Categories > Original > Sci-Fi > Izan


by Namrea 0 reviews

Introduction of May.

Category: Sci-Fi - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Sci-fi - Published: 2009-04-22 - Updated: 2009-04-22 - 678 words


May let out a long grown and turned over on her cot. Her matted red hair clung to her head, a cold sweat from another nightmare had made it nerely impossible for her to stay warm under the thin rags allowed to her by her master.

'May!.. bring her back!' The sounds of crying echoed.

Suddenly May sat up. Her peircing green eyes glaring at the stone wall in front of her. Of course, she had that dream again. When did she not? She threw her dirt covered legs over the side of the cot and pushed herself to her feet. Shivering a moment as her feet hit the cold stone floor. The bottoms of her feet would go numb soon enough from work so she would not feel it for long.

She walked to the small window and standing on her tip toes gazed out at the large mansion. She would have to get out there soon, master would be awake any moment.

Turning away from the window and heading for the door she attempted to make herself look more presentable by dragging her nails threw her matted hair. It of course did nothing but cause her pain, so she allowed it to fall around her head as she always did before quickly making her way up the stone walkway to the main house.

As she slipped threw the back door she suddenly heard someone screaming for her. "4-2-0-3-2!!!" It was long, and an annoying thing to hear yelled all the time. But it was her number.

She was human number 42032. In this world, names created idenity, and an idenity other then what you were given by your master, was not allowed. Which was way she was kept so closely watched, as an infant her parents had named her. May. She was not at all sure why, but it caused some of the masters friends to flinch when she served them.

"Yes master?" May said as she pushed open the door of the old Izanians bedroom. The old man resembled a creature of old lore, his features were almost dragon like, his skin like leather, and held a dark blue tone to it, as if he had been holding his breath, or had resently died.

"Ah here you are." The old Izanian said as he pushed himself to his feet, he was clad in what must have been Izanian uniform, a long ankle length black jacket, and pants of navy blue, his metals obviously placed in order on his breast. "We have a vistor coming. Be on your best behavior, and when they ask your name do not say May!" He snapped at her his snack like eyes seeming to flash. "Yes master." She said as she turned her eyes away from him.

A bell rang loudly. "Get the door!" The master yelled causing May to jump slightly before she rushed down the stairs she had just recently climbed, rushing threw the mansion to the front door and pulled open the door and suddenly her eyes grew wide as she saw a young man. He looked..

He.. he looked like..

It could'nt be! He looked human!!! Though his hair was green his eyes gold and his complection a soft sky blue, this man had all the features of a human!

The humanoid smiled from the doorway. "Well, you must be May." He said taking a step foreword and placing a hand under her chin. forcing her to look up at him. "So its true.." "Yes." Said a voice from behind her as her master grabbed hold of her arms and pushed her towrds the green haired man. "She is human." "And a cute one." The new male said with a smile causing May to try and shrik away, though her master, being right behind her kept her from moving.

"Whats going on?" She asked in a low voice. The green haired man smiled down at her. "I am Aim Aidea and you have just been recurited."

Recurited?! In to what?!!
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