushed, yelling at Graham the entire way.

"God dammit Graham! Are you trying to kill me?!"

Behind them, one of the black cars wasn't expecting Graham's insane stunt and staggered to slow down, but smashed right in between the buildings. Acting quickly, the second car pulled up and managed to clear the wall and reach the rooftop of the building. The guys inside watched the sideways car squeezing through the alley until it made it completely through.

Graham righted the car and picked up the momentum. Sai landed in the back seat with a loud thud. His heart was beating like crazy and wouldn't stop. In his two years as a mercenary fighting life and death battles, nothing had scared the crap out of him more than what Graham had just put him through.

The remaining car resumed its position behind them, but now Graham saw the men inside leaning out their windows and pointing guns at his car.

"Oi!" Graham quickly jerked his car out of the way just in time to avoid their first shots. "Hey hey hey! What do these guys think they're doing?!" Graham swerved up, down, left, right, and every which way he could to avoid their gun fire. "I swear if any of these bastards so much as scratch my baby, there will be hell to pay!" Jessie was ducked down and Sai stayed low in the back. The men continued to fire over and over.

Looking over the seat at the black car, Sai was once again losing his patience.

"Okay, now I'm getting sick of this!" A vein throbbing on his temple, Sai stood up and pulled a sword out. With that, the Devil-Human leaped off the back and flew with great speed at the final car.

He landed with a loud crash on the hood and smashed the windshield before any of the baffled men could shoot at him. While they were kept distracted by the broken shards of glass, Sai raised his sword high in the air and stabbed right through the hood. A loud banging and sputtering sound erupted from the engine and the black car started shaking, struggling to stay in the air.

Sai jumped back onto Graham's car before the black one stumbled to the earth. He took his seat looking smug as Graham patted him on the shoulder, praising him.

"Nice one mate! That'll definitely keep those blokes out of our hair for now!"

"Our hair? For now? Just whet the hell is going on Graham?" asked Sai glaring into Graham's blue eyes.

"Oh... w-well, about that..." he stuttered trying to think of an explanation for the events that just occurred.

"Graham, look out!" yelled Jessie. Graham turned his head to the front and saw it, but there was nothing he could do.

Graham's car careened off an unfinished bridge. They were now hundreds of feet in the air.

"AAAAAAHH!!" All three of them yelled as the car plummeted fast. Sai was holding on to the back seat for dear life, having no seatbelt to hold him, and cursing at Graham.


Quickly regaining his composure, Graham instantly thought up of a plan. 'The hover system is inactive being this far away from a surface area, but I can still steer the direction of the car!' He steered the car so that now they were facing the ground.

"Graham what the hell do you think you're doing?!" yelled Sai really freaking out.

"Just sit back and watch! Trust me, there is a method to my madness..." He jerked the car forward with the wheel over and over again, apparently trying to work out the plan inside his head. "Come on... come on..."

Then Sai realized what Graham was attempting to do. The entire time, they had been falling along side the wall of the cliff they drove off of. The Graham was trying to get the car close enough to the wall for the hover engine system to activate and allow them to drive parallel along it.

Sai was starting to doubt if his plan would really work when, with one final jerk, they heard the hum of the hover system activating and Graham regained control of the vehicle.

"You did it!" exclaimed Jessie, but then they all looked at the fast approaching ground.

"Now what the hell are you gonna do about that?!" yelled Sai losing what little faith he had left in the white-haired Devil-Human

Graham turned the steering wheel and the car completely turned around. Now they were falling backwards, the car parallel to the cliff wall. He pulled a second stick shifter all the way back and the roar of the Jet Engine System filled the air. It seemed to slow them down a little, but they were still falling too fast.

"Damn!" He inched the bottom of the car closer to the wall until it almost touched it and flipped a switch. The wheels for the Ground Driven System shifted into position and he eased the wheels to drive in reverse down the wall. When he felt confident about their position, he slammed on the brakes and they started skidding down the wall.

The tires screeched loudly and Sai accidentally let go. "Shit!" The car was falling faster than him and he quickly grabbed the windshield before it fell out of reach. "God dammit Graham, do something!!"

"Don't worry! I'm handling it!" he said nonchalantly smiling at Sai. Then he looked in the rear view mirror. "Uh oh, that's not good."

"What the hell's that suppose to mean?!"

Even though they were slowing down a great deal, they would still crash considering the position they were in. 'Hmm... maybe...' Graham grabbed a handle and waited.

They were quickly getting closer and closer to the ground...

"Graham?" Sai was getting anxious. Graham wasn't moving.


"Graham!" He could no longer control himself anymore.

One hundred feet away from the ground...

"YOU MOTHER F-" Graham pulled the handle down and the hover system launched them off the cliff wall. He cranked the wheel and the vehicle turned until it was driving over the ground again, nearly hitting it with the bottom of the car anyways.

After driving smoothly for about a minute, making sure everything was all right, Graham lowered the car and finally parked it on the dirt.

"Whew! I'm sure glad that worked out!" Jessie didn't say anything, her hair a mess from the ride.

The dark haired Devil-Human laid his sweating face on the hood of Graham's car, finally able to rest. Though, he was still a little freaked out. "... gonna... kill... Graham..."

"Hey," Graham patted Sai's hand, which was still holding onto the windshield in a death grim, "look on the bright side. We're all alive and completely unharmed."

Then out of nowhere, Long Arm fell on Sai's head.


"Hm. She must have fallen out sometime during our descent."


Thirty minutes later they were driving in the city again, but this time no one was saying a word. Sai didn't have to say anything for Graham and Jessie to sense the air of hostility coming from him.

'Oh bugger,' thought the Devil-Human driving, 'I'm going to get it aren't I?'

