Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Dont You Remember ?

Dont You Remember ?

by xmcrmentalx 7 reviews

please just read. my first story yet. i just wanna know if its worth carrying on

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2009-04-22 - Updated: 2009-04-22 - 729 words

I breathe in the strong smell of disinfectant and can feel the horrible itchy hospital sheets; I can feel my surroundings but I am still stuck in the dark, how did I get here? What’s going on? I feel like I’m moving through a tunnel, like I’m getting closer but I don’t know what to, I can hear voices. Male voices.
“Come on gee, its been months since you got out properly, come and have fun. She’ll still be here when you get back!”
“I’m not leaving; I don’t want her to wake up alone”
“What if she doesn't wake up gee, you can’t waste your life waiting, I miss her too but you have to move on its almost been a year!”
“Then she’s a year closer to waking up” answered the first man simply
“Even if she does wake up you’ll be the last person she wants to see!” spat the second voice.
These people were so familiar yet strangers it’s like I knew them or should know them but I have no clue. Why am I here?, who am i? , what has happened? I’m so confused.
My body is screaming to wake up and I try move little bits at a time I move a finger and then my hand and all of a sudden I’m sat up, I try open my eyes but the bright light hurts and squeeze them shut again. I hear a gasp next to me and another. The two men are here. I’m pulled into a hug
“Thank god, your back!, I thought I’d lost you! I love you so much I’m so sorry” rambled the first voice I had heard
“Gee let go your scaring her!” shouted the second voice from the other side of me
He let go and I opened my eyes to a male with shoulder length black hair, and pale skin with beautiful hazel eyes, but they were all bloodshot, he looked like he hadn’t slept for months. Turned to the other man who had been in the room he had a long black fringe and short hair at the back and hazel eyes aswell, but he looked more rested, but still he looked shocked, they were both staring at me, waiting for something
“Lucy, say something please” begged the first man
“w-who are you?” I croaked he looked like I had slapped him in the face
“What do you mean, please tell me your joking, its me, Gerard!, your fiancé”
“I’m so sorry but I don’t know you” I felt horrible, he began crying now, and I didn’t know what to do
“Lucy, are you sure you don’t remember anything at all, what about me. Frank?”
I shook my head and the nurse came in. she checked me over, the usual, she shined the light in my eyes made sure I could walk etc. and came to the conclusion that physically I was fine but due to sever head trauma I had problems with my memory, I can remember places and things, but not people and situations.

Nobody has told me why I’m here or how long I have been here for, I’ve gathered I was in a coma but I have no idea how long for, I turned to the person I now knew to be frank “ how did I get here?, what happened to me” I whispered
He looked thoughtful for a second, threw a deathglare at Gerard and then started “well you were,,, upset and in your rush to get away you ,,, umm fell down the stairs and hit your head” he mumbled looking at the floor “why was I upset?” I asked again urging him to tell me everything he knew “because you and Gerard had a fight” he said looking as if he wanted to say more, I decided not to push it. The doctor came in and said I was aloud to go home, wherever that is.

[b/] okay this is my first ever story and this is just a taste to see if i should bother carryingon wit it please review even to say this is crap!, i won't carry this on unless i get at least 3 good reviews ,,,, so yeah thanks for reading xD
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