Categories > Original > Romance > She Has the World (and Me)


by Kamera 1 review

Category: Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2009-04-23 - Updated: 2009-04-23 - 433 words

I gasped lightly when the stranger kissed me. Bill and Zena went in utter shock, well, Zena did, and then two more guys came around while this Tom guy stopped kissing me and slid his hand up my shirt to squeeze my boob. I let out a yelp, turned around, and slapped him. It echoed throught the park. He was holding his cheek, smiling- no, smirking a sexy smirk- at me and looked at Bill.

"I like this one," he slirred before sitting on the ground.

"Sorry about that," the two guys said along with Bill. The guy with long brown hair looked at Zena and the went into utter shock. I looked at Zena and she was scared half to death.

"Zena, what's wrong?" I asked, conserned. She hid behind me, letting me hear silent cries.

"Don't let him near me! Please," she whispered.

"What the fuck?" I said out loud. Then I looked at the guy.

"Did you rape her?!" I yelled. The guy grimised.

"Georg, you raped someone? God, and you all said that I was the whore," Tom slirred.

"Georg, how could you?" bill asked, hugging Zena, who clung to him for dear life. I walked up to Georg and punched him in the jaw. I felt a few knuckles crack, but that didn't stop me from punching me again. Bill grabbed my arm and pulled me back, making Zena cry out.

"Please don't! I know what he did was wrong, but he was- I mean, he-" Bill started.

"I was drunk out of my mind and didn't know what I was doing half the time," Gerog said, holding his jaw as he talked.

"You will be in trouble for this," the blond said.

"Oh, I'm gonna call the cops!" I said, getting out my phone. But I saw a hand close my phone. I looked up to see Tom.

"You can't do that," he said in a sober voice.

"Why the fuck not?!" I asked/yelled.

"Because he's the bass player in our band," Bill said in a sad tone.

"Well, if I can't turn him in, I should at least punch him some more," I growled.

"Not with that hand," Tom said, looking at my knuckles.

"Yeah. That's one hell of a right hook," Georg said. I smiled at the compliment, but then turned to Zena.

"Come on. We have to get home," I said to her. She grabbed my left arm and we quickly walked away from the four who have forever changed our lives. But the thing is is that we don't know that yet.
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