"Graham." Graham and Jessie jumped hearing Sai suddenly speak up. "Stop the car."

Reluctantly, he obeyed and the car landed on a street. Sai stepped out and grabbed Graham's shirt.

"Hey! What-" The dark haired man pulled the white haired man out of the car and dragged him to the sidewalk. He threw the other Devil-Human in front of him, Graham almost stumbling to the ground. "Sai what are you-"

"I'm not gonna take any more of your bullshit!!" Graham stopped. Sai was making him very nervous.

"W-What do you mean?"

"Don't play dumb with me!" Sai took a step forward and Graham took a step back. "At first I thought those guys were mercenaries or bounty hunters after me. But nothing I saw added up. Mercenaries like the Dead Snakes would never chase the target in such a public place where the authorities could easily spot them. Plus they would have been driving cars made for combat and using weapons much more effective on a Devil-Human, which means only one thing," he got closer and Graham took more steps back, "they were after you!"

"N-Now now Sai... p-please calm down. We can calk this out like rational gentlemen." His back hit a cement wall and he was forced to stop as Sai approached until he was no more than a foot away from the white haired Devil-Human. He was sweating heavily, afraid of the dark haired Devil-Human.

"Tell me now," started Sai,"who are you and why are you being chased?"

Graham hesitated, but then a smile spread across his face.

"Oh I'm just a nobody"


Graham's eyes tweaked open wide in complete fear and astonishment. Less than an inch away from his right ear, Sai smashed a fist into the cement wall behind Graham, breaking much of it on impact.

"..." Sai glared intensely at Graham with his red and slitted Demon Eyes.

He had no choice. He had to give Sai some information, otherwise things would turn ugly for him.

"Well... okay." Sai retracted his fist and walked over to Graham's car. He sat on the hood with his arms crossed and watched the other Devil-Human, waiting for his explanation.

Graham sighed. "Where to begin?"

Hunter stepped off the bullet train into Socrayte Station. After being away from New Gamdon for so long, the large mass of people talking on cell phones and listening to their walkmans slightly annoyed him.

But at the same time, he felt at home.

He walked up the steps to the busy streets of the large city he knew all well. Hunter lived in New Gamdon all his life and the past four months was the longest time spent away from it.

Hunter only had to take one look around him to know where to go. This district was unfamiliar to him, but it seemed like he could always find his way to where he was headed now. Someone could have blindfolded and driven him anywhere in the city and left him, and he still would be able to find his current destination. True, he has been there many times, but it always seemed like wherever he was, he could find his way there easily.

It took him nearly an hour walking there, but he found it: Michael's Cemetery.

Hunter walked through the gate following a path he had taken, maybe hundreds of times. The man noticed some new additions in the green grass, quite a few actually. Trying not to think about how these people could have died, by Demon, Devil-Human, or Dead Snakes, Hunter continued on into the heart of the cemetery.

He spotted a certain tree with branches growing above a tombstone, almost as if to shade that one grave from anything that could harm it. Hunter walked closer and saw the vines and moss covering part of the tombstone. Beautiful flowers grew on the vines and the surrounding grass. It always amazed Hunter how the most beautiful flowers would grow quickly and plentiful here.

He finally reached the bed of flowers and could only make out part of the words, most of which were illegible from the vines growing over it. The only legible parts were: Here Lies Samantha

Her last name and the writing below he could not see, but he's been here so many times that he memorized it all, especially the bottom text, which described her as 'An Angel of Peace and Happiness'. An appropriate description.

'Why did that girl back there look so much like Samantha? They had the same pale colored skin, raven colored hair, and... the exact same eyes. Could they be somehow related?' Hunter recalled Samantha telling him she was adopted and never knew her biological family. 'I suppose it's possible...'

"Good evening Sir Ericson." Hunter jumped and fell on the flowers. He quickly regained his composure and looked for where the voice came from. He spotted an old man standing just a couple steps away from him.

"Jesus Christ Walter! How do you always manage to do that?" The old man was Walter Jameston, an acquaintance of Hunter's through his master. Walter was a good, dignified, and loyal man, but there was something about him that creeped Hunter out. Perhaps it was due to the fact that he had an eerie ability to sneak up on even a master fighter unnoticed.

"Terribly sorry sir, but may I have a moment of your time?" Hunter stood up and brushed himself off.

"No problem." Walter motioned for Hunter to follow and the young man obliged.

"I'll make this brief and cut to the chase. My master has requested Sir Ericson's assistance."

"Oh boy, him again huh?" Hunter wasn't too sure if he wanted to help. Walter's master was another acquaintance of Hunter's through Alastor. But the last time he assisted Walter's master, things got pretty hair. "I don't know Walter..."

"Do not worry Sir Ericson. I assure you that things will not end up as bad as our previous collaboration." Hunter still had his doubts.

"Are you sure?"

"Quite. Now..." both of them had walked out of the cemetery and Walter opened the back door to a white stretch limousine. "if you have decided to come along, I would rather we leave as soon as possible. There are many things that must be done."

Hunter stood watching the old man and staring at the open door for nearly a whole minute before reluctantly making his decision.

"Alright. I suppose I'll come." Walter smiled through his mustache pleased.

"Excellent. Now let us not waste anymore time. Shall we?" Hunter got into the car letting Walter shut the door. It was a very nice limousine. The inside looked very fancy and even though it was relatively small compared to other limos Walter's master rode in, it could easily fit eight people inside.

Hunter made himself comfortable on the leather seats and watched Water get into the driver's seat.


Hunter quickly turned his head and saw that Walter had locked all the doors. He leaned his head backwards and closed his eyes.

"What did I get myself into?"

